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International Stress Awareness Day

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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
November 2nd, 2020 10:19:02pm
2,902 Posts

I went through all today stressed out that I was a day late (and a dollar short) in getting this posted. Only to log on and see that it was supposed to be posted today all along. How fitting that this week’s event is International Stress Awareness!

International Stress Awareness Day is the first Wednesday in November (aka – 11/04/2020) and with the year we have all been having, I picked this as the holiday that took priority in celebrating. Stress is the silent killer, and it is super important that we develop coping mechanisms to help our mental and our physical health.

Here is how we are going to celebrate!

1.       Post a picture of a cute baby animal. Studies have proved that looking at cute baby animals (and just cute stuff in general) relieves stress and helps improve focus. (Don’t believe me? Google!) Plus, it earns you a whooping 5,000 points on any animal! [HP appropriate please!]

2.       Keeping on par with the theme above, let’s relax and put together a puzzle of pure cuteness! Click here. Plus it earns you 3,000 points!

3.       For 7,500 points – color this amazing coloring page anyway you want to. I know it’s large – but it’s to help you focus on one task and help calm down your nerves / mind.  Coloring is a very popular thing that people do to calm down!

4.       For another 5,000 points – tell us what you do to calm down and help keep your stress and anxiety levels down?


I will end this by saying: Post all your responses in a reply to this thread for your points. Also please include the number of the animal you’d like your points rewarded to. Open til November 8th, 2020 - 11:59 PM EST / HP TIME.  




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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
November 3rd, 2020 11:25:21am
1,706 Posts

Here is how we are going to celebrate! STRESS DAY         all points to 340395

1.Post a picture of a cute baby animal.  Plus, it earns you a whooping 5,000 points on any animal! 


2.Keeping on par with the theme above, lets all relax and put together a puzzle of pure cuteness! Plus it earns you 3,000 points!  https://i.imgur.com/SOsHU7h.jpg

3.For 7,500 points color this amazing coloring page  https://i.imgur.com/KfdAEZ1.jpg

4.For another 5,000 points tell us what you do to calm down and help keep your stress and anxiety levels down? I play HP, color, and do puzzles 

wow 20,500 points to my saddlebred mare, yea


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adeina ❧ border collies ❦
November 3rd, 2020 11:57:29am
1,797 Posts

Me too!



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amberellie - idk what day it is
November 3rd, 2020 12:18:43pm
747 Posts

1.  Here is a baby animal!  This is Rosie as a calf!



4.  The thing that helps my stress & anxiety is by doing graphics and paintings on photoshop, it's the one time of the day where my brain shuts off the million things going on and focuses on just that one thing.

for horse #342322


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Maharet : Taking a break : BV, Blitz, & Trig watching
November 3rd, 2020 12:25:18pm
2,469 Posts


2. https://prnt.sc/vcqwbg puzzle


4. breather, go outside, unhealthy but there always adult drinks ;)


mw0PiPU.png 4EvEVBM.png dJ0BFny.png xzJXn6S.png


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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
November 3rd, 2020 6:07:09pm
2,902 Posts

1. https://www.flickr.com/photos/128073822@N04/16007867463/in/photolist-qoyvhT-c8SjXU-LRpBY9-s8SngN-daFZKn-snBxjm-SHUHGA-bowviz-nL8NPS-nHhRNz-vC3sn9-6LbXqp-GVDuru-oVrybi-bomZMV-9R2Neg-6qZuQQ-7aFYZw-6ENPVg-oUybbK-okSrqv-jEi7n-26tjzXx-jEiaK-c42dUS-dfSBsP-27RTnEM-dvRAzK-71HMoU-31jR6v-dnGviG-2emqT6L-auAPq4-q5F8TT-26H4aNr-4MZdU1-297E3Dx-oJepNt-dSpsVw-HkKbA7-a2o7X4-34o6Uc-Jeo6oN-pNqqVx-c7bTAu-jEibT-dSpsyC-34o6QV-c3NJ7q-QXoUUu



4. Crochet, Puzzles, Color, Read, bubble baths!



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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
November 3rd, 2020 7:08:55pm
6,522 Posts

Puzzle: http://prntscr.com/vcxv5i

Cute baby animal: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ed/39/ee/ed39ee54f03c30d9a48cffb0e27fefdc.jpg

What I do to unstress: Walk, Deep breathing, calming podcast, knit

Points on Samwise!



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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
November 3rd, 2020 8:44:58pm
8,756 Posts

1. My Orangey Kittah 14yrs ago!


3. Coloring to come pending time! xD

4. I listen to music, snuggle with my kitties, go for a hike, spend time with the ponies.

Points on Horse: (#341320)

pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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Lynelle! ♔ Holiday Schedule Causing Delays
November 4th, 2020 11:05:52am
2,046 Posts

1. In honor of it almost being their 1st birthday - here's my Luka and Layla babiesss: https://sta.sh/0cuagk2layo ARGUEABLY the best thing of 2020

2. (had to remind myself - this is for RELAXATION - it is not a race: https://prnt.sc/vdevka

3. *will come back to do this*

4. To calm down, I usually go to see my horse. I know it sounds lame - but no matter what, if we just go for a easy trail ride or if I'm seriously mad - stall cleaning is GREAT therapy. XD But just brushing her and seeing her react to me being there (she always knickers down the isle at me) it's just really fun to be with her. Alone though I might add - sometimes other people at the barn can make me even more stressed.


Points to Horse #339626


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Inamorato | Dalmatians
November 4th, 2020 11:17:36am
16 Posts

1.  Just 1? I can't pick just one....so here are my nuggets (I breed Dalmatians in RL) when they were:

a few hours old: https://imgur.com/PxVcQad.jpg

a few days old: https://imgur.com/UfenusL.jpg

a few weeks old: https://i.imgur.com/CYzYleJ.jpg

2.  https://imgur.com/vnDdYXu.jpg

3. https://i.imgur.com/KfW4zKA.jpg

4.       I live a very stressful life right now with work and a lot of personal things going on (divorce, moving states, constant emergency vet bills). To help with my stress I like to listen to music to decompress, spend time with my dogs and horses, and recently I'm back in HP and like to escape here too. HP is a perfect place to forget about the troubles "in the real world". That or playing other MMOs (WoW). 


Please have all points go to: https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=130531



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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
November 7th, 2020 6:59:09pm
2,902 Posts




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pinkchampagne »
November 7th, 2020 7:10:07pm
415 Posts

1.       Post a picture of a cute baby animal. https://unsplash.com/photos/fliwkBbS7oM

2.       Keeping on par with the theme above, let’s relax and put together a puzzle of pure cuteness! https://imgur.com/a/Xg0Vt3r

3.       For 7,500 points – color this amazing coloring page anyway you want to. 

4.       For another 5,000 points – tell us what you do to calm down and help keep your stress and anxiety levels down? I do some breathing exercises, go for a drive with my music turned way up, or I go to the barn I work at and it instantly de-stresses me. 


Any points to dog #130124 please!



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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
November 7th, 2020 7:51:40pm
2,272 Posts

1. https://i.imgur.com/Ltu69xJ.png

2. https://i.imgur.com/njGMAb7.png

3. https://i.imgur.com/r6t8QQP.jpg

4. I turn on my music and sing alone in my house. Calms me right now. Always has all my life.

Points to horse #




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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 7th, 2020 10:16:46pm
27,686 Posts

1. https://curiocity.com/toronto/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/redpandacubs.jpg

2. https://i.imgur.com/WEWbfXV.png


4. I snuggle with my son or my husband. Or if they caused me stress, I get away and have alone time - take a bubble bath or a nap, mainly.

points to dog #130023



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Chance -----> The Thoroughbred Factory
November 7th, 2020 11:03:06pm
357 Posts

1.) https://imgur.com/mMoPt4c

2.) https://imgur.com/Vjr9elr

3.) https://imgur.com/VGpl64M


4.)  hug my dog, exercise, training on HP is calming to me, or take a shower/bath.


points to horse 340710 please!


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November 8th, 2020 12:09:01am
75 Posts

1. Our Husky when she was a pup https://i.imgur.com/N8Y1n1H.jpg

2. Puzzle: https://i.imgur.com/2IYH7IR.png

4. I like to write. Usually helps me.

Points on this horse please:  https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=342485 


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November 8th, 2020 1:40:25pm
4,401 Posts

1. posting two because not sure many people would find baby alligators as adorbs as I do lol: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/41/31/52/413152c5ea826b2d96781768752d76b8.jpg, https://i.pinimg.com/236x/f1/06/d7/f106d70f41c3d9e7db1f404adc93df38.jpg

2. puzzle: https://i.imgur.com/5RSmRvT.png?1


4. go to the park or on a trail with my dog, puzzles, focus on things I can control (like cleaning and organizing), yoga, listen to something on the insight timer app - really helpful when I'm at work (it's free, https://insighttimer.com/)

points here, please: https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=327591


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Tifi - Cocker
November 8th, 2020 5:52:10pm
996 Posts

1. Tia as a pup https://i.imgur.com/fZvMPqx.jpg

2.       https://i.imgur.com/ioK28jw.png

3.      ran out of time as just saw this post tonight :( 

4.       I focus on my breathing and sit down to try and relax and sometimes I put lavender on my pillow to help me. 

ponts to: https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=341356


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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
November 8th, 2020 10:31:49pm
2,970 Posts

Cute Baby Animal: My male cat, Beetle, as a kitten! https://i.imgur.com/H1qmA89.jpg

Jigsaw: https://i.imgur.com/eJD7tpD.png

Destress: I train on HP, read or listen to videos on YouTube.


Points to: https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=130274



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November 8th, 2020 11:02:09pm
196 Posts

1. Baby animal - A baby seal! They are so CUTE! https://i.redd.it/qpupzq97ye431.jpg

2. Puzzle - https://i.imgur.com/bvU2OeC.png

3. Coloring - will do if i have the time!

4. Destress - Usually I sleep my stress away, seems to work most of the time. Before I would go for a drive around the 'back roads' in my area listening to good music, it's especially nice in the rain

points to dog #129718 please!

JjsLXlr.png aJG3hc0.png


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