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Multiple Accounts or One Pros and Cons

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November 9th, 2018 10:50:04pm
14 Posts

Hi all! 

I want opinions on whether to make multiple accounts or just keep one. 

1) I intend to keep my main account upgraded at least for a short time to see how much I play (I'm buying a starter pack) I dunno if I'll keep upgraded past then. Depends how much I play. 

2) I don't want to upgrade TWO accounts 

3) But I would like to breed both Andalusians and Dutch Warmbloods which means I can't have a breed specialty of both on one account. 

4) But I'm not sure I want to deal with having two accounts. 


What do you guys think I should do.. Pros and Cons of one account or multiples? 


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
November 9th, 2018 11:31:20pm
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For what it's worth, even without an upgrade there are still perks to having a breed specialty (double entrance points), so it's worth it to have an account for each breed in my opinion. (But especially worth it if you have an upgraded account for each breed ;P.)


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
November 9th, 2018 11:37:42pm
2,469 Posts

ditto what sam said,

but you are also only allowed 5 basic accounts so keep that in mind

i have 30 accounts total and they are 97% self sustaining

I use 4 horse/dog spots and sell the other 6 spots and sell my horse/dog tickets

i have i think 10? breeds and love that enter all button

mw0PiPU.png 4EvEVBM.png dJ0BFny.png xzJXn6S.png


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mero;: } bye felicia 👋
November 10th, 2018 4:13:55am
4,681 Posts

I can't imagine trying to run more than one breed off an account, and like the others said if you play it smart they can pay for themselves, especially in addition to any other services you can market (like training, account sitting, graphics, etc.) Paying for your first few upgrades to get started can be a pain, but if you plan it out and stay diligent it's definitely doable! :)

If nothing else, definitely make your maximum five basics - if you don't keep breeds on each account for training you can at least make some extra money by creating weekly shows early on (7 days before they run) at $3000/entry to ensure maximum profit from folks using enter-all to train early in the week.


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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
November 10th, 2018 7:43:13am
3,849 Posts

Just a side note on Mero's post, I believe they stopped show entry funds from going to player's accounts awhile ago as a means of reducing inflation. At least I'm PRETTY sure I remember that being said by Sam somewhere in the forums.... Of course, if a mod or admin could verify this that would be great!




Having multiple accounts can become very self-sufficent, like previously stated. However, if you're wanting to utilize more breeds and only want additional upgraded accounts for breed speciality perks/ease of enter-all, some players rent out their spare accounts for that exact use. This might be an easier option in your situation!



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shaenne •
November 10th, 2018 11:39:13am
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^That. If you're wanting multiple upgrades to work for you and earn you money, you're gonna need a few. If you want another upgrade purely because you want a second breed and want the breed specialty perks, you're better off either upgrading one more account or renting one from another player, which yes IS legal here on HP (I know it isn't on HL so just wanted to clarify)


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Gothika - SEA's
November 10th, 2018 12:24:01pm
1,203 Posts

Right now im renting 2 accounts for enter all button and breed specialty, and i have 15 of my own.
I would keep the other breed on another account, or if possible, rent and account for enter all button.

Because that enter all button makes it so much easier.

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tana ;; gone
November 10th, 2018 12:25:02pm
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I'm currently working my way up to 20 accounts because I can make money off of them and they pretty much sustain themselves, as people have mentioned. I also do it for the breed specialty, because who doesn't want more points for their pixels? If you rent, you're paying money to use an account that could be making money for you. Imo, two accounts is not much work at all. You get extra bank money and more money from private shows, whether you sell them whole or sell spots.



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 10th, 2018 1:53:48pm
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When I first started I advertised for an account I could use for the enter-all/breed specialty. Someone let me use their account and I just had to do some training for them. You could try that, see if anyone is interested?



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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
November 10th, 2018 1:54:04pm
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Show funds still go to the player's account! There is (and always has been) a tax taken off of them (currently 3%), but the rest all goes to the player who created the show. We stopped giving players money for the points they earned in shows, though. It used to be for every point you got, you earned HPD, so that was removed to control inflation.


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November 10th, 2018 5:43:46pm
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You guys are speaking Greek questions abound. 


1) It sounds like it’s possible to upgrade multiple accounts without spending RL $ to keep them upgraded? Or did I totally mistake that? 

2) …. 30 accounts. How in the heck do you keep up? 

3) When you say you use X spots and sell X spots what does that mean?

4) Teach me your ways wise ones. I know how to do graphics and I have done account sitting on dog sims but I don’t know what that entails here for account sitting and training (I read the graphics rules lol I’ll probably do some graphics over Christmas when I have loads of free time) 

5) Can someone explain creating shows and how that helps? 



I need to go read the long-version of the instructions but haven’t had a chance yet lol 


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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
November 10th, 2018 6:01:32pm
3,849 Posts

1) Starting out, you will have to initially pay RL money to upgrade your accounts. What we mean by becoming self-sustaining is that an upgraded account earns you a higher bank collection each week, two sets of tickets (one horse and one dog) per month, and two private shows (one horse and one dog) per week. The tickets and shows can be sold for funds which can more or less allow you to upgrade later for HPD instead.

2) Lots of patience and spreadsheets. LOL

3) Private shows can have as many animals as you want in them, similar to public shows, but most people limit the number of entries to 10 per show. If you only use 2 spots for your own animals, you can sell the remaining 8 spots for extra funds. If you choose not to use any spots or do not want to manage selling spots, you can just sell the full show. It is better to sell the private shows unmade so the buyer can choose which day they want them to run on.

5) On your page, there is a divider for shows and on that divider is clickable text that says create show. You can create two public shows per week (one dog, one horse) on both basic and upgraded accounts and upgraded accounts can also create two private shows (one dog, one horse).

Public shows increase the number of shows available to everyone for training and is very beneficial for both you and the community. It reduces the number of animals entered per show which increases the chances of winning higher points for your animal (if they place higher, they gain more points). Private shows allow you to guarantee the best amount of points possible by having limited spots sold so every animal in that show places well.



I hope that answered some of your questions! Further clarification can definitely be found in the help sections too!



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November 10th, 2018 6:17:28pm
14 Posts

So clearly I need to enter some shows today lol.. Do you guys recommend I make a private show and put my two in it then? And if so I open 8 spots then? Or a public show? Or enter one I didn't make at all? 


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November 10th, 2018 6:33:25pm
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OH! I just found that people sell account upgrades for HPD. That's really neat! It would be great for a second account since I want to breed both Dutch Warmbloods and Andalusians. 

1) Is there a certain amount you should bid in order to not look like you're being unfair? Like one person bid like ... an insane amount lol 

2) Are auctions like this frequently available? 


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mero;: } bye felicia 👋
November 10th, 2018 6:44:24pm
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Beck - it may help you to know that there are users who will use their IRL $$ to buy upgrades to sell to other players in exchange for HPD (this may be part of your confusion). If you can keep making enough HPD with your upgrades, you could afford to buy the next re-up for the account with HPD instead of your IRL $$. Check out the upgrade auctions at the bottom of the "Upgrade" page linked in the site header.

As for shows: advertise yourself in the advertising chat as having X spots available in your shows (usually folks will offer a max of 8 to 10 total spots, minus any personal animals they choose to put in). Prices may fluctuate throughout the year, but horse spots typically run about 500k per spot per show, and dog spots will run closer to 250-300k (I don't buy a lot of dog spots so pardon me if this is inaccurate). Some people are also looking to buy out whole shows, so they will pay a larger fee to be the only entrants in the show with their animals (for example, I am currently selling my 6 weekly dog shows for 3mil each, for a weekly income of 18mil).

Once you agree to sell spots to a person, you will create the private show on whatever day they prefer. They will send you the money via the bank and request entrance into the show with their animals. Once you have confirmed their payment is in your account (you can check under the "Events" section of your profile - it will say "$amount received from player #number because (insert reason here)") you will go into the show through the "Shows" section of your profile and click "Accept" to the left of their animals' names to let them enter the show. You clicking "Accept" will send the user a notification that they can now enter the show, and once they do the transaction is considered complete.

Hopefully that makes sense and isn't too overwhelming!


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mero;: } bye felicia 👋
November 10th, 2018 6:46:13pm
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RE: Upgrade Auctions -

Typically a 6month upgrade will go for $200mil, rarely they may be offered for less if someone is desperate to make some extra funds and wants to sell the upgrade quickly. You can advertise that you are ISO (in search of) an upgrade for a certain amount or less in the advertising chat. As for frequency - I'd say there's usually at least a few upgrades in the auctions ready for bid at any given time, especially if there are a lot of players trying to fundraise for big projects (or the mascot contest, which will be happening around February in the new year).


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November 12th, 2018 1:33:12am
14 Posts

Hi Mero! 

Thanks for the information! I'll give selling spots a try! 

Is there any like.. I know one of the dog sims I'm on the idea is to produce "better" dogs through the generations but that doesn't seem to be the case here? The goal is... earning show points? 


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mero;: } bye felicia 👋
November 12th, 2018 1:49:29am
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Beck - The perceived value of animals is usually influenced by the number of points it has and how long/complete its lineage is, as well as the quality/exclusivity of that lineage. A generation 3 horse from completely private lines with 1.5mil points would be worth more than a store (generation 1) horse with the same amount of points, for instance. Foals/pups are born with a percentage of their parents' points already on them, which is why folks shoot for higher points on parents before breeding.


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November 12th, 2018 2:32:08am
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That makes perfect sense. Do most people try to do both horses and dogs? 

If I tried to make a show how do I advertise spaces to sell? 


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Sassafras Tango
November 12th, 2018 4:12:22am
1,233 Posts

Mero's got all the great info!

I think most people do train at least 1 horse and 1 dog breed. 

You can advertise your spots in the advertising chat!

(Remember you can only make 2 similar posts per scrollable page or else it's considered flooding)



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