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Jaya's Mini-Challenge #1

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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
April 29th, 2020 8:25:56am
27,691 Posts

Ah, the end-of-the week drags on, doesn't it? So, I am going to host a series of mini-challenges, Wednesday thru Saturday. You’ll have 24 hours to complete each one, and each will earn a small prize. Finish all four, and you’ll get a pair of store animals with 50k on them!

Your first challenge: tell me something that made you smile today (using at least three sentences).

Easy, right? You have until 8:30am on Thursday, April 30th to post this to the forums and win 1k points on an animal (animal ID number must be included in your post).

Check back in the forums tomorrow for challenge #2!



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Binny 🦄 [blitz watching]
April 29th, 2020 10:40:53pm
2,907 Posts

Its been a long 6 weeks isolated at home with the boys. Even more so with e-learning. BUT today I got them both to sit down and do some school work with no complains/fighting/arguing. It was a nice 10mins LOL
But watching them both makes me smile. All day everyday. Today was a win though! 💙💙


Points on Missy 125088 please :D


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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
April 29th, 2020 11:58:48pm
1,975 Posts

Points to Kovu #332875 please!

One thing that made me smile today, and every single day, is my daughter. He laugh is infectious, and even in this crazy world we are living in right now she brings light and happiness into every day. We brushed the dog today, and the entire time she was asking why he wasn't more handsome yet XD. He is an extremely fluffy border collie and she wanted to know why he wasnt shaved when we were just brushing him out.



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GM Speakeasy Stables
April 30th, 2020 1:30:02am
1 Posts

Today was laundry day so I didnt expect much to be fun. It was boring as I thought and too warm I was getting sleepy in the Laundromat but they were playing Mickey Mouse Clubhouse a remedy to sleeping. What made me smile though was while I was waiting for the taxi cab I happened to look at the extinguisher on the wall and on top was a painted rock!


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April 30th, 2020 2:21:06am
98 Posts

I just wanted to say I love this idea! Taking a minute to be grateful for what you have is always a good idea!

 So today I got to go up to the barn and catch up with an old horsey friend that I haven't seen in over a year. As a 25 year-old at a barn full of 16 year-olds, it's nice to have some one around the same age and at the same point in life as me around sometimes.  Her and I spent a few hours catching up and just grooming some of the old guys.  It was a nice, relaxing afternoon in the middle of all this crazy.

In other news, me guy got a bath on Saturday. Upon arriving today, I learned that dingus decided to try and befriend a skunk. Buddy reeks.

Points on 335713 please!



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Apnea | 𝓗𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓼
April 30th, 2020 6:09:01am
5 Posts

My new horse makes me smile. Yesterday was her 5th birthday and officially 6 months since I broke her in and first sat on her. :) 

We managed to have our instructor come out to us (the government changed our guidelines slightly and it now allows him to teach) - I've been having weekly lessons for 2 years and I had been missing him so much! 

My now grown up smarty pants of a 5 year old went stunningly in our lesson. 

Points on: https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=333971


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LUMOS. 🔮 i will not be afraid 💜
April 30th, 2020 6:14:13am
352 Posts

I hope religion is allowed because the biggest thing that made me smile today was God. I have been praying boldly lately and He has been showing up in my life and answering so many of my prayers it's wild!!! 

I started a new job today and that made me smile because being able to pay my bills makes me happy lol. I worked both jobs today one after the other but I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be, and that had me in a pretty good mood all day. 

Another thing that always makes me smile, today included are my cats


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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
April 30th, 2020 8:40:18am
27,691 Posts

Thanks for playing, everyone!



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