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Hawaii Travel Plans?

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Kyuubi || Health Issues :(
March 23rd, 2020 2:38:59pm
428 Posts

Hey so do you know of anyone that plans to travel to Hawaii in the foreseeable future? Well, I would advise not to, even with plane tickets round trip insanely cheap there is not anything you can do while here. Visitors basically get to arrive and then get trapped in their hotels for their stay till they leave because Covid19 is now community spread but instead of closing our borders to deal with it, hotel workers are considered essential and get to visit with all our travelers, then go home to their families and go shopping for groceries and get to continue the spread because only now is something sort of being done about testing anyone that arrives in our airports.

I ask you guys to please spread the word to anyone you may know that visiting Hawaii right now is not in the cards as there isn't anything for them to do anyways but admire their hotel.


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