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So creepy

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shaenne β€’
May 13th, 2019 8:50:54am
1,386 Posts

Some has copied my psn name (ashbee), created 2 new psn acocunts with it and keep adding my friends lol. It seems to be mostly the people I play with most. It's so weird.


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tana ;; gone
May 13th, 2019 10:41:27am
13,574 Posts

Someone is trying to fuck with you, and again, I suspect Danny. I mean, is there anyone else who'd try and ruin your friendships or your life like this? Even if he's getting someone else to do it, it would be all his idea (or maybe planned with someone), and it is so childish that I have to laugh a little.



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shaenne β€’
May 13th, 2019 11:33:54am
1,386 Posts

There's legit no one else it could be that would give enough of a damn about me to do this, so I agree too lol. There isn't a whole lot I can do about it right now so i'm just gonna see how it plays out. I've asked the boys to let me know if they get any messages, so far it's just been friend requests.

The majority of my rdr friends are guys, and the ones I play with the most and text with are the ones I actually talk to on mic, and danny always haaaaated that i'd talk to guys and spend significant amounts of time playing with them and he'd actually get really mad and tell me i'd rather spend time with other guys than with him (he'd also watch nothing but motor sport on tv and then tell me i'm avoiding spending time with him when i'd go do literally anything else)

So it would make sense if he's trying to fuck with my rdr friendships lol.


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