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nad&nekeproductions presents: ISLA SORNA - Closed!
BANNED March 2nd, 2021 2:14:31pm 11 Posts |
N A D & N E K E P R O D U C T I O N S -presents- ISLA SORNA OF JURASSIC WORLD PARK Coming to HP theatres, March of 2021! For a preview, please click below: With DNA from both Nadhimas amazing Paint lines, and a bit of Tyrannesaurus Rex spliced in for colour, this horse is clearing a path to be your 2021 notix/shows Mascot! Beware her cage, she bites and she is HUNGRY for horseflesh.
O U R M O T T O: Eat everyone that gets in your way. |
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BANNED March 2nd, 2021 2:14:47pm 11 Posts |
BANNED March 2nd, 2021 2:14:52pm 11 Posts |
BACKSTORY: Wealth breeds eccentricities, people often claim. This was probably why John Hammond had tried to build a dinosaur theme park. John Hammond has been an incredibly wealthy man – with an incredibly idealized dream. He dreamt of a theme park wherein creatures from this world’s past were brought to life. Dinosaurs, real, live dinosaurs – like a petting zoo full of enormous reptiles. Only you mustn’t touch the animals – and the cages were very large electrical walls. As he would say, he spared no expense. Bio-engineers, zoologists, theme park specialists, and world class hoteliers and chefs joined him in his dream. Off the coast of Costa Rica, the theme park took shape – with electrified walls and cages, with bio-engineered eggs and creatures. All girls, the park proclaimed, unable to breed on their own. All under control, the engineers promised, showing their stunning walls. All safe, the advisers promised, showing the security system designed to protect guests. The park was a dream born from the blood in the body of a mosquito, immortalized in an amber chrysalis. It truly was a beautiful park, built on the island of Isla Nublar. It was a beautiful dream, as so many are, until it morphed into a horrific nightmare. As a certain doctor would say: Life, uh, finds a way. When the electricity went out, and the predators got loose, not all who were at this extraordinary theme park survived. For alongside the gentle herbivores were those with teeth – and they aimed to eat everything that got in their way. InGen closed Jurassic Park down before it even opened. ---x--- However, humans are remarkably obtuse creatures, and over time the island became history. Like the creepy house down the block that your friends dared you to touch. It was terrifying, but the danger was a joke. More people died, as they crashed or broke onto the island to see if the animals were real. But humans are weak, and they are over confident. And most of all, they are greedy. A new generation emerged. Jurassic Park had failed, they claimed, because they had not thought ahead. Jurassic World, however, thought ahead. They hired a manager who was as smart as she was stunningly beautiful. They hired wildlife specialists. Security was tighter. Animals were tracked, now, with improved technology. A new park opened, a marvel in it’s time. With carnivores and herbivores in their respective areas, and protective spheres for travel amongst the gentler creatures – it was as Hammond dreamed it could be. It was stunning, it was amazing, and most of all – it was profitable. But humans are easily bored. They needed… more teeth. And so, InGen did what InGen does, and spliced creatures together that should never have been spliced. The Indominus Rex was born, a Frankenstein creature of so many different demons: Carnotaurus, Deinosuchus, Giganotosaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops, Therizinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, and Velociraptor, as well as the genome of modern animals such as cuttlefish, tree frogs and pit vipers. This monstrosity was terrifyingly huge. It was razor sharp claws, and teeth. It could hide in it’s surroundings. And scariest of all: it was terrifyingly smart. InGen would see it’s ruination as the new, improved creature escaped and lay waste to its island. Tearing through defenses and eating all who got in it’s path, many died that horrible day. And so, Jurassic World closed. Good riddance, many said. The natural order should be respected, others claimed. People died, others said, and that should have been enough. Trying again would be in bad taste! ---x— So time passed, and the islands were abandoned. The foliage grew thick, and the dinosaurs thrived in their man-made and jungle over-run habitats. They were isolated from humanity. They were safe. They were left alone. But, then the news of a volcano came upon the world. The animal rights activist’s screams were loud – they must be protected. The people of America were just as loud: let them all die! It became a race to see if they could – if they even should – be saved, these extinct creatures returned to life. In the end, money was, as always, a deciding factor. The details of this failure were less public. An auction, a secret meeting of the rich was enfolded in security and secrecy – and so word of it was hard to get to the media – and even harder for the media to believe. But the geneticists – well, they had AMPLE material to work from. ---x--- NEWS RELEASE INGEN SOLD – DOES THIS MEAN NO MORE MONSTERS? InGen, a company best known for creating human killing monsters, has been sold following their most recent death-related scandal! Dr. Henry Wu, the scientist behind much of the cloning and bio-engineering technology that built Jurassic Park and Jurassic World, was recently number six in what appears to be an insider job of murder within the higher InGen ranks. With several board members mysteriously dying as well, alongside long-time lawyer of the company, Mr. Gary Olds, InGen was in need of a controlling force immediately, to help to company stabilize after such trying times. Dr. Henry Wu had two proteges working in his lab, Dr. Nadhima and Dr. Nekeneke. Both specializing in their own biological fields, the two powerhouses swiftly took action and secured InGen, taking over with Nekeneke as partisan stock owner, and Nadhima as acting CEO of the company. This power move is not without precedent, and both scientists have been heavily investigated to confirm they had, in no way, been part of the recent rash of killings within their company (for more information of the suspect for the murder, please see page 4, “CAN ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVISTS GO TOO FAR?) Alongside their abrupt rise to power, InGen has undergone a recent name change and will now be known as NAD&NEKE PRODUCTIONS. - NEWS RELEASE DINOSAURS NO MORE! NEW PLANS FOR NAD&NEKE Last month came the interesting news of two new scientists taking over Ingen and renaming it for themselves. Nad&Neke Productions has since gained popularity overnight, as they keep announcing new products and expansions worldwide. Pulling out of many of InGens ventures, their focus seems to have shifted to sustainable, health livestock – trying to create disease free farming for all meat-eaters! This news closely follows their recent breakthrough is ergo-dynamic soil, a soil that has created bountiful crops with not GMO affects to those eating the provided food. Many activists are concerned for this change in dynamic, but animal breeders worldwide are thrilled at the prospect of less disease within their herds and animals. NEWS RELEASE HORSES DECLARED DISEASE FREE Nad&Neke Productions seems to have picked a favourite, focusing on the complex genetics of equines worldwide. Starting the the HYPP genes, and working through various others, including OLW, the duo has effectively eliminated diseases born within horses, and have made leaps and bounds in controlling viruses as well. What other animals are they going to dabble in next? - NEWS RELEASE IN NEED OF FUNDING? Stock for Nad&Neke have been trading like crazy, as the genetic mogul has been obliterating livestock diseases with ease. A steady influx of sponsors and income has left this mogul staggering, but an interview with Dr. Nekeneke has left us wondering: will the money run out? Dr. Nekeneke spoke on the Today Show about their sudden expensive success, warning viewers that human beings are far more complex and not to hope for immediate genetic cures for all ailments. She also reminded viewers that Nad&Neke Productions has far more in store for those invested in it – including a new theme park! This theme park, she promised, is not one of dinosaurs, much to the relief of many, but will hold a plethora of scientific discoveries and genetic modified animals for viewing of the public. After all, the company must earn money – and many of their ventures so far have been amazing, but not financially income creating. - NEWS RELEASE ISLA SORNA OPENS TO THE PUBLIC In this live video, your favourite reporter will go from cage to cage, from lab to lab, to see what these scientists have been cooking up in their facility. JOIN US MARCH 2 2021 FOR AN ON SCREEN VIEWING LIVE, at HP Theatres, of NAD&NEKE PRODUCTIONS: Isla Sorna, of Jurassic World Park.
HP Theatres was full to the roof the night of March 2nd, 2021. With only one viewing, and one theatre in the entire world broadcasting Nad&Neke Productions newest venture, all seats had been purchased weeks ago – and for insane amounts of money. To the right the activists lay, notepads and pencils ready to list the atrocities that they were certain the fabled island withheld. To the left, the paleontologists hovered; Isla Sorna has long been fabled to be the breeding grounds of the dinosaurs from the original park and they longed to see these creatures once more. Botonists were scattered throughout, curious about the dirt created and crop growth, and so much more. Businessmen filled the front – wondering if the venture, like so many by InGen, would crash and fail in a flurry of blood and death. It was tense, the staff thought to themselves, as they filled tubs of popcorn and sodas at the counter. The screen crackled to life. It was shaky, and it was grainy, but the shore of a stunning island came into view. The view stuttered as it turned, the connection was obviously strenuous. Now there was a huge facility, obviously a lab, with a huge fence extending both directions as far as the eye could see. It was clearly a gatehouse to the island itself, and the sounds of animals within were static filled, but obvious. Into the laboratory went the show, and through the offices filled with pretty young smiling faces. A woman, red haired, in a lab coat approached the camera. “Hello, you must be the representative from HP. I am Dr. Nekeneke, Dr Nadhima will be joining us soon. We will spare you the theatrics Hammond would have shown you, and get straight to where the magic happens. You must have many questions.” There was noise, and it was obvious that the microphone for the one with the camera wasn’t working correctly. Static followed as booing filled the theatre. What good was a show if you only heard parts of it? Those who knew technology sighed; this was not unexpected. The Jurassic islands were far from civilization after all. “Did we keep the dinosaurs? Well, yes! They are animals and contrary to what activists may say, we firmly believe that all animals deserve a home. If you’ll look to the map here..” The sound trailed off again, as the camera panned to map of the islands that made up the archipelago. Each was a different colour. With the sounds still static, it was hard to follow along, but the doctor pointed toa blue island and it enlarged, showing Isla Sorna. On it the lab was pictured, as well as topography. There were lines out from the lab – encasing the entire island. More lines. Multiple buildings throughout. Different labs, perhaps? The sound crackled back on: “As you can see we have several solar power generators throughout the island, with diesel backups for power. Our in-house mechanical team maintains them, and the entire fence structure. The left side of the island is all left as habitat from InGens breeding facilities, and the triple fence separates the island through the valley for the remain-“ The entire screen went momentarily dark. The staff began to whisper. This interview was more like a horror movie, with the static and flickering lights. When it came back online, they were in a lab, with tubes full of liquid to the ceiling. Ten tubs filled the room, with animals within. The Animal rights activists began to talk amongst themselves, as the scientists peered forwards. Dr. Nekeneke appeared to be gesturing avidly to something that looked like a horse. Well, if a horse was missing skin and had scales. “InGen may have been careless when it came to human life, a travesty we do not wish to repeat, but their genetic splicing capabilities were legendary. To take animals of different genotypes, and create a new species, well, she may have been a killed but the Indominus Rex was a marvel of the technology itself. Imagine, for a moment, a creature created specifically as a food source – not a cow, or a sheep, or a pig but a meat source that had growth rates of sheep, the ability to live in sparse environments like cattle, and the multiple birth rate of a-“ She had moved on now, past what the audience could see were parts of various livestock, in these odd tanks. The camera angle stuttered to a bulletin board, but there was not enough clarity to see much aside from the fact that it was divided into ten sections, and then through a set of doors. It seemed nobody was prepared for the creature within, there were several staff gathered around a large tank. The audience at the theatre was alive with muttering, and the HP staff saw a phone or two appear; they pretended not to. After all, all press was good press and it was hardly as if any of the visitors had signed a non-disclosure; in fact, reporters filled the area alongside the scientists. “This is our failure to cross such a creature so far. Ah well, we ARE trying.” They moved on from the pig-sheep-cow creature, and onto another space. “This is Dr. Nadhima. As you can see-“ The sound was static gibberish again, but it hardly mattered. The audience could see what a polite way of saying look at our baby. There, in the tank, was clearly a young feline, the size of a tiger cub. It was clear, in multiple other tanks, that more than one creature had been attempted. Not all seemed to have been successful. “We have had success where there were failures before!” Dr. Nekeneke was talking now, leading the way to an outdoor space. There was what appeared to be a mammoth standing there, slowly eating with two smaller ones nearby, “Mammoths, long thought extinct, may soon roam the earth once more. It was a small amount of splicing to bring them back, as they are so similarly related to elephants, of course, but we started with such extinct animals first.” The two scientists lead the way past the space, carefully fenced like a zoo exhibit. The mammoths raised their heads, obviously accustomed to visitors to their area. The biggest one took a step towards the person with the camera before they continue on, following the doctors as they passed by multiple other animals. A sabretooth tiger enclosure came next, then another ancient creature that looked like a sloth. Then an ancient looking horse-like creature. Each one was punctuated by the screen going blank, and the dialogue continuing and stopping at random intervals. Finally, they looped back to the lab, and were in a room filled with containers full of genetic materials. Bones, blood, and more – the room was filled with displays and machinery – and while the HP theatre staff were intrigued, it was a bit overwhelming. “It will be intermission now,” Dr Nadhima was speaking to the theatre, “Expect a delay, then you will see footage of the habitats for the ten species of extinct animals that you saw before you. You will notice that as they all had overlapping periods of life on this planet. So, while some may find it odd, we allow our predators to remain in with our prey-type animals. Since the Mammoth herd is reproducing and we are constantly producing new specimens, it’s a much more natural environment and the acreage is exceedingly large. This footage was captured via drone, as the habitat is beyond Site 2 Facilities, where we will be going next.” The lights came on slightly, and the audience stirred. Many lined up to relieve themselves, and some groups began to talk amongst themselves. The scenic view on the screen now showed, much like a nature documentary, the animals in a more natural setting, in groups and herds and the like. It was peaceful, and beautiful, and the animal activists seemed intrigued by the safari-like quality. The feed resumed fifteen minutes later, with Dr. Nadhima gesturing to another facility, much like the first. This time there was only one receptionist, who smiled warmly and waved. The space was smaller, and the laboratory seemed to only have a few staff, and be far more private. “As you can see, this facility is similar, but smaller. The other lab employs a team of 30 scientists, overseen by primarily Dr. Nekeneke. Split in two, team one is working on creating the perfect livestock source, based on various genetic components. The remaining staff work hard to return extinct species, and help bring back species close to extinction. However, his lab employs only 7 staff, and is primarily run by myself. It’s focus is on creating new breeds, much like the livestock project, but this project is primarily for the pure scientific discovery of creating new species.” The audio tapered off, once more, as the lab was panned around to view. Like the others, it was filled with genetic storage and fluid filled tanks. Different animal pictures were on each tank, sometimes 2, sometimes up to four. A commonality appeared to be horses; as several tanks featured that particular creatures. Given their success with equine disease, that hardly seemed surprising. The tanks came more into focus, and talking filled the theatre once more. There, in the nearest tank, with a tail that looked kind of like a shark, perhaps, was something with a horse-like front end. It didn’t look like a shark on one end and a horse on the other, but it was clearly some ungodly mutation of the two. It didn’t look alive, and Dr Nadhima was pointing to a board full of research. “It was an interesting concept, based on lore of course, the hippocampi. But so far, none have lived to adulthood. Genetic splicing data from InGen days has been hard to recover from the destroyed laboratories, and unfortunately Dr. Wu was not always the most forthcoming of teachers. Failure is of course, merely a step towards scientific success-“ It was clear, in multiple other tanks, that more than one ocean creature had been attempted. Colourful fins abounding in one tank, while another was oddly shaped, like a blobfish perhaps. One was the colours of an orca, another seemed to be a mesh of multiple things. All were unique, and disturbing, and many of those in the audience had long since forgotten their drinks and snacks, in favour of a sort of trance as they stared, fascinated. A cat with large, leathery wings, as if from a bat was in one tank. Another appeared to be a snake with wings. In another, a horse had feathers. The sheer variety was grotesque, like a macabre museum of failed splicing. It was also fascinating. As they moved on, another room was much like the prior laboratory, with small enclosures for live animals. “Here we have what we like to call the Woowl. Obviously, we have not given it an officially name…” Dr. Nadhima was showing the group an owl, with the neck and shoulder of a wolf. It had talons, and it’s wings seemed too-large. It had two tails, both with feathers. It was unique and in a strange way, stunning. Several enclosures were dark. It was clear not many experiments had yet met success. However, one was more of a platform. Approaching it, it was easy to see it looked down into a paddock, full of lush plant life. Within was a horse, but there was something wrong. Something… it was eating a dead pic, blood on the ground, thick squelching chewing noises abundant. “And here we see our crowning achievement, a Tyrannosaurus Paint.” The camera moved closer. It was not a horse, after all. It looked like one, but it was far larger – a horse might be over 5 feet tall but certain not nearing 8 feet. Horses also did not have split hooves that looked wicked sharp. And, now that it’s rear was visible, they scarcely had tails like that – theirs were more hair than tail. And were those scales? The animal raised it’s head, slit pupils dilating as it made a strange sound. The camera shook, and it was easy to see why. Where a horse jaw should be, it split farther, sharp teeth obvious. Blood dripped from it’s strange face, and it resumed eating. “This one is still quite young, a baby really, if you’ll follow us to the train, we can show you the herd – we have fifteen, with a beautiful matriarch. It is our belief they may be able to breed their own, one day.” Through a doorway the sun was bright, and the camera turn to see the train. It looked like something from an apocalyptic movie, heavy in steel and protection. They climbed aboard, and the connection was lost a moment, before coming online once more. Then the picture was distorted as if through a window, and a large fence could be seen, with animals behind it. “We called the herd matriarch ISLA SORNA, after this island. She’s stunning, with earth toned patterns – and almost 12 feet tall! She seems to grow more daily, but as horses grow until 6 or 7, and her other genetic components differently, it’s hard to say where she will end up. Oh, here’s the herd-” |
BANNED March 2nd, 2021 2:15:06pm 11 Posts |
ACROSTIC: Surmounts all
BANNED March 2nd, 2021 2:15:16pm 11 Posts |
BANNED March 2nd, 2021 2:15:24pm 11 Posts |
BANNED March 2nd, 2021 2:15:33pm 11 Posts |
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