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player owned image bank

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Natural Peltics
May 21st, 2019 8:32:32pm
69 Posts

it would be nice if players could have their own image banks or galleries, where they can upload and organize breed art they've made, and have a drop down option on animal profiles to use this image. (makes it easier for mass imaging). so you could possibly set an image in your gallery/bank to a specific breed/tab? and you can choose to have the images up for purcahse (copies) for a set price, so you dont have to kep posting an auction for the same image over and over, and the person can apply it directly to an animal or move a cpy to thier gallery/bank on purchase. you could give the image a name & discription, and it will say "made by you" or "bought from this person" or "made by so and so" and such.

for exmple, i want to have an organized place on the game to start uploading my stock images i drew for the different breeds, somewhere where its on site and i dont have to dig down a bunch of forums to find it.


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
May 22nd, 2019 7:53:04pm
4,333 Posts

Unfortunately the game's server can't handle this :(. Images take up a lot of space, and it would bog things down. That's why we don't even host the pictures you have on your horses, and have you put in a link instead. Sorry.


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Natural Peltics
May 22nd, 2019 8:14:14pm
69 Posts

hmm... would it be possible to have the same thing? like we put in our own link then? and it just pulls from the image's host? im just curious, is it even possible?


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
May 22nd, 2019 9:27:35pm
4,333 Posts

Yes, I believe it's possible, but by uploading all of them, presumably you'd already be building an album on Imgur or a similar site o the same images.


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Natural Peltics
May 25th, 2019 11:41:40pm
69 Posts

true, could be for the purpose of showing people without them having to leave the site? i mean, thats just my opinion, but i understand that it may be to hard to code XDΒ  i wish i knew how, or i'd help lol.Β 


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