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Hug Your Cat Day!
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] May 30th, 2020 10:36:34pm 2,902 Posts |
You all know that Concourse loves random small holidays. She has had many events planned, but real life kind of stepped up and in the way (Juggling numerous jobs, two toddlers, full-time college student, and just life in general). So the bad news is, I missed some amazing planned events - and it really really sucks. I had huge things typed out for: Save the Rhino Day, Space Day, National Tourism Day, Mother’s Day, Love a Tree Day, and World Otter Day! In the long run, this is okay - cause there is always next year and I have all the events and stuff already created for those days and ready to go. The best news is: I still have loads of things planned out for the rest of the year - and most of those are already created too!!!!! I am going to start now, with one of my favorites!
Hug Your Cat Day!Did you know that Ancient Egyptians worshiped cats? They absolutely spoiled then and treated them like royalty. Which is not much different from how they are treated today. June 4th, 2020 is Hug Your Cat Day!
How can you celebrate in real life? Obviously pick up a kitty and give it a hug! Don’t have a kitty? That’s fine. You can love on one at a shelter (if it is safe) or love one from afar through pictures.
How can we celebrate on HP? I am so glad you asked. Cats are not part of the game play (fingers crossed here guys!), but a lot of us own them and here is where we can spread love and good cheer on the game. There are numerous events - and even the ones that require you own a kitty will have alternatives so that you can still earn prizes!
I will update this DAILY with a new event. You will have until 7 PM HP time (EST) on June 5th to get your entries in and prizes will be awarded as soon as possible.
We will start today (I am posting this slightly early on May 30th as I work a 13 hour shift tomorrow) - May 31st, 2020.
EVENT ONE Picture Story - If you own a cat, this is your time to shine. Post a picture of your cat(s) and tell us a little bit about them. You can tell us a short story about them (how they became yours, what their personality is like, why they are the best kitty in the whole world, absolutely anything). If you don’t own a cat, but you are close to someone who does - feel free to tell us about any cat that you know and adore!
If there are absolutely no purring friends in your life - then find a picture of your favorite kitty on the internet (HP appropriate, please) and share with us here. Tell us what you would name the kitty if you owned it and make up a story about it (silly, happy, whatever your little heart desires).
If you participate and share a picture and a story, you will earn 2,000 points on any one animal of your choice. Only one prize to be awarded per person who participates. You have until June 5th, 2020 at 7pm HP time (EST) to get your entries in.
EVENT TWO Earn 1,000 points for any animal of your choice per answer. PM THESE TO ME, DO NOT POST THEM IN RESPONSE TO THIS THREAD! Please include Crossword and Hug Your Cat Day or HYCD in the subject line. clickable link: https://i.imgur.com/o6klEyQ.png You have until June 5th, 2020 at 7pm HP time (EST) to get your entries in. EVENT THREE If you find all 18 words you earn 50 extra horse OR dog tickets. IF you only find half, you earn 25 extra horse or dog tickets. Find a bonus word to win 1m hpd! *only concourse knows the bonus word* PM THESE TO ME, DO NOT POST THEM IN RESPONSE TO THIS THREAD! Please include Wordfind and Hug Your Cat Day or HYCD in the subject line. Please also include the account # you want your reward(s) to go to! Clickable link: https://i.imgur.com/VIYCjSI.png You have until June 5th, 2020 at 7pm HP time (EST) to get your entries in. EVENT FOUR Respond to this thread with your pictures. Personal pictures are okay. 1,000 points earned for every picture found. A chance to earn 15,000 points total! You have until June 5th, 2020 at 7pm HP time (EST) to get your entries in.
EVENT FIVE Unscramble these words to earn 1,000 points per word. You can earn up to 10,000 points from this event. Please private message the answers to me - do not respond to this thread with the answers. You have until June 5th, 2020 at 7pm HP time (EST) to get your entries in. Bonus EventIf you participate and share picture you drew (any medium), you will earn 2,000 points on any one animal of your choice. Only one prize to be awarded per drawing who participates. You have until June 5th, 2020 at 7pm HP time (EST) to get your entries in.
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pinkchampagne » May 31st, 2020 11:17:37pm 415 Posts |
This was Toby. I got him as a birthday present when I was 16. There were 3 other kitties in his litter that was rescued by our local fish and wilflife. I went to go choose a cat and I picked an orange kitty with tons of white on him. He was the one I was going to take home the following week. The day I went to go pick him up, he wouldnt come to me and instead Toby came over and crawled in my lap and was being so sweet. I decided to take Toby home with me instead. About a month later, the fish and wild life officer called me and asked me how Toby was doing. He then told me that all the other kittens in the litter ended up passing away after contracting some sort of virus or disease! I think it was fate that Toby was the one who crawled in my lap that day and I took him home, or the cat I was supposed to bring home would have most likely died. He was with me for many years until he passed away due to renal failure at the age of 7 :( He was a really cool cat, he loved going for walks, playing fetch and hide and seek, and sitting on my shoulder while I walked around. I miss him a lot, and haven't had another kitty since him.
Points on horse Kalipso #332991, please. |
Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright June 1st, 2020 12:51:00pm 27,686 Posts |
Messaged about activity #2! |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] June 1st, 2020 10:05:04pm 2,902 Posts |
Event three is up!
Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright June 1st, 2020 10:58:02pm 27,686 Posts |
Messaged you event 3! |
Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves, June 2nd, 2020 9:50:25am 1,706 Posts |
event 2 sent, pts to shelti 126641 thank you |
chime » heartbroken June 2nd, 2020 11:26:41am 2,594 Posts |
This is Sebastian. He was born the day my daddy passed away. My dad always hated cats so my mama liked to joke that it was my dad reincarnated XD He was bottle fed from the day he was born because he was abandoned. So it seemed like fate. He was super lovable too. He would sit on your hip like a baby with an arm around your neck and would raise up on his back legs to wrap his arms around your neck to give a hug or so you'd pick him up. He got sick and didn't live a long life, but he lived a full one. He made our hearts warm during a dark time and we miss him every day. ♥
Points to https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=127027 |
Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves, June 2nd, 2020 1:21:30pm 1,706 Posts |
event 3 sent, dog tickets to acct 30657 please and thank you |
Chance -----> The Thoroughbred Factory June 2nd, 2020 7:23:40pm 357 Posts |
Well I could not, for the life of me, find a picture of Mango. But here is my best attempt at drawing him! Mango was a barn cat that I had. He was pure evil (in a very playful way)! He would hide around any corner and jump out and claw up your leg before he would run off and hide again, only to attack again moments later. He would sometimes lure you in by rolling onto his back and looking like he wanted a belly rub, but then he would bat at your hands and try to bite. He was also the worst barn cat I've ever had. Since then, I've realized that females are the much better hunters. Last time I adopt a male cat! Mango lived a long and happy life at the barn and was loved because of how he made us all laugh. |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] June 3rd, 2020 1:55:41am 2,902 Posts |
Guysssssssss I forgot to do my own post, but thankfully I still have a few days left. Here are my babies. Chuzzle was born this year - her mom pulled a disappearing act when the litter was a few days old and she still hasn't been found. Her and her litter mates were bottle fed and she has the best personality on account of it. She was the runt of the litter - and she is solid black from her nose all the way down to her little black toe beans! After many years of not having a cat of my own - I think I finally found a good match. [edited to add: The mom belonged to a neighbor, not to me] Turkey was born May 22nd, 2020 - and he wasn't supposed to stay here. But just lok at him! This cat is such a love bug - he follows me everywhere. He is my daughter's kitty, and he absolutely adores her. He follows her around like a dog - she's even taught him to play fetch! Nvidia is our stubborn old man. He doesn't like me at all, or our son. He adores my husband and our daugher. I cannot figure it out at all. I try to keep him in the house and he is constantly making a grand escape. We have owned him since like 2012/2013 and I rescued him off the side of the road. I actually stopped cause he was on the white line rolling around like he'd been hit, but after a quick vet trip - it was found he had not been hit and was totally fine. He does not leave the back yard at all (he is very lazy actually, and rarely leaves the back porch). Trust me, I know... they should be inside, but this cat has busted out windows and screens to make his grand escapes and then after we had the kids, he always finds moments of oppurtunities.
Points to https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=125048 |
🐈~Broken Vow~❄️ June 3rd, 2020 2:00:34am 8,756 Posts |
Alejate |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] June 3rd, 2020 12:49:08pm 2,902 Posts |
Bumping! |
Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright June 3rd, 2020 1:03:42pm 27,686 Posts |
bumping again because Sat and I buried it sorry |
Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves, June 3rd, 2020 2:38:30pm 1,706 Posts |
saving my space :) |
Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright June 3rd, 2020 2:38:50pm 27,686 Posts |
Eagerly awaiting the last activity! |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] June 3rd, 2020 4:44:47pm 2,902 Posts |
Bumping cause it's 15,000 points! Only three people have done it thus far. You're missing out on some awesome points! |
Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright June 3rd, 2020 6:09:10pm 27,686 Posts |
Bump! Come on, people!! |