shaenne • July 18th, 2019 4:18:03pm 1,386 Posts |
Mostly just bitching.
You guys know I play a TON of rdr online. Well i've been into rdr2 online for a while now and i've come a long way from the noob I used to be. I'm rank 101, have a ton of money and a fucking fantastic horse. Go me.
I'm in a rdr2 ladies group on facebook and I think the thing that makes me popular in there is the fact that I can make my own private sessions. Currently RDR2 online does not offer private mode like RDR1 online does, but there is a glitch you can do to make a session private, which is usually co-op only, as in you need 1-2 other people to help, however we are a two-console household and I can use Luke's console as well as my own to make private sessions by myself.
Being the considerate bitch that I am, and with Luke's permission, I leave my second RDR2 online account logged in on Luke's console and have my character just standing at camp with the catalog open so the kick timer doesn't start (usually you're kicked for being idle after 13 minutes unless you're looking at the catalog or in a shop or at the stables), meaning anyone on that friends list can join that private session and enjoy a griefer-free experience.
I was in my own private session tonight just doing stranger missions and a couple people joined. It's fine, one is on the friends list and she must've brought a friend. That's cool. I was doing a mission and it was really dark and apparently the other two were riding near me and triggered a gang ambush, and it was crazy, there were NPC's coming out of NOWHERE and I had no idea it was an ambush or that other players were there (nobody had joined in quite some time)
I got shot by this girl's friend, which is the only reason I realized other people were there because it turned their blips red on my map.
Not gonna lie I was pretty fucking mad. I realized it was probably a mistake but I was still fucking mad. I didn't make a fucking private session to get shot by other fucking players. Exactly the fucking opposite, in fact.
I called the girl out in the facebook group and was like "girl what the hell was that" and she was like "yeah sorry she didn't know you were friendly so she shot you"
And I was just like. Are you fucking kidding me. It's MY private session, i'm LITERALLY the only other person in there, you're both only in there because I fucking let you. Don't fucking tell me she didn't know if I was friendly. It was a fucking cheap shot.
If I was more of a bitch I would have kicked her off the friends list and she wouldn't have any private sessions to bring her shitty friends to.