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3 Sets of Horse Tix/Dog Tix and 3 shows

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Carnival 🎠 let the games begin.. 🎟🎭🎡 Nad watching
February 13th, 2020 2:04:11am
72 Posts

I am in desprate need to sell my tix because of need of money. I have 3 upgrades. I just bought 2 upgrades and need to get as much money back as possible. I would love someone permantly reserving my tickets, shows, and training services. If I could get this done, I could possibley afford a 4th ugrade with the money. MAYBE. Bottom Line I need them gone. I have them set at their orgianal store price for sale. The shows havent been set. If they dont sell I run them Mondays under Interception. I will do spots, but only have 3. I sell whole shows also.



Please respond! Messaging me on my account would be best.


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