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Layout Graphic Contest!

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
April 18th, 2019 5:29:05pm
8,756 Posts

The wonderful Monnie will be turning your image into a beautiful layout!
She's doing the code, so all's I need is a pretty picture from you! :D
(The layout is from completing the Dragon adventures events she held with her mascot Toothless!)

Grand Prize of at least 200mill hpd plus participation prizes to those who participate!
Prizes may increase depending on interest.
I have some funds stashed away in savings, so we shall see what happens, haha!

You can submit multiple entrees!
If your art isn't chosen you can sell it in auctions, keep it for yourself, or I may offer to buy at your graphic price since I got a lot of nekkid pons. I've fallen way behind on them having their own pictures! D:

Closing Date: May 10th Extending to May 20th! New Extension Date Due: May 31st!
(May extend or shorten depending on entrees)

....The Guidelines...

Horse Breed: American Saddlebred
Horse Color: Any breed approved colors are great, I'm just not really a fan of the pintos, but extra cookies go to a brillaint Chestnut with some face markings because I'm a sucker and love them! xD
Tack/No Tack: Please no tack (ie no halters/bridles/saddles/leg wraps/or bell boots/etc.)
I am however obsesed with pretty flowing manes and tails!

Background/Themes: (Please no pink as that is a color I am not a fan of! If need be, very minimal! D:)
One: Autumn, all it's pretty colors and changing leaves!
Two: Starry Night, like pretty stars reflecting on a river/stream, whispy kind of feel!
Three: River, Musica Muse: Clicky Link
Four: Wild Card- Whatever your creative bug is telling you to do, but please no buildings or cityscapes

Have Fun!
I don't want to be super restrictive, so hopefully this is enough for you guys to play around with!
Please feel free to ask any questions too!

:D < 3


pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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Gypsy River
June 3rd, 2019 1:15:13am
12 Posts

Congratulations to the winners and thank you Broken Vow for hosting this contest!


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