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Riddle ;; isn't it beautiful the way we fall apart.
January 18th, 2014 10:20:00pm
85 Posts

If you offer any services you'd like listed (Breeding, Training, Graphics, Coding, etc.), we'd love to have you!Β  Just join the Association and send me a message with your information.

For Breeders we just need to know the account id, name, and breed specialty.
For Trainers we need to know id, name, and prices (if applicable) for enter-all and no enter-all training.
For Graphics we need to know id, name, link to examples, and prices (if applicable) for animal images and layout images.
For Coding we need to know id, name, and which coding styles you offer.

If anyone has suggestions for information they'd like to see in any of these lists, please let me know!Β  I'm trying to keep it short and simple, but there is wiggle room.Β  ;)


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