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What's the weather/temperature like where you live?

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Jaya β€’ Close your eyes and dream when the night gets dark
January 4th, 2022 3:09:02pm
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Jaya β€’ Close your eyes and dream when the night gets dark
January 4th, 2022 3:09:38pm
25,057 Posts

Today it's a balmy 25 degrees F (or so). Cloudy. We've got about four inches of snow on the ground.



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Administrator 🐈~BV~Let The Waves Take All My Worries~🎡
January 4th, 2022 3:14:14pm
8,299 Posts

It's a sunny 59F here!

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Lafitte ✘ πŸ¦‰
January 4th, 2022 3:43:10pm
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Β Cloudy - 27 C which is - 16.6 f


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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
January 4th, 2022 4:09:32pm
2,850 Posts

bipolar and it is keeping me sick. 78 and tornados to 28 and snow. yay



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Saturniaᛉ one tired mama 😴
January 4th, 2022 4:18:35pm
3,615 Posts

At the moment, it is cloudy and 75 here in South Florida!Β 



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Content Moderator ΙΉ o Κ‡ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s > desperately behind, be gentle with me
January 4th, 2022 4:23:53pm
3,701 Posts

A humid, wet 17 degrees Celsius here in Vic, Australia. Nice change after a week of 40 degree Celsius days! The asphalt on the roads was melting, which is actually kinda normal for this time of year.

jjrZPQp.gif ApFSLNf.gif gisaYrC.gif


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Tragedy {Legends Never Die}
January 4th, 2022 4:34:33pm
51 Posts

Today is a warm day!

High of 44 degrees low of 15. We have snow on the ground still but it is sunny and feels pretty great! Its amazing.


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↬ JADE πŸ–€ people say I'm jealous, but my kink is karma
January 4th, 2022 7:58:19pm
3,837 Posts

40Β°F Clear
2% chance of precip through 8 pm

It's a comfy chilly outside! I haven't received any major snow yet. We did get about an inch a month or so ago. It didn't stick around long. Lol.



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Oak 🌻 β€Ήπ–’π–†π–Žπ–“β€Ί β–Έ British Spotted Ponies πŸ¦‹ {i see your true colors shining through} πŸŒˆπŸ’–
January 4th, 2022 8:13:47pm
4,186 Posts

It's -16 and it's snowing, it's been snowing since 6 AM this morning and we're supposed to get 5-10 inches of snow. Overnight and durning the day tomorrow tempatures will be -40!

β€οΈπŸ’›πŸ§‘ I see your true colors shining through πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ


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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯π”ͺ ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 πŸ’€ The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
January 4th, 2022 8:36:28pm
1,854 Posts

Finally "winter". 30 and clear with snow on the ground.


Michigan has 4 seasons. Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Construction.

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Content Moderator ΙΉ o Κ‡ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s > desperately behind, be gentle with me
January 4th, 2022 8:55:11pm
3,701 Posts

Haha Chaotic, I love it. I have a friend in Michigan who says something similar : P

jjrZPQp.gif ApFSLNf.gif gisaYrC.gif


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`NEKE-A-SAURUS β†’ up in smoke
January 4th, 2022 9:43:18pm
12,807 Posts

-35C (-31F).
With wind chill it is -47C (-52.6F).




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January 4th, 2022 9:47:34pm
3 Posts

eww neke its supposed to be -39c tonight and for the rest of the weekΒ 


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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof πŸ†
January 4th, 2022 10:49:26pm
28,476 Posts

right now it's 29f with a blizzard warning for tonight and tomorrow morning.Β 



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January 5th, 2022 1:11:22am
571 Posts

Right now it's 38F but gets into the 60s and sunny during the day. Las Vegas :)

β€œLife is short but also like terribly and insufferably long at the same time.” - Jenna Marbles


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adeina ❧ we can’t be friends ❦
January 5th, 2022 5:02:13am
1,768 Posts

2C and clear here! Nice and fresh!


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Gothika - SEA's
January 5th, 2022 5:39:45am
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4 degree celcius, and Rainy/windy

Yuck XD

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lachlan fuhsaz & the finest silkens
January 5th, 2022 6:34:41am
18 Posts

it's edinburgh so it's nice and sunny but 3 degrees c and down to -5 overnight because why should the weather make any sense right :'(.Β 


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Dizzy (Main)
January 5th, 2022 12:29:32pm
408 Posts

I feel bad for all of you with Snow

It'sΒ  55F as a high with a low of 31F here in SC USA and all we have is Thunderstorms & Earthquakes


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Jaya β€’ Close your eyes and dream when the night gets dark
January 5th, 2022 1:46:56pm
25,057 Posts

High of 24 today, with a nice blizzard warning. Supposed to get up to 10 inches of snow by tomorrow morning, white-out conditions, winds up to 50mph.... super glad I can stay home all day.


Been getting about an inch an hour so far, so that 10 inches might actually happen....



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