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Major Changes in My Life & Hiatus
Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁 March 22nd, 2019 8:16:32am 927 Posts |
As many of you have noticed already, I am rarely on HP anymore, if at all. I have said multiple times that I will be returning and it's not happened. My record of activity on this game is not stellar, I have quit and returned multiple times. I'm sure to everyone, this annoying and I've probably made myself unpopular on here as of late. But starting last year, I've been going through some major changes in my life, some I've shared and some I haven't; I've also been in a low point for some time, but I'm "getting over it" now. During my "hiatus" I managed to accumulate a few opportunities, which three years ago I never expected would've happened. Over the past two years, Zach and I have talked on and off about our future and meeting each other, but school was always our main priority at the time; near January of this year, we both realized how unhappy we were with our prior majors and made changes. Since entering my automotive major, my schedules now align more to Zach's changes and traveling for us both is now more of a option. Because of this, we have actually been planning on meeting each other sometime in the summer of this year and introducing our families in the same swing. In addition to this, I've gotten multiple major-related opportunities too. I have recently applied to take my A6 (Electrical) and A2 (Transmission) ASE tests. If I pass both, I will be eligible to join the Master ASE program, which is similar to a PhD in other fields, which I plan to apply for. During the summer, I'll be getting a new Jeep Wrangler and a part-time job at a dealership to gain experience so by the fall, I will be a fully certified automotive technician. Currently, the continuation of my lines are up in the air. I will most likely be stopping at G6 as the "Wicked Ways" baby I've wanted to produce for some time, but we'll see how things work out there. It truly amazes me how in the six years I've been on this game, how much I have changed from a "baby" in 2013 with no plans to now an adult with a boyfriend, possible part-time job, and plans of an upcoming family. Thank-you to everyone whose been on the journey with me and has guided me through to this point in my life, and hopefully I can make a full, REAL return to HP one of these days. Love you all. ❤
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Equ » Autumn is in the air🍁 March 22nd, 2019 9:15:58am 927 Posts |
As far as ticket services go - which I forgot to mention - these will still be available, but will not be on the 15th like they used to be. The times may vary, but your monthly tickets will be garaunteed. I will also probably lower the prices down as well to a "best offer" pricing until my return.
Jaya • I can be brave in the moment March 22nd, 2019 12:21:54pm 27,923 Posts |
I'm so glad for you that things are startin to improve! |
↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild March 22nd, 2019 12:26:20pm 3,849 Posts |
So glad to hear that your life is looking up and that so many great opportunities are presenting themselves to you, but surely sad to see you go on hiatus! I hope life continues to look up for you while you're gone. We'll be here waiting for you when you return one day! |
Khaleesi // I’m Starving Darling March 23rd, 2019 6:48:12pm 321 Posts |
Awww as I come back Equ leaves. :( I'm happy to hear about the exciting changes in your life though! Sending all my love to you on your new journey girl! |
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