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HP Ideas/Perks - What's On Equ's Mind?:

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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
January 16th, 2014 4:56:16pm
927 Posts

So like everyone else on this game, I decided to give me two cents of some options/perks I would like to see in this game. Like with all these posts in NO WAY am I forcing the HP Staff/Other players to do these ideas, nor will I quit the game if I do not see what I post. This is just a friendly post of some ideas on my mind I would like to share to the HP Community to see their thoughts. So without further ado - Onto the post! 


Bulk Upgrade - This is mainly for those who have multiple accounts and need to upgrade for training/animal funds. How this would work is you would go to the Upgrade section and after checking how long you want it for, you would be asked, "Would you like to upgrade the following?:" with other ID accounts and you check which one is yours. Then proceed onto the payment getting every account finished. Which would make upgrading so much easier for breeders on up to 5 accounts!


Buying Tixs/Options - This idea is ONLY for Upgraded members! This would not apply to non-upgraded, but could convince you to upgrade! In the game, you can buy tickets to make money but you can only purchase 50 of them - Which for yourself, takes up all the tickets with little benefits. Here's where the idea comes in. Where you buy Upgrades, below should be the ability to BUY tickets with real money. This will not only fund HP, but fund you too for services. This purchase would be allowed as long as your liscense is good! (You could not do this with an expired liscense). Also in the store choose reserve, private or public - However, like buying tickets, you should be able to change this preference as long as your liscense is valid. 


Forum Perks - A lot of people have stated this and I will briefly. I think that we should get notifications to who posts as well like/subscribe to players we like to read posts. Also - With our avatar where it says the number of post. We should hav a link to click our number to see what we posted instead of browsing the forums. Incase what we stated should pop up again in a discussion, it's easier to find. 


These are just some ideas on my mind but more may come up later through talking. Give me your thoughts below - Do you agree with my suggestions or do you think they'd be worse? 

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Blitz -- Stellar Gypsy Vanners
January 16th, 2014 6:59:58pm
1,308 Posts

Bulk upgrades - so you'd type in id numbers? What if you accidentally did the wrong one? Or are you talking about linking accounts together so the game would know which ones are yours, and then you'd pick which ones you want to upgrade? Because that has been said multiple times won't work, at least not right now. The coding is way too complicated, plus leaves you open to get scammed big-time if accounts are linked up. I would like to see a way to upgrade other people's accounts in the future (like if you wanted to give someone an upgrade, you could do it without setting up an auction and having them bid), so I can see that as a maybe? So you could upgrade your other accounts without logging into them? Otherwise, try messaging Sam. I'm sure you could send her the right amont of money in paypal with ID numbers and she could do it manually. Try asking, see what she says. :)


Tickets - There is already something kind of ish sort of like that going into place, be patient. :P However, it's not quite the same, and you need to be really careful, because I don't want to see points explode. Plus the more tickets in the game, they'll flood the market. If tickets are really common, they'll be worth nothing. Good for the buyer, bad for the seller.


Forum perks - A notification system has been suggested before, and will be added one day. Again, be patient there. :P Seeing what you posted and stuff - again, been suggested before. It'd be nice to see one day, when Sam has more money (since none of what you posted would be cheap to program in, haha)


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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁
January 16th, 2014 10:27:54pm
927 Posts

D: My mind is complex,  DONT JUDGE! haha. As for the bulk,  Addy, what I mean is in the upgrade section you would not type it. There would be a list of YOUR accounts (Like how there's a list in find horses. ) then you choose the accounts of yours you want.  Nice to see tge other two going up though! :)


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January 16th, 2014 10:44:10pm
1,338 Posts

maybe there could at some point be a list of payees, kind of like how you have on an online bank account. you add in someone's info and give them a name so you can pay them quickly without filling all their details out. so you'd get a drop down of payees and you could do quick money transactions and that could maybe be applied to the upgrade auctions in some way?

(i'm bored and rambling.. stop me at any time :p)


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