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An Uplifting Place

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Hera --Basset Hounds--
June 20th, 2018 5:49:55am
81 Posts

I don't know about you guys, but I am mentally and emotionally drained by some certain political things happening right now. So I thought maybe a post where we can share happy/uplifting things might be nice. They could be personal stories about a service or a kindess that was given to you, or that you offered someone. Or something you have witnessed. It doesn't have to be big, even something like, my five year old little boy held the boy open for a bunch of people when we were leaving the Reptile Man show this afternoon. Just to remind us that we can't phyiscaly help everyone, but we can serve and be kind to the people directly around us, because I believe when kind people stand together they can change the world. 




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primrose •• creepin' ♥
June 20th, 2018 12:23:37pm
2,687 Posts

An elderly lady fainted at my job. And the cashier, who tends to be a butthead 99% of the time surprised me by his compassion and total care for this woman. He went out of his way to make sure she was ok. Called 911 for her, got her a chair and stayed with her until paramedics arrived. It was nice to see someone who is known for his lack of care to actually care. It wasnt fake, so i was so humbled. Like maybe this hardheaded dude actually does have a heart lol


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