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LUMOS. ๐Ÿ”ฎ catching up ๐Ÿ’œ knabstruppers
November 15th, 2021 10:41:56pm
341 Posts

Hey all,

Getting closer to my due date and would like to find someone to train my animals in publics and request/enter them in their privates starting next week and continuing for I'm guessing a month and a half to two months (subject to change)

I'm not due until December 7th but she is measuring ahead and I would rather be safe than sorry. Work has also been insanely busy and I will be working up until I go into labor so stress wise I was thinking I might as well get HP things in order now so I can just pop in and check things out instead of worry about training while I also worry about getting things finalized around my apartment for baby girls arrival lol.

I have around 150ish public trained animals with enter all

1 dog pair in 100 myst privates

1 dog pair in a mix of publics/privates

And then I have 2 horse pairs that I alternate weekly in some privates and the rest in publics.

Please let me know if you are interested, or if there are a few of you interested that want to help out if possible. Not sure what the going rate is but I'm willing to pay whatever is fair.

Moorf usually does my shows but I will continue to try to help her with those, and do my tickets and check on upgrade dates. (I hope lol we will see how it goes)



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โ†ฌ JADE
November 16th, 2021 12:52:36pm
3,782 Posts

Bumping for you!



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Jaya โ€ข Support I Dreamed A Dream and Kalise!
November 16th, 2021 1:00:12pm
24,579 Posts

I can help out if you need it. :)ย 



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