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Bristol chews EVERYTHING!!!

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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
August 21st, 2014 9:41:32pm
4,524 Posts

I am seriously at wits end with this dog.  She is a really good dog outside of chewing EVERYTHING.  She's gotten to the point where you can't even let her outside unattended anymore.  She's chewed everything including but not limited to, blinds, shoes, remotes, a computer mouse, pillows, solar garden lights, tools, rugs, dryer sheets, paper towels, CD/DVD cases, socks, pants, hats, pens, table mats, I mean the list GOES ON.  She has no preference on what it is to chew.  If it's not her toy she will chew it and it's driving me batty.

Currently what we have tried so far is:

• Sending her to her bed and making her sit there until asked to leave.
• Crating her immeditaly afterwards from 10-30 minutes depending on the severity.
• Smacking her on the bum with the chewed item and then making her sit outside tied to the tree while the mess was cleaned up.
• Making her sit and stare at the chewed items.  She wasn't allowed to leave the spot or lay down until we told her it was OK.  She just sat and stared at the items.

I don't know what else to do.  It's so infuriating becuase she KNOWS she isn't suppose to do this!  Everytime she chews something I know before I even find the item because she comes up to me sulking with a very guilty look on her face.  Just yesterday morning I let her out for 10 minutes for potty time and when I went to call her in she runs through the doggy door and immediately goes to her crate and lays there sulking.  She had chewed my water socks.

ALSO, some of the stuff she decides to chew have been stuff that have been on the ground for months!  Like at the front door we have a shoe rack that is easily accessible at all times for her.  She has had access to it her WHOLE LIFE, and just last Monday she decided to go chew one of my shoes.  It had been there for months and she had left it alone all this time. WHY NOW? 

WHAT DO I DO?  I am so sick of this!

Also, to answer any questions that may come up:

• She is a 10 month old boxer mix (we think part dane)
• She has a heavy chewer kong, several cow bones, and a football for toys.
• She is excersized 2-3 times a day by playing catch for 15-30 minutes along with 3xs a week she gets a walk or goes to the park.
• Outside of chewing she is a very well behaved dog.  This is the only major issue with her.

Any help is appreciated!





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shaenne •
August 21st, 2014 11:09:59pm
1,386 Posts

Have you tried redirection? Whiskey was getting really bad with chewing *everything*, and redirection worked a treat on him.

If I busted him chewing something he wasn't meant to have, like my shoes (he LOVED chewing my shoes), I would make a loud noise (like a squeal or something) to get him to focus on me, take the shoe away and give him something he was supposed to have, usually a kong with some peanut butter in it or a squeaky toy. I did that every time I busted him with something and he eventually just stopped going after my stuff and was perfectly happy with his own toys.

I also keep a toy box in the living room that he can visit and take anything he wants, any time he wants, but if he's busted with something of mine, I squeal, take it away and give him one of his own.


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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
August 22nd, 2014 12:24:19am
12,807 Posts

Redirection worked wonders on Dozer, too.


He would chew everything.  I mean everything.  He ate a fan.  A.  Fan.

So when he chewed something I'd do my high pitch whistle and hand him his toy.  I'd make him sit on his bed and chew it.  


I also made sure his stuff was 'put away' outside and in in the same spots so he knew where to go should eh chew.



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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
August 22nd, 2014 1:30:24am
4,524 Posts

Ohhhh something I haven't tried.  I like this idea.  I will have to try this and see if it works.

Question though.... what if I don't catch her in the act, and it's after the fact?  Or if it's a time where she comes in on her own accord from outside and sends herself to her bed/crate/etc?


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`NEKE-A-SAURUS → up in smoke
August 22nd, 2014 3:54:27pm
12,807 Posts

Then drag her to the scene of the crime, push her face in it, and do it anyhow.


Often with the Dozer, I would come home to something chewed.  He would drag curtains into his crate, even.  Or he would, while I showered, kill something and chew it.  So, much like potty training, I forced himt o confront his wrongdoing, and then gave him appropriate things to chew :)



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tronic ϟ love me back to life ♥
August 22nd, 2014 7:51:24pm
4,524 Posts

I'm doing this from now on!  Thanks for the input guys! ☺


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Duckie || Songbird Shelties || -college-ing-
August 25th, 2014 1:39:40am
815 Posts

Unfortunatly, almost all pervious chewers had to wait and grow out of it. In the meantime, I hide stuff I don't want them eating. Sad but true. 

y u nom everything! 


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