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A Horseland Training Memory

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Kuwait | The Alsatian King | ᓚᘏᗢ |
November 7th, 2018 4:57:01am
2,710 Posts

Trying to find shows that were unflooded. And by that, I mean actually unflooded and not titled such, because it was a "scam" by show-makers to get people to enter. 

Edit: I still have pencil marks on my PC's monitor that show where the scroll bar was on shows I considered unflooded. lol



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swirly ; original/main
November 7th, 2018 11:53:08am
110 Posts

I used to love it when it showed to everyone, in the top right corner, that you'd created a show xD

Ah the good old autominer days o.O


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Kaly :: Learnin' to fly, but I ain't got wings.
November 7th, 2018 2:44:01pm
123 Posts

I used to laugh so hard at shows called "private dont enter" or when the classes spelled out something












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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
November 7th, 2018 2:54:32pm
28,151 Posts

^ omg yes, I always entered the "don't enter this show!" because, duh. xD And I remember spelling out shows too haha....I should totally do that. o.o



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Kuwait | The Alsatian King | ᓚᘏᗢ |
November 7th, 2018 3:27:28pm
2,710 Posts

I remember the "announcement"! People used to change their player names so it would say like "Someone made a show". Haha!

And yes, I remember autominer because I STILL HAVE IT! I remember people were selling it, but I somehow got mine for free. It was made by a 14 year old from Dunedin in New Zealand, for the very early RuneScape!

I also remember people naming each class like that! Some tried to make them sound like actual equestrian or canine disciplines whilst others just did random or weird things!





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