Official Horse Phenomena > Mascot Contest 2024     

Mascot 2024 ~ Backstories

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Administrator 🐈~BV~Keep Staring At The Stars⭐🎵
January 14th, 2024 6:16:53pm
8,095 Posts

Official Mascot Backstories Thread!

* Please post below your Mascot's Backstory!
*Share with the rest of HP how your Mascot came to be/who they are/what's been going on with their lives/fictional/non-fictional, etc.

*** NOTE: *** Your backstory must be origianl to you, ie not a copy from a book/wiki/or other source.
Taking someone else's writing and claiming it as your own is heavily frowned upon and not ok!
If caught plagiarising, an immediate disqualification will occur!

* Include your mascot's Name & ID# in your post!
* A separate thread post is required per mascot entry!

Backstories are due on Sunday March 31st!
- No later than 11:59pm HP Time!
- Failure to post in here by the due date will result in an immediate disqualification!


Please wait to post any backstories until sign-ups have closed and the training portion of the contest begins!


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ᴏᴀᴋ ♥ ▸ 𝐻𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑙𝑠𝑎 2024 ℎ𝑡𝑖𝑥 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑡 𝑟𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑝
February 11th, 2024 9:24:16am
46 Posts

Elsa (#415108)

Elsa was a young teenage princess with a secret. She possessed magical powers that allowed her to control ice and snow. However, she was forced to keep her abilites hidden from the rest of the world, as her parents feared the consequences of her powers being discovered.

One day, when Elsa was a teenager, she stumbled upon a mysterious book in the castle library. It was filled with stories of brave adventures and magical creatures. As she read through the pages, she couldn't help but feel a sense of longing to go on her own adventure.

Determined to explore the world and test her powers, Elsa snuck out of the castle and embarked on a journey. She travled through forests, crossed rivers, and climbed mountains, using her magic to overcome any obstacles in her way.

As she continued her journey, Elsa encounted a group of travelers who were being attacked by a fierece dragon. Without hesiatation, she used her powers to create a giant ice wall to protect the travelers. The dragon was no match for Elsa's magic, and it retreated in fear.

Grateful for her help, the travelers invited Elsa to join them on their quest to find a legendary treasure hidden deep in the moutains. Excited for the opportunity to use her powers for good, Elsa eagerly accepted.

Together, they faced many challenges and dangers, but Elsa's magic proved to be a valuable asset. She created bridges of ice to cross treacherous ravines, and used her powers to create a shield to protect her friends from a powerful storm.

Finally, they reached the hidden treasure, and Elsa's heart swelled with pride and joy. She had not only discovered the true extent of her powers, but she also made new friends and had experienced the thrill of adventure.

As she returned to the castle, Elsa couldn't wait to share her incredible journey with her family. From that day on, she no longer had to hide her powers, as she had proven to herself and others that they could be used for good. And so, Elsa's adventure had not only brought her treasure, but also the freedom to embrace her true self.


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Jaya 32 [Stabyhouns]
February 12th, 2024 9:58:52am
18 Posts

“Okay, Kalise,” the boy said, petting her head, “you’re on your own today. We’ll be home tonight. Be a good girl.”


She whined, cocking her head to the left, staring up at him. He just grinned, gave her one more pat, and went out the door. The lock clicked closed, and that was it - she was alone.


Well…. Now what?


She had never been left alone before. First she was with her mother and siblings, then just siblings, then the boy brought her home and they’d been together for days and days and days! Her tag began to wag. She liked the boy!


What’s that?


She whirled around, ears pricking up at the small scratching sound. She sniffed once, and then again.




Her tail was wagging fast, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Rats were so much fun. Her nose went to the ground and she followed the scent, finding the small hole in the wall where the rat had disappeared into, and began barking loudly.


Get out of my house, rat! Out!


Satisfied that it wasn’t coming back anytime soon, she raised her head up proudly and took a victory lap of the home. 


Ooh, food!


Remembering the dish that had been filled just before the boy left, she excitedly pounced and began to scarf the food down, followed by slurping down several gulps of water. Hunting rats made her hungry! Now, it must be time for a nap. She went into the bedroom and as gracefully as she could, leapt onto the boy’s bed. She curled up in a ball, and closed her eyes.


She was awoken some time later by the lock turning and the doorknob rattling, and was up in a flash, barking. 


Hey! Hey! You can’t just come in here. Oh, it’s the boy!! I missed you!!!


Cat-like she twined around him, knowing better than to jump up. He laughed, kneeling down to pet her. “Hey girl! Did you have a good day?”


She barked, tail going crazy once again.


“Alright, ready to go outside?” He reached for the leash hanging near the door.  Her eyes bright, she sat to let him put it on. 


What a great day.




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Irishii & Whynn ✮ Home of Eros 2024 Htix Mascot Winner!
February 12th, 2024 10:03:38am
16 Posts

In a realm of magic, where vibrant landscapes painted with hues of enchantment unfolded, there existed a unique Aes Sidhe named Eros. He was one of the rare few born in his generation, and each of these select Aes Sidhes were bestowed with extraordinary powers, revered as powerhouses among their kin. Eros, in particular, commanded the dual forces of shadows and earth, a combination rarely seen and deeply coveted.

The Aes Sidhes were known for their resplendent colors and feathers, each representing their elemental affinities. Fire, Water, Earth, Shadows, Light, and Wind—the six sacred elements that defined the magical essence of the fae. However, in every generation, only three Aes Sidhes emerged, each with unique elemental powers. The harmony between these elements was a delicate dance, and it was rare for an Aes Sidhe to wield more than two elemental powers.

From the moment Eros first opened his eyes to the magical world, jealousy and resentment surrounded him like ominous clouds. His powers were an anomaly, a fusion of shadows that danced like whispers in the night and earth that obeyed his very command. The other fae, unable to comprehend the union of these elements, saw Eros as a threat to the delicate balance of their world.

As a youngling, Eros faced persecution from those who should have been his kin. The vibrant colors and feathers of the other Fae became a canvas of prejudice, and the once-gentle breezes turned hostile, carrying whispers of betrayal. In the darkness of the night, Eros often sought refuge in the craggy mountains, their peaks reaching toward the stars like silent witnesses to his struggles.

It was during these moments of solitude that Eros discovered the true extent of his powers. He learned to command the shadows to cloak him in unseen protection, and the earth beneath his feet responded to his every whim. The mountains, though harsh and unforgiving, became his sanctuary, a realm where he could hone his abilities without fear of persecution.

Yet, the other Fae, consumed by jealousy, were relentless in their pursuit of eliminating the perceived threat. Eros faced challenges that tested the resilience of his spirit, battles fought in the shadows where treachery lurked and in the heart of the mountains where survival was a daily struggle.

However, in the depth of his solitude, Eros found an unexpected ally—a wise old owl with feathers as dark as the shadows he controlled. The owl, recognizing the purity of Eros's heart and the potential for greatness within him, became a guardian and mentor. Together, they navigated the treacherous landscapes, seeking hidden truths and uncovering the ancient wisdom that echoed through the mountains.

As Eros matured, his powers grew stronger, and the mountains, once a refuge, became a symbol of resilience. The other Fae, witnessing the strength and grace with which Eros embraced his dual elemental powers, began to see beyond their jealousy. Slowly, the hues of prejudice faded, replaced by a newfound understanding of the delicate balance Eros brought to the magical tapestry of their world.

And so, Eros, the Aes Sidhe of shadows and earth, rose above the challenges that sought to quell his brilliance. The mountains, now touched by his indomitable spirit, stood tall as a testament to the beauty that could emerge when one embraced the uniqueness of their elemental gifts. In the end, Eros became not only a powerhouse of his generation but a beacon of inspiration for the Aes Sidhes to come, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the magic within could shine brightly and illuminate the darkest corners of the enchanted realms.




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Jaya 08 [Lusitanos]
February 14th, 2024 9:12:25am
19 Posts

I Dreamed A Dream, #414098


I’ve always been alone.


I mean, there’s always others around. But I’m alone. Does that make sense? 

I’ve always felt different from those around me. I’m not saying I’m smarter or better than them. Just… different. 


There was a time when men were kind; when their voices were soft


Others were frequently cruel, rude. Generally unkind. But I always had hope. I guess that’s what others were missing: hope that things could be better. 


There was a time; Then it all went wrong


Think back into your own past. What was the worst thing that’s ever happened to you? You don’t have to say it out loud. I get it; it’s hard. I don’t like to talk about my worst thing, either. It involves my daughter. 


I dreamed a dream in time gone by

When hope was high and life worth living 

I dreamed that love would never die


Every day, I strive to be my best. I compliment others, I am a helping hand to those in need. 

But you know, despite my best efforts, the worst still happened. But I never gave up. I fight, every day, in my own small ways, to make the world a better place. 


I had a dream my life would be 

So different from this hell I'm living 

So different now from what it seemed


My worst has happened. I’ve hit the bottom. But maybe, I can help someone else. 

Don’t give up, even when bad things happen. Fight to make the future brighter. If not for you, for those around you. 


I promise things can get better, if we work together.


I Dreamed A Dream.

Lyrics from Les Misérables “I Dreamed A Dream”


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Irishii & Whynn ✮ Home of Eldrawyn 2024 Dtix Mascot Winner!
February 14th, 2024 10:17:36am
84 Posts


In the vast realm of Westeros, there existed a queen named Eldrawyn, born of the noble houses Targaryen and Stark. With silver hair cascading like a waterfall of moonlight and ice blue eyes that shimmered with wisdom and strength, she was a beacon of grace and power in the land.

Eldrawyn possessed a rare gift: the ability to bond with both direwolves and dragons. Her loyal companion, a magnificent dragon of midnight black scales, was named Nyx. Together, they soared through the skies, a sight that inspired awe and admiration across the Seven Kingdoms.

But Eldrawyn's connection with the creatures of the earth was not limited to dragons alone. At her side roamed Archer, a direwolf whose loyalty knew no bounds. With sleek fur the color of shadows and eyes as sharp as daggers, Archer was a formidable guardian, fierce and unwavering in his devotion to his queen.

Eldrawyn's heart, however, harbored a forbidden love. It was not for a member of the small council or a nobleman of Westeros, but for a knight named Alastair, a bastard of house Baratheon, sworn to protect her in times of need. Alaistar's steadfast courage and unwavering loyalty stirred something within Eldrawyn's soul that she dared not acknowledge, for their love was forbidden by the expectations of the realm.

The small council of advisers, aware of Eldrawyn's romantic entanglement, urged her to marry a Lannister for political reasons, believing it would strengthen their hold on the throne and solidify alliances. But Eldrawyn could not deny the yearning of her heart, and she chose to follow the path of love rather than political expediency.

This decision sparked dissent among her advisers, who feared the consequences of such defiance. They warned Eldrawyn of the potential repercussions, both politically and personally, should she choose to forsake the arranged marriage for the sake of her forbidden love.

Despite the opposition from her council, Eldrawyn remained resolute in her decision, unwilling to sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of political gain. With Nyx and Archer by her side, and the unwavering support of Alastair, she faced the challenges ahead with courage and determination, determined to forge her own destiny, even if it meant defying the expectations of the realm.



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˜”*°•.ƬΛЯӨƬ - 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺 No Tix/Shows Horse Entry!.•°*”˜
February 14th, 2024 7:09:37pm
16 Posts

Tarot was born under the celestial glow of a rare comet in the rolling meadows of HP Valley. Her sleek, amethyst coat shimmered like lilacs under moonlight, and her eyes held an otherworldly intelligence. From an early age, it was evident that Tarot possessed a unique gift – an innate ability to sense the emotions and intentions of those around her. The locals believed she was touched by the gods that watched over HP Valley, and stories of her mystical presence spread far and wide.

Tarot's journey took a fateful turn when a young stallion named The Reader discovered her while on a journey through the valley. Drawn to the horse's calming aura, The Reader felt an immediate connection with Tarot, sensing a shared sparkle in her eyes. The two formed an unbreakable bond, and as they explored the valley together, Tarot's extraordinary intuition proved invaluable. Rumors began to circulate about a horse who could navigate the perilous paths of fate, and soon, Tarot and The Reader found themselves on a quest that would unravel the mysteries of HP Valley and reveal the true extent of Tarot's mystical abilities.

Tarot is born of FOOL'S ERRAND and CRUEL BEAUTIFUL WORLD . Tarot never fit into a box. Never fit the status-quo. She was born to stand out, to set her own path, to provide a safe haven for those who felt like they didn't belong. Tarot was born with a pre-determined destiny; to provide every member of this world with messages from beyond. Using a deck of Rider Waite Smith cards, a clear quartz pendulum, and intuition beyond your imagination.. Tarot provides you with exactly what you need to hear, when you need to hear it. Whether it be messages from the gods, angels, the universe, or loved ones .. Tarot provides you with that message!



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Content Moderator ɹ o ʇ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s
February 19th, 2024 7:11:28pm
3,525 Posts



Mheria sat upon the rise of dirt, weeping quietly to herself under the blazing sunlight. It had been a week since she buried her beloved Hursey, and the sting had barely subsided. At only ten years old, she was wise beyond her years, approaching life with a seriousness often reserved for those five times her age. 
It was a tragic thing, the lingering guilt consuming Mheria as she went about her day. She hadn't seen the embankment, hadn't seen the sharp decline hidden under a bed of loamy earth. She barely remembered the fall, only a tangle of hooves and the forest spinning, her father's panicked cries... 
When she awoke, she'd been told how lucky she was to still be alive.
Hursey was not so fortunate. 
There was nothing to be done about the broken little paint horse. With all the dignity and maturity Mheria could muster, she braided Hursey's unruly mane and impossible tail, giving her a final kiss goodbye before being lowered into her final flower-laden resting place. She stood sentinel over the immense grave, watching stoically as smatterings of dirt rained over her closest friend. Her father turned to comfort her once the task was complete, only to find her long gone.
The family's housekeeper found Mheria within the labyrinth of the manor library the following morning. She was snoring gently under the flickering candlelight with her face pressed against the pages of an ancient tome. She cooed at her sweetly, rousing Mheria from a broken slumber. Her dreams had been filled with fleeting images of shadows and teeth and bones, runes circling in patterns behind her fluttering eyelashes. She woke slowly, blinking bleary eyes at the keeper.
"What have you been reading, little one?" The keeper smiled, eyes searching the pages of the tome. They widened as they skimmed over the sacred images, a small gasp slipping from her throat. 
"No, little one... These things are not for you!"
Without a word, Mheria snatched the tome and sprinted through the labyrinth of towering bookshelves, the keeper yelling after her. 
Her father had stern words with her at dinner that night, but his sentiments rained upon deaf ears; Mheria knew what had to be done.
Mheria scrunched her toes in the warm dirt, sniffing back her tears and composing herself for the task. She stood uneasily, and reached into a woven basket packed with herbs and salves. Mullein, wormwood, aconite and lavender for the earth, and mugwort, copal and dittany of crete for the reclaimed soul. Mheria placed the herbs in a circle and drizzled the salve in sweeping arcs across the mound. She crouched and drew a series of runes upon the ground with her fingers, before pricking her longest one with a pin concealed in the folds of her dress. A tiny rivulet of blood seeped from her fingertip, landing in the dirt with silent thuds. She stepped back to admire her work, nodded confidently to herself, and returned to her quarters to wait for nightfall.
Moonlight illuminated the winding staircase as Mheria descended in silence, careful not to wake her father or any of the nocturnal manor staff. Slowly she crept, finally reaching the kitchen side door, gently pushing it open and escaping into the night air. She started to make way for the cherry tree atop the loamy mound before a voice called out from behind.
"Mheria, no!" Her father came hurrying over, clad in his crumpled nightclothes. "You didn't, surely? I warned you!" Without a word, she blinked and turned, and continued for the grave of her beloved friend. Her father could do nothing but follow.
Minutes passed and nothing happened. Mheria anxiously searched her mind for missed steps or misspelled runes as the brilliant moon crested in the obsidian sky. Tendrils of relief started to wash over her father, but immediately abated when the earth beneath his feet began to shift. He grabbed for Mheria as he leapt from atop the grave, watching with dread as the dirt convulsed. A smile crept across Mheria's face, excitement and hopefulness fighting for space as they blossomed in her heart. 
A thunderous rumbling emanated from deep under the earth, violently shaking the cherry tree branches, sending blossoms scattering atop the chaos. With an ear-splitting shriek, two black and white hooves broke free from the grave. Mheria beamed with happiness, not at all disheartened to find her father's horror-struck face. The rest of Hursey followed, dirty and broken but somehow moving with profound ease. She erupted from the grave with a hideous wail, coming to rest atop the shattered earth, shaking the dirt from her body in an avalanche of soil. She spied Mheria through clouded eyes and made for her immediately, coming to rest her furry, gaunt head against Mheria's pounding chest. She scratched behind the undead paint horse's ears, a deep sigh and flutter of nostrils signalling Hursey's contentedness. 
"I missed you, Hursey," she whispered softly.


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adeina ❧ we can’t be friends ❦
February 21st, 2024 5:22:29pm
1,756 Posts

Meleys was the last known dragon in the realm of Eldonia. She was a magnificent creature, with shimmering jet black scales and piercing golden eyes. She was feared and revered by all, for her fiery breath and sharp claws made her a formidable foe.

Unlike other dragons however, Meleys had a kind heart and a strong sense of justice. She longed for a time when dragons and humans could coexist in peace, but the current ruler of Eldonia, King Titus, saw dragons as nothing more than weapons to be used in his quest for power.

One day, a group of brave knights from the rival kingdom of Targoria arrived at the gates of Eldonia. They had come seeking an alliance against the king, who had been terrorizing their land with his armies. The knights were led by a valiant and honorable warrior named Theron, who had heard of Meleys and her desire for peace.

Theron’s words resonated with Meleys, and she agreed to join forces with the Targorians. Together, they launched an attack on the kings castle, with Meleys leading the charge.

As they battled their way through the castle, Meleys unleashed her fiery breath on the soldiers, creating a path for the knights to follow. But just as they were about to reach the throne room, Meleys was struck by a powerful spell, and she fell to the ground.

Theron rushed to her side, and together they fought off the last of the king's guards. As they stood victorious, Theron turned to Meleys and saw that her wounds were fatal. With her dying breath, Meleys told him of a powerful magic that could bring peace to the realm and unite dragons and humans forever.

Determined to fulfill Meleys' dying wish, Theron embarked on a quest to find the source of this magic. He traveled through treacherous lands and faced many challenges, but he never gave up.

Finally, he arrived at the peak of the highest mountain, where he found a dragon egg, glowing with magical energy. This was the source of the magic that Meleys had spoken of. Theron took the egg and returned to Eldonia, where he used the magic to heal Meleys and bring her back to full strength.

Together, Theron and Meleys presented the egg to the rulers of Eldonia and Targoria, and they were united in peace. The egg hatched, revealing a new dragon, a symbol of hope and harmony for all.

From that day on, dragons and humans lived together in peace, and Meleys became known as the mother of dragons, a protector of all who sought to bring balance and justice to the realm.

And as for King Titus, he was dethroned and exiled, never to be seen again. The people of Eldonia and Targoria rejoiced, for they had found a new leader in Theron, and a new ally in Meleys, the dragon who had saved them all.


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KGPG Marie Joise
February 24th, 2024 1:17:08pm
55 Posts

Points to Marie Geoise

Note: To understand the hayai, please see the backstory for Inuarashi from the 2023 Mascot Contest. Possible spoilers for One Piece, depending on how far you are in the manga or anime.

The Red Line went 10,000 meters (32,809 feet) from the surface of the of the sea to Fishman Island. Made of a red rock (hence the name) it made it near impossible to cross to any of the seas with ease, whether it be East, West, North or South Blue.

One way to cross to certain parts of the Grand Line was by going up Reverse Mountain. This had been the doom of a few ships but was the only way pirates could cross. Of course, if a ship had coating, it could go underwater and pass by it by crossing Fishman Island.

The third way, and the legal way, was by gaining permission from the World Government to pass through the Holy Land of Marie Geoise.

Marie Geoise was located atop the Red Line where it crossed the Grand Line. At each side of the Grand Line was the Red Port. The city itself was located so high above sea level that it was surrounded by clouds and fog. Around the city were artificial forests and rivers, all kept in pristine conditions as this is where the World Nobles live.

Coming from East Blue and standing with other folks at the Red Port to gain entrance to the bondola was a wizened old man with his cart of goods. The bondola was slowly propelled upwards by the bubbles that came up from the Saboady Archipelago, which would take visitors to the top. The merchant looked out from the lower deck at two of the four ropes that allowed lift off the ground.

Upon alighting, there was a staircase. The man had issues with this, but two other visitors helped him up. They all entered the city itself through a large gate and used the travellator. The old man set up his stall near the Celestial Dragon gate. He had various cloths for sale as well as one special item.

Since Marie Geoise was considered sacred ground; the World Nobles sometimes did not wear their bubble helmets. The nobles were the descendants of nineteen of the first twenty families to establish the World Government, which came about after the 20-family alliance defeated the Great Kingdom. Only the family of Alabaster chose to stay in their homeland instead of relocating to the Holy Land.

The nobles had carte blanche in the world. No one could gainsay them, no one could cross them. Over time, this caused them to abuse their power and look down on anyone who was not a Celestial Dragon, as they were also known. Each generation was worse then the last, corrupted by money and power. They could commit any crime and, if retaliated against, could summon a Navy admiral who would come with warships.

The merchant knew this, of course, and kept his head averted whenever a Noble appeared from the gate. His big prize was front and center of the wagon though and attracted attention, but most moved on. There was one Noble who did not though. Coming through the gate, he approached.

“Is that what I think it is, eh?” he asked. His face had a look of arrogance on it.

The merchant knew not to play games with the Celestial Dragon. It would mean death, as all nobles carried pistols and would shoot a lesser being on sight.

“It is, indeed, sir.”

The noble thought a bit.

“I want it,” he stated.

“An object of such rarity will cost a tidy sum.”

“That’s fine, eh.”

Before the transaction could conclude, another noble entered the conversation.

“One moment Saint Lifor, eh. I too want that item.”

Saint Lifor, as that is how the nobles were addressed, looked at the newcomer.

“If would seem, eh, Saint Pamlor, that you got here too late. The item is mine.”

“That is where you are much mistaken, my friend. The item will belong to me.”

The merchant knew enough not to get in the middle of this matter. The bickering continued. The slaves of each noble looked terrified. They knew what a consequence could be if you got a Celestial Dragon mad, for they could be starved, beaten, or even killed.

A small crowd started to gather. A tall man, wearing black instead of the normal white robes, made his way through the now bowing crowd.

“Saint Lifor, Saint Pamlor, what is going on?” he inquired.

“Ah, Saint Garling, eh,” said Lifor to the newcomer. “This is a matter between us and not of the God’s Knights.”

“You are causing a scene,” said Garling. Of all the population, Figarland Garling was the only one who could say such a thing. He was a Celestial Dragon himself and was the Supreme Commander of the God’s Knights, the official law enforcers of Marie Geoise.

“Eh, do you know what that is?” said Pamlor, pointing to a glowing orb on the wagon. Garling looked at it and gasped. “Do you know what it does?”

Galing nodded. The crowd began to whisper among themselves at the item. One onlooker glanced at another and asked what the item was.

“That my friend is a piece of Pure Gold.”

“Pure gold?”

“As my grandfather told me, it is alchemic and is capable of halting to aging of anyone close to it. It makes you immortal and immune from sickness. It can also heal. Just a sliver, such as that, has the power.”

The two men turned their attention back to the scene unfolding. A bidding war had started at Garling’s suggestion. The sums announced were astronomical.

The merchant, however, knew to whom he would sell it. He had made a promise to himself.

“Pardon me,” he interjected. The nobles were aghast at a mere commoner interrupting them.

“How dare you…” began Pamlor, but Garling put a stop to it.

“Let the man speak,” he told the two warring men.

“I am looking for an…item. The one who has this item will get this small sliver of Pure Gold,”

Everyone looked at the merchant.

“What item?” asked Garling.

“I am looking for a hayai. A brindle colored one. I hear one exists here.”

Lifor looked pleased with himself. What a glorious day.

“I have such a pet. I would be willing to part with it for the gold.”

“Then, sir, you will have the gold.”

The noble looked at one of his slaves. “Bring the animal here.”

The slave immediately took off. Pamlor threw a bit of a tantrum but acquiesced to the Supreme Commander. Returning minutes later, the slave had the dog on the leash. Lifor grabbed the leash and took the bubble off the animal’s head rather roughly.

The hayai looked as if it had seen better days. It was thin and looked exhausted. Lifor had been using the fast-running dog as bait for its other pets. He liked to pit them against each other and see who would win—the stronger dog or the faster dog.

The merchant looked at the miserable animal and nodded. He took the leash from the noble and handed over the piece of the gold he had. With that, the noble went back inside the gate and the crowd dispersed.

His business concluded and with a spring in his step, the old man worked his way back to the Red Port, taking the bondola down. The dog was placed in the wagon to rest. The man boarded a waiting ship and soon disembarked on a small island. Wheeling his cart behind him, he soon saw a small cabin. A little girl was playing outside, and she looked up when she saw him.

“Uncle Copol!” she shouted.

“Yes Spara. Look who I have with me?”

Copol opened the wagon and the dog jumped down. Spara’s eyes opened wide.

“You did it! You got Marie Geoise back!”

Hearing commotion, a woman came out of the house.

“Copol, how did you manage this? When that Celestial Dragon came and demanded Marie Geoise, he said that we would never see the hayai again. He was also upset that we named her after the Holy Land.”

Copol smiled a wan smile.

“When that demon of a noble killed my son and took Marie Geoise, I vowed revenge. I knew exactly how to get him back. Rare gold, you see, has another special property, as it causes ruin to anyone who possesses it. Also, the giant football fish, Bonbori, will hunt Lifor down if it gets a chance and will consume anything in its path to get to it, including people and whole islands. Once Lifor leaves the Holy Land for any reason, he needs to tread carefully.”

Spara did not understand all this, as she was already washing Marie Geoise, the dog and giving her the first healthy meal she had eaten in months. Copol and his daughter-in-law watched as the dog tried to curl up in Spara’s lap, happy at last to be home.



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N.adhima 2 {2024-07-25} 🚢 Deadly Dutch Harbor WB 🚜 home of Atlas & Kobelco
March 2nd, 2024 7:15:23pm
50 Posts
Points to Atlas please!
In the serene countryside of Evergreen Equine, Atlas' parents, Volvo and Kubota, embarked on a journey filled with longing and determination to bring a new life into their world. Months turned into nearly a year as they tirelessly tried to conceive a foal. Every visit to local veterinarians ended with the disheartening diagnosis that Kubota was barren.

Volvo and Kubota were heartbroken and frustrated, oftentimes bowing their heads into one another, and comforting eachother's tears. Yet -- there was a glimmer hope worth pursuing. Together, they ventured across the country to consult an esteemed veterinarian renowned for her unparalleled expertise. Weeks of meticulous testing and examinations ensued, only to yield the same heartbreaking conclusion. Volvo and Kubota were left with the crushing realization that they might never experience parenthood.

With heavy hearts, they returned home, resigned to the idea that their dreams of raising a foal would forever remain unfulfilled. Together, they prayed for a miracle... and that's when a twist of fate unfolded.

Kubota proudly began to hold her tail high, and was urinating more often. "I feel different!" she exclaimed to Volvo as she pranced in a circle and tossed her head. "I don't know how to explain it but... I'm different!"
Volvo approached cautiously and snorted the air. "Do you think...?" Months of disappointment made him choke in his words.
Kubota nodded, tears twinkling in her eyes. She reared, slicing the air with her hooves. When she landed, she approached Volvo, and comforted him with a soft nicker. "Let's try the vet, one last time."
They quickly galloped to their regular veterinarian once more, balancing their hope with the expectancy of the same disappointing news. To the entire office's astonishment, every test confirmed what had once seemed impossible: Kubota was carrying a foal!

Confusion enveloped the veterinarian and staff as they meticulously reviewed her medical records. The evidence continued to defy logic, yet there was no denying the joyous reality that Atlas, their little miracle filly, was on the way.

Atlas became a beacon of hope and inspiration. Her arrival not only brought immense joy, purpose, and awe-inspiring reverence for the impossible, but Atlas also sparked the beginning of a unique lineage—the tractor-inspired Dutch Warmbloods of Horse Phenomena.

The tale of Atlas draws inspiration from Nad's very own story, a woman who defied medical odds to become a mother. Born with a rare genetic chromosomal defect, Nad was told that having children was not only impossible, but entirely too dangerous. Against all odds, she now proudly shares her life with a vibrant and healthy six-year-old son, a living testament to the extraordinary miracles that can occur against the backdrop of seemingly insurmountable challenges.


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WolfRunnerStables - Magia Oblitus for No ticket/shows Mascot!
March 6th, 2024 3:39:25am
21 Posts

Magia Obltius #415736


In a land of magic lies far to the east and near the north a mountain hideaway where the sunrise touches first before anywhere else and the sunset graces it the last place. Here the water is always clean and sweet, and the grasses and trees are always vibrant and lush. This is Ortus Montes, the Sunrise Mountains.

Here dryads, nymphs, and a special herd of horses live. In this realm magic lives and many can use it. The horses can interact with the various elements using them to help and ease things though, of course, some like to indulge in a few more comforts than others.

Magia Oblitus is such a horse. She possesses the very rare talent of being a wielder of the ShadowPath! It allows her to travel long distances in a shorter amount of time. It was highly prized by the ancestors of the horses when the land was new and full of chaos. Now though it is nearly forgotten and the one rule for it is the ShadowPath user must be the first in and the last out if they have anyone with them otherwise those who accompany will be taken by what lies in the Shadow realm beyond the Path.

When Magia Oblitus was traveling with her companion Veneficus de Embers one day they came to a spot in the world that seemed different yet the same. The two had gotten lost in a fog after Veneficus angered a water elemant by blowing up a dam on accident when he tried to start a campfire... this in turn caused them to get lost and now seeing what looked like the home meadow they rushed forward ready to drink the sweet waterrs and taste the succulent grasses.

Alas, it was not their world but one that had long ago lost most of the magic that once flowed through it. The sky was less blue, the grasses less vibrant and while the water was clean and sweet it was not as sweet or as cold. the very land itself was dull and bland. Rearing Magia Oblitus neighed in surprise and wheeled towards the direction they had come from only to find it gone!

Veneficus shifted nervously as his best friend reared and tried her powers but he had noticed even the shadows were pale in comparison to the richly hued ones of their world. Whiinying he tried to get to calm down and think of what it meant.

Magia Oblitus finally settled down and with a sigh looked around.

Where were they? Could they get home somehow or was it permanent?

She noticed that where she and Veneficus stood it seemed more alive and so being curious she began walking in a slow circle around the small pond they had seen and ended up in this world because of it. Yes! It wasn't her mind playing tricks on her! Neighing she told Veneficus that the magic in them was bringing this area alive again!

Now 6 years have passed and the two have brought magic back to the hidden valley. Magia Oblitus and Veneficus have yet to find their way home but in this world there now is a place that is graced first by the sunrise and last by the sunset and many wild, rare, and unimaginable things call home a place no human save a very few have seen. One such human is the one Magia Oblitus and Veneficus allow to ride them and live in this pale copy of Ortus Montes. The companions are content for now though the world the came from is never far from their hearts and returning is what they long for the most.


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ᴏᴀᴋ ♥ ▸ 𝑂𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑔𝑠 🌷
March 6th, 2024 8:22:50pm
21 Posts

Rio Lossey

The mist thins a little, hinting at the form of a tall grey horse beyond. 

Rio Lossey was born in the stables of powerful mage in the land of Ellan Vannin. The mage cared well for all his animals, but over time he became especially fond of the inquisitive little foal, who enjoyed following the mage around while he cared for the rest of the horses.

The mage began spending more and more time with Rio Lossey, even letting her hangout in his workshop while the mage practiced his magic. 

Because of this, Rio Lossey absorbed some of the magic, and to the mage's surprise and delight, began to be able to use magic herself. Over the next few years, with the mage's training, Rio Lossey developed a beautiful combination of ice and fire magic. 

When war came to Ellan Vannin, the mage often rode Rio Lossey into battle, where they fought side-by-side against the opposing forces. Rio Lossey revelled in these battles and the ability to wield her magic without restrictions.

In the last battle, the battle that won Ellan Vannin the war, the mage was killed. Heartbroken, Rio Lossey fled into the wilderness. She wanders still, using her magic to defend the weak and punish the evil. 




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Rain Maker Farms I Its Gonna Be Mayyy
March 8th, 2024 8:22:20pm
239 Posts


Apollo (ID #415755) - Horse Information (

A handful of a young stallion that refused to be tamed except for one young girl that decided he was a out of this world beautiful stallion.  Carol steps into the roundpen carefully holding an apple hoping the stallion would take it. Apollo refuses at first and just stands their standing looking at this two legged strange creature.  Just give up on that stallion a cowboy in the back yells at her, he's stubborn as a mule and wild as a snake.

Carol was determined to tame the young horse as her own, after weeks of gaining his trust with an apple finally Apollo takes the apple from her hand.  Carol tries to pet the chestnut tobiano stallion but he backs away carefully unsure of her but she reassures him that she isnt going to hurt him. "Wow" the men at the stables looking into the roundpen.

Jake the stable boy said "Luck, the real test is riding him."

Carol isn't worried she was willing to go low and slow as not to destroy the bond that they had started. After months of basic handling, saddling it was finally time to sit on him and give him his first ride. Apollo stood still as she climbed on his back and walked him slowly around the roundpen amongst the gasps around.  Despite the hearsay and doubts, Apollo and Carol became a winning team within a year collecting blue ribbons and championships about.  Determined to keep his grit in the herd she breeds him to a couple of mares in his older days, Apollos legacy lives on.


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March 21st, 2024 11:43:50pm
38 Posts

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Clementine. She was bright and brave and had the most curious mind of any little girl her age. And so, when she spied an elderly lady one afternoon in the bustle of the city streets with a tiny rust-coloured puppy in her hands, Clemmie had to investigate.

The lady was more wrinkled than any person Clementine had ever seen before, but her eyes sparkled, and her smile held a million secrets, and Clemmie was immediately enthralled. The lady lamented over her age, which was a number so high, Clemmie couldn’t even imagine how many fingers and toes it would take to reach that figure. She told Clemmie how she would never be able to give this special little puppy the love and attention he deserved, before thrusting it unceremoniously into her arms. Clemmie looked down at the unremarkable creature, questions circling in her mind, but when she glanced up, the woman was gone.

The puppy whimpered in Clemmie’s tiny arms the entire walk home. Her mother and father exchanged concerned glances at the bundle of legs writhing in Clemmie’s clutches, but immediately relented when they saw the immediate connection forming between the girl and the puppy. Clemmie named him Clifford, and over the next few weeks, Clifford grew, and grew…

And grew…

And grew…

Until he couldn’t fit in the house. And so, he was moved into the backyard, Clemmie’s father working for days to construct a doghouse large enough to fit the growing puppy. But still, Clifford grew, and grew…

And grew…

And grew…

“This can’t be right,” Clemmie’s mother cried vexingly. “What breed is he?” Her father scratched his head and shrugged. The veterinarian did the same two days later, after breed test results came back inconclusive.

“I’ve never seen this before,” she gasped. “Every dog is made up of some breed. Clifford truly is remarkable,” she said, shaking her head. Clemmie smiled knowingly at Clifford.

Over the next few months, Clifford continued to grow. Word spread about the giant puppy and the family received so much attention, Clemmie was followed by reporters everywhere she went. Eventually, the family had to sell their home in the city and move to the countryside where Clifford had acres to run.

Finally, at the age of three years, Clifford had stopped growing. He towered over the family’s home and ate tonnes upon tonnes of kibble every day. Clemmie rode upon his back and read him stories every night.

Clemmie and Clifford lived happily ever after.


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Kiyoko - Seashadow Cove ⚓ [Spanish Norman]
March 29th, 2024 1:57:21pm
13 Posts

Captain Duskreaper

Along the stormy seas of Azeroth was the tale of a pirate the likes of which had never been seen. A once proud elven pirate named Captain Durdanios Duskreaper sailed on his beloved ship along with his crew and his trusty steed Storm. Unfortunatly one day, when they attacked a gnomish vessel full of odd and whimsical inventions, an explosion of one of the devices went off, merging Captain Duskreaper and Storm into one being, an intelligent equine cursed to sail the seas.

Now when the Black Rose boards captured ships, hooves thunder across the deck as Captain Duskreaper and his crew capture their prizes. Ears pricked and eyes alert and gleaming with the thrill of the chase and promise of treasure.

But beneath his fierce exterior lay a heart of gold. Captain Duskreaper was known not only for his bravery in battle but also for his unwavering loyalty to his crew, and the elves from the homeland of Quel'thelas that he grew up in. He shared his spoils with those in need and never turned away a soul seeking refuge aboard his ship.

As Captain Duskreaper's legends grew across the Azeroth, he became a symbol of hope for those who needed it most. And his handicap of not having hands or thumbs was a reminder of how anyone could overcome whatever life throws at them. And so, with the wind in his mane and sun on the horizon, Captain Duskreaper and the Black Rose continue to sail in their search for adventure and to help those in ne


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benz - [vyatka]
March 31st, 2024 5:58:14pm
52 Posts

A long time ago, roughly 800 AD, there lived a Viking leader named Estrid who only believed in war and in having a strong hand. She didn’t believe in marriage nor did she believe in love. During war, she met a man named Odin. A Norwegian man from the other side of the world. This man was determined to change her mind about love as she knew it. 


Estrid came from a family where love didn’t exist, she only knew of arranged marriage. Her father already had her future husband picked out, but Odin would change this. During this war, Odin and Estrid were able to sneak away together down to the ocean side. They talked of life and what they pictured for themselves. They wanted to know what live would be like after the war. 


Days after days, they would meet up under the gleaming moonlight. The more they met up the more they started talking of love and marriage. Odin couldn’t understand Estrid’s ideals of never wanting to fall in love. He couldn’t understand why. Little did he know, he was slowly changing his mind. 


More days passed, Estrid and Odin made a plan to run away together. One dark night, Odin commandeered a ship. He waited and waited for Estrid to show up. Hours passed and passed, she failed to show up. He tried to hold out, but could. He started the boat sails to leave, and he heard a voice; “wait”. Estrid had made it, barely. 


Points to Estrid;


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arzu // RIP Buster 🐾💙 hug your heart-dog tight
March 31st, 2024 10:44:03pm
194 Posts

The Goodest Boy, Buster



Don’t make your first purchase for your new apartment be a dog Bridget” my mom said as I was packing up my things to move into my new apartment for college. “A new dog is a big responsibility and you need to focus on school right now and adjusting to living on your own.” I rolled my eyes, I knew better than to go out and get a puppy. I worked with dogs at the vet clinic and that was good enough.


The next day I pulled up at a sketchy looking house to buy a washer and dryer off Craigslist. “You don’t want a puppy do you?” said the girl selling the washer/dryer as she opened the door to the two cutest little AmStaff puppies. “These two never sold and my landlord said I could keep one but the other would have to go to the pound.” I told her I definitely didn’t need a puppy right now, but scooped up the little black and white male. The lady said “I’ve been calling that one ‘Buster’,” and Buster he has now been for 10 years.


They say the dog you have in your 20’s is one of the most special dogs as they are with you through most of life’s biggest changes. Buster was by my side for college, getting denied by vet school for 5 years in a row, several career changes, many terrible relationships, battling addiction, meeting my husband, moving to Florida, moving back to North Carolina to be closer to my dad, and then was there to catch my tears when my dad passed in August of 2023. I have lived through quite a few bumpy roads and Buster has stayed by my side with that big Staffy smile and happy wiggle the whole time. 


December of 2023, just 4 months after losing my dad, Buster started acting strange. He was drooling a lot and drinking a lot of water. He even had an episode of urinating blood. After several tests and a couple months of trying different medications we decided to get an ultrasound done in February of 2024. My worst fears came to life as a massive splenic tumor popped up on the screen. Luckily being in the field, through a few connections I had Buster in with the best surgeon in the state the following week to have a splenectomy done (removal of the spleen). A week later the nightmare continued as Buster’s biopsy results came back as a Hemangiosarcoma. A Hemangiosarcoma is a “highly malignant cancer arising from cells that normally create blood vessels” (NCSU CVM). Nearly 100% of dogs diagnosed with this cancer don’t even make it past a year. Luckily for Buster we caught it early and got it removed so we’re hopeful he has a solid 6-8 months of life left in him. I’m grateful I get to spend this time with my sweet heart dog and be able to give him the opportunity to live the rest of his life to the fullest doing all of his favorite things.


I’m lucky to have been blessed with the sweetest, most loving dog in the whole world. Buster is truly a one of a kind boy and I cannot imagine my life without him. Every person should be as blessed in their life to own a dog that makes their heart feel whole.


Buster -

Buster for Mascot!!”


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