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"select all" when registering animals to clubs

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swirly ; original/main
January 13th, 2019 1:06:10pm
110 Posts

hey! not sure if this has been suggested before, but it'd be really helpful if there was an option to "select all" animals for club registry, it can be a bit time consuming ticking them all :D x


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Sassafras Tango
January 14th, 2019 3:20:00am
1,230 Posts

I think I suggested this at some point? Either way, I like the idea!



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January 14th, 2019 3:32:43am
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ooh. I want one!!


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January 14th, 2019 12:32:04pm
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Yes, please!



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tana ;; gone
January 14th, 2019 12:52:54pm
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I feel ok with this, but then I wonder how club presidents with actual registry rules will feel if people just use the select all option with impunity. It might make registration easier for you, but then they will get discouraged having to weed through any pixels that don't comply. We keep talking about how clubs aren't active enough, and imo I don't think the current registry format is the issue. I think it's more to do with people just not participating in any activities, which leads to presidents not coming up with newer ones, nor increasing the prize money.



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swirly ; original/main
January 14th, 2019 12:54:38pm
110 Posts

^ that's a fair point, tana x


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shee ‡ the lavish lhasas
January 15th, 2019 2:36:11am
173 Posts

I would welcome this, so long as we could also add it when accepting/declining animals in the pending registry. Having an open registry is great until you have to hand tick all the boxes for 200 animals. xD


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LadySword04 *~* All Upgrade Auctions are Reserved And ♔ Home of The Dashing Danish Warmblood Empire ♔ *~*
January 15th, 2019 2:42:32am
5,296 Posts

Maybe we could have a Select All option for BOTH people trying to register their animals to clubs, and also for the Club Presidents who have to go through the list and accept animals? 


This way, all animals could be selected at one time, and you only un-check the ones you don't want to enter/accept. Far less checking overall right? 

Is it possible that we could have a limit, something like what has been done with Training Tickets?

Where the Select All Option only applies to the page you're currently looking at and the page is limited to 50 horses/dogs at a time? 


Never been a club president so I might not have a full grasp of the complications/implications of my suggestion....but just something to think about or discuss? 

Sometimes throwing a random idea out there gets the collective creative juices flowing and an even greater solution emerges! 


Looking forward to what we all come up with! :)




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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
January 15th, 2019 12:35:24pm
28,151 Posts

Echoing Tana, after just finishing rejecting over 200 horses in a club where people were not paying attention to the simple registry requirements, I vote no on this loool



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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
January 15th, 2019 1:06:47pm
2,469 Posts

i am gonna agree with tana. 

they point of the registry is to be selective, not just be a one hit and done I feel.

I feel if you want that extra 1k pts you should be sitting and clicking for it :)

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January 15th, 2019 1:44:17pm
2 Posts

 sorry about that panthera, i thought i'd opened the racehorse club and not rare breeds when submitting my registry! :( 


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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
January 15th, 2019 4:13:35pm
1,853 Posts

I also would worry about the old bug we had where if you had x animals pending in the registry you couldn't accept anymore. When I did open regirstry for a couple clubs people were adding their entire retirement accounts and it was hundreds of animals every day and it was... not fun.

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siib 🦈 [ Gone ]
January 16th, 2019 8:29:52pm
2,627 Posts

Also thirding Tana's opnion here. 

It's a point that we've had made to us all before but the game has to have some sort of challenges or it wouldn't be worth playing. Even if they're as minor as having to personally seclect animals for a club. Clubs, and their benefits with shows and registration points, are a part of the game that we enjoy but shouldn't be made easier. If you want those points, you gotta work for them, just like with private shows. We're lucky we got select all for horse and dog tickets (thank you Sam) but I don't think we need it everywhere. 


Also Lady, I think someone pitched the idea for mass accept/delete in clubs and Sam's point was basically that it would make it too easy and take the challenge out of it. You literally have to run to be president and run the club so taking the challenge out of being president wouldn't make much sense.


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Administrator Binny 🦄 [on leave for April ; blitz babysitting]
January 16th, 2019 8:47:49pm
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Just an fyi. You can use Firefox and snap links to select the radio buttons for registry all at once 😊


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swirly ; original/main
January 16th, 2019 8:56:35pm
110 Posts

thank you everyone for your feedback, its really opened my eyes to my inital suggestion :P x


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