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Question About An Old Account

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Kuwait | Very Demure, Very Mindful G.S.D.s |
May 30th, 2021 9:45:29pm
2,881 Posts

One of my accounts had to get banned a while ago, because I had too many basics.

Would I be able to get it reinstated and upgrade it, or is it an account I'd have to buy with IRL money?



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Kyuubi || Rise of the Z
May 31st, 2021 2:14:26pm
48 Posts

You can get it reinstated and upgraded, every time I returned from a hiatus I would just contact Sam about it so I guess whoever took over that job on the Admin team.


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Jaya • Awesome, wow!
May 31st, 2021 2:15:04pm
27,241 Posts

Blitz can hook you up!



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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈
May 31st, 2021 6:01:37pm
6,419 Posts

Any accounts that are banned you can request to me or any of the other admins to be unbanned, providing they weren't banned for something like hacking.



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Kuwait | Very Demure, Very Mindful G.S.D.s |
May 31st, 2021 6:10:00pm
2,881 Posts

Thanks for the replies! :D



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