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Mod madness! - February

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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
February 14th, 2020 11:28:08am
2,469 Posts




Maharet says

Love and Corporate Hearts are in the air! Color this page however you choose, with any medium of your choice

to receive 5k on any animal!




Make sure to post the animal ID AND your completed image in the forum to receive your prize!




Broken Vow 


Game/Activity: Meme Theme

In your forum post please post links to whatever Meme you can find that you like best for each subject listed!

For each Meme linked they must be a properly working url, no broken links, errors, page to multiple images, or page not found when you click on it to view!

Keep things HP appropriate, but with our swearing ban lifted, use that with taste please.

Each Meme posted will award you 1k points!

Please include your animal's ID# in your post otherwise I will not be awarding points!

1. Candy

2. Pink

3. Hearts

4. Love

5. Valentine's Day




Mango (1802)



Below are clues to an animal you can find on HP. Message me the name and ID of the animal once you've found it, and you'll earn 5k points on an animal of your choice -- include the ID in your message or your post here.


Don't put the animal you found in your post!



1. This horse is a mare with over 2mil points.

2. She makes a great "Valentine"

3. She's the highest pointed of her breed!





Draw me some of your favorite items that you yourself (not the person sitting next to you) normally receives on Valentine’s Day and post it to the forum.

3,000 points on any animal 

Be sure to include the ID if you want the points!




Pants (13599)


Valentines Mad Libs - https://i1.wp.com/www.culdesaccool.com/wp-c...ine-Madlip1.jpg

Either ask someone else for the words, or fill in the blanks yourself, and post either a screenshot or a typed version of your finished product! Each participant will receive a prize 2 mill!




Tifisati (670)


Game/Activity: Word Scramble

Unscramble the words and send them to me! Do NOT post them on the forum

Each word unscrambled will award you 1 million HPD per each correct answer.

1. diramre

2. dnayc

3. conemra

4. vleo

5. eurt voel 

mw0PiPU.png 4EvEVBM.png dJ0BFny.png xzJXn6S.png


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
February 18th, 2020 8:18:49am
2,469 Posts

few more hours to get an extra 18k points on your animals!

mw0PiPU.png 4EvEVBM.png dJ0BFny.png xzJXn6S.png


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Kaly :: Learnin' to fly, but I ain't got wings.
February 18th, 2020 10:39:35am
123 Posts






Broken Vow:

1) candy "https://media.makeameme.org/created/i-can-kill-5b6d28.jpg"

2) pink "https://lauraagudelo272.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/funny-why-do-you-wear-pink-camo-are-you-going-to-hunt-flamingos-01.jpg"

3)hearts "https://i.chzbgr.com/full/8062515200/h7B405E39/"

4) love "https://i.pinimg.com/474x/f9/e2/4b/f9e24b94674fa8a3e2b414c9d3ae7676.jpg"

5) valentines day "https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1331252/will-ferrel-valentines-meme.png?w=1600&h=900&q=88&f=61138a4d171972bf8d1cc9672a6e6cfa"


Mango: messaged









Tifisati: messaged



All points to:



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