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Oh, Crap! I Forgot my Camera and it's Almost Independence Day!
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] June 28th, 2020 9:28:35pm 2,902 Posts |
Oh, Crap! I Forgot my Camera and it's Almost Independence Day!
This week is a huge mix of things. Instead of posting everything seperately, I am going to get it all up at once.
June 29th is National Camera Day! July 2nd is I Forgot Day! July 4th is Independence Day!
National Camera Day Celebration - We will celebrate this day by sharing photos that WE HAVE TAKEN! No stock pictures - just photos we have taken personaly. Doesn't have to be anything personal or included people (landscapes, pets, ect are okay - so are people, but you don't have to feel obliged to post a human) - it DOES have to be HP appropriate. Do this for a chance to win 5k points on any animal. At the end of everything - we will have voting on all the pictures provided. The first place winner will win an additional 10k points, second place will win an additional 7k points, and third place will win an additional 5k points! Entries will close on Saturday July 5th - and voting will take place the next week. If this event does good, I will consider holding a monthly photo competition with a theme every month. Just let me know what you think.
You CAN post more than one picture, but please put ** CONTEST ENTRY ** By the one you'd like to enter into the voting. :) Only one picture per person in the voting.
I Forgot Day! - This is a day where you are allowed to just 'not remember' - it was created by a woman named Gaye Anderson from DeMotte, In. There are many ways to celebrate this day, but we will celebrate by sharing a story about something you once forgot. I have a horrid memory and I am constantly forgetting things (Just ask Jaya XD -hides head- Seriously though, she keeps me sane). Share your story to hear 2k points on any one animal.
Independance Day! Is the day that the Declaration of Independence was signed in the USA. I am horribly saddened that I MISSED the chance to celebrate Juneteenth as well - so this will be a combined celebration of both! We will celebrate FREEDOM all the way around. To celebrate this holiday - we will share our favorite traditions, recipes, stories, movies, books, and music (HP appropriate please) to earn 5k points on any one animal. Canada Day is July 1st, so if that holiday applies to you more, use it in place of Independence Day (Thank you Ridgeway for the amazing suggestion!). For our UK peeps - please tell use about FIREWORKS NIGHT! I know it isn't until November, but I'd love to hear about it. If none of these apply to you, tell us about a holiday you celebrate! I would love to hear more about it!
Please note, I know I have been slacking on INTERNATIONAL holidays, I am trying to do better - but most holidays are legit just another day for me. Even my birthdays are that way, I've had 2 parties my entire life. If you have a holiday you want to see celebrated on HP that I don't know about, please PM me! I'd love to celebrate your holidays with you!
You have until Saturday July 5th @ 10pm EST (HP TIME) to get your entries in.
pinkchampagne » July 1st, 2020 1:17:46pm 415 Posts |
National Camera Day: A photo I took of my in-laws horses at their home. I Forgot Day: I literally forget things so much that I have a hard time remembering something I forgot. One memory that comes to mind was when I was young at my first job that was in the next town over. I got up early and had my mom drive me over for work. She dropped me off and left and I went to go inside but the doors were locked, I couldn't figure out why until I finally remembered my boss had told me the day before to not come in that day. I ended up having to walk about 15km back home as cellphones weren't a thing back then so I couldn't get a hold of anyone. I was exhausted lol. Points to horse #338474! Canada Day/Independence Day: Every year for Canada Day my city has a big party in the park with different vendors, food, shows, movies, etc. And at 11pm we all gather around this lake and there's a huge fireworks show. We usually start the day off with some drinks with friends, a bbq, and then go walk around the city and the parks. I look forward to it every year but due to Covid-19 everything was cancelled this year. It was kind of sad. I stayed at home while my husband went to work, and it was just like any other day. I didn't celebrate it at all this year. Points to horse #338474! |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] July 4th, 2020 11:26:53am 2,902 Posts |
A little under 24 hours to participate! |
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] July 4th, 2020 11:44:44am 2,902 Posts |
Picture: I guess I am going to go with https://www.deviantart.com/smb-photography/art/Hope-0227-330100858 I picked this one because it just means a lot to me, especially with some things that I have been going through this year. 'Hope' was taken eight years ago - still one of my favorites. Still touching. Still gives me a slight feeling of hope. I Forgot Day: Ask anyone who talks to me on any sort of normal basis. I loose my wallet almost daily. I actually have no idea where it currently is to be totally honest. XD I also lost my Samsung Galaxy Watch my husband bought me for mother's day after a 12 hour shift. I took it off when I got off work, and then went to bed and it's never been seen again. I haven't even owned it two months yet. -sigh- Independance Day: So we have a lot of things with this one. When I was a kid, it was a huge thing. My papa was still alive and he made it huge. He loved it. We would all go to his house and the adults would drink and the kids would have a glass of champange (I found out only as an adult and years after his passing that it was actually sparkling juice!) and then we would all gather out front and take turns (drunk adults and kids alike) shooting off fireworks. We were also that family that would have bottle rocket and roman candle wars, ya know - everything it says NOT to do. As an adult, we go together with my one sister (family fell apart after papa died, no one talks unless they are gossiping - it's sad and depressing tbh). We have ribs, let the kids play on her playground and the kiddie pool. Her neighbors buy fireworks and we do too, we take turns alternating from the end of the driveway. It's like a group show, that no one plans and everyone enjoys. XD Which is a plus this year with the social distancing cause each family always stays at the end of their own driveway. --------------
-all rewards from here up rewarded if I could. some people messaged for details- |