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Bingo and More!

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Jaya • The warriors are here; come out and play
April 27th, 2020 9:28:41pm
27,415 Posts

Join me tomorrow tonight (Tuesday, April 28th) in the bingo hall at 9pm for some bingo!

Cards cost 500k HPD each (money to be sent to me at account #45648), max of two cards per player. If you are a new player that wants to participate message me and I'll make sure you can still play!


Also, keep an eye on the forums: starting on Wednesday (April 29th) I'll be running a four-day mini-challenge. Each day I'll have a small activity you can do, each with it's own small prize. If you complete all of them, you'll get something bigger - but you'll have to wait until Wednesday to find out what it is! :)



Let me know if you have questions about any of the above, and I hope to see you in the bingo hall and/or the forums this week!



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