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December 7th, 2023 10:29:19am
19 Posts


This petition to add the Frederiksborg to HP is mainly about bringing attention and
raising awareness about a beautiful breed that is on the edge of dying out.
Today there are less than 2000 registered Frederiksborg horses, Globally.

The Frederiksborg Horse is the oldest registered, pedigreed domestic animal breed in the
World. They are also a living piece of Danish history in large part due to the
Royal Frederiksborg Stud Farm & their strict quality standards.


The initial purpose for the royal breeding was a light riding horse and a more robust

animal to pull the royal carriages. Initially, the breeding process was more natural and

selected stallions were given small herds of mares to cover each year. However in 1660

an absolute monarchy was established at which point standards became even more

rigorous & carriage teams were expected to match exactly in color, markings & size.

Stallions were then more selectively bred in order to create matching teams, especially

white which was considered the most distinguished color & used to pull the King’s coach. 
The royal breeders created a breed that was wildly successful for a century & were
known across Europe for their royal blood and noble build.
The Frederiksborg bloodlines were also used to improve a number of other breeds.
Sadly enough of them were exported that by the end of the 19th century their numbers
became too small & the royal stud farm was closed.


Frederiksborgs have a very uniform type thanks to their long and pure pedigree. They are typically chestnut,

but can also be bay, grey, buckskin and palomino. They often have flaxen manes and tails and bold

white markings on the face and legs. They are a mid-sized warmblood breed, with handsome features,

expressive action and an athletic build. The Frederiksborg has a well-proportioned head with a straight or

slightly convex profile, large eyes, pointed, mobile ears and a wide muzzle. The neck is high-set, crested and

powerful, set on broad, pronounced withers and strong, sloping shoulders. The breed has a short, straight back,

a deep chest, broad hindquarters, and clean legs with good bone and plenty of muscle.

Frederiksborgs are willing, calm and easy to train, with a strong constitution enabling them to thrive in tough conditions.



" "

"He was like a candle in the wind...... u n r e l i a b l e."


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