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The Lusitano Embassy - - Coudelaria do Paraiso

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utakata - - {2} - - puro sangue lusitano
March 19th, 2022 4:40:15am
44 Posts



Welcome to the Lusitano Embassy

As a couple of you may have noticed, I’ve been singing the praises of Lusitanos pretty much since I returned to HP in spring 2021. Having worked with them extensively in real-life, I’d fallen head over heels with the breed and decided they needed a little love here on HP as the numbers of horses actively in training were rather low at that point.

Whilst the popularity of Iberian horses outside of their homeland has surged in recent years, the Lusitano remains the somewhat lesser-known cousin of the Pura Raza Espanola (PRE- often still referred as the ‘Andalusian’) horse. In truth, the Spanish and Portuguese studbooks were only divided as recently as 1967; prior to this, they had shared a long and rich history as the fabled Iberian horse, chosen mount of Kings for generation upon generation.

So, what is the Lusitano?
Even up to present day, the Lusitano horse has been specifically bred to maintain the characteristics which made it an attractive mount for knights on the battlefield; though in recent centuries their uses have shifted first from warfare to the bullring, and now they are often seen in modern-day Dressage competition as well as in Working Equitation.
They are bred to be strong and athletic, combined with an agility that makes them capable of explosive sprints, spins, and stops. This dynamic strength also makes them ideal candidates for haute école, or ‘high school’ movements, which include the airs above ground such as the capriole and the levade. In addition, they are highly intelligent and sensitive horses which love to work and be challenged – provided that their rider is a skilled and balanced partner, as they are known for being somewhat ‘hot’ under saddle.
Morphologically, the ideal Lusitano is short-coupled, with a short back and strong hindquarters. Their necks are strong and arched (the typical ‘baroque’ neck, as it has come to be known), especially in the stallions, and are often relatively high-set. The profile of their heads is elegant, with a smooth convex curve running from their nostrils to their forehead.
Their movement is often rather elevated, showing a preference for collection above extension, with active and engaged hindquarters and hocks and impressive lift through the forehand. And whilst they make the ideal dressage horse, don't ever be fooled into thinking they can’t jump, as well. Whilst it is not a skill that all Lusitanos are blessed with, some – such as the Grade A showjumper Novilheiro, ridden by John Whitaker – possess incredible talent for jumping.


Okay Uta, Lusos are great, but why should we breed them?

Well, if their beauty and awesomeness alone isn’t enough to convince you, then I do have a few perks up my sleeves available to prospective and current Lusitano breeders.

  • A number of embassy horses are available to purchase from myself. These all have their own coloured lineart. Each new breeder can claim 1 pair for free; current breeders may purchase embassy horses for 10-15mill each, depending on their generation. Players who have previously bred Lusitanos, quit them, and then decided to restart the breed, do not count as new breeders, and must pay the same purchase price as active current breeders.
  • Each Luso breeder can claim a free custom headshot image from myself (example here) upon the birth of their first 3rd gen horse. This is dependent on the 1st+2nd gen horses not having been bred prior to the age of 18 years in order to reach the 3rd gen. (subject to my time and availability)
  • Any Lusitano breeder who trains one of their Lusitanos to upwards of 4 million points will be rewarded with a free 800x600 image
  • Lusitano breeders on their 6th generation (must be their own lines, rather than lines that have been bought into) are eligible for a free 'Gold' tier layout image. Again, this is dependent on the horses in each generation not having been bred prior to the age of 18 years.
  • Any Luso breeder who would like custom colourings of the available linearts is welcome to contact me with their preferred colour, design, etc, for the price of 10mil per image (subject to availability). Add on a gene sheet and a matching page doll/pixel pony for 2.5mill each!
  • Backups of my own lined Lusos will also be available to Lusitano breeders, including occasional backups from my private lines by special request from established Lusitano breeders.



Embassy Horses Available

Horses under this heading are either foundation Lusitanos purchased by the store or backups from my own lines, equipped with prism genes + linearts, and trained by myself - these horses are available free to new breeders (one free pair per person) or for 10 million per horse under g5/15 million per horse above g5 to current or previous breeders. As stated above, players who have previously bred Lusitanos, quit them, and then decided to restart the breed, do not count as new breeders, and must pay the same purchase price as active current breeders.

These pairs can be mixed + matched to suit the buyer, but again all horses above the age of 3 must be purchased in mare + stallion pairs! Click the pixel icons to be taken to each horse's page.

Pair One: Eirogo (2nd Gen) and Guadiana (Foundation mate)



Pair Two: Caia (2nd Gen) and Gilao (Foundation mate)

caia  caia




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Jaya • Support Astraeus, Eos & Aja!
March 19th, 2022 10:04:38am
28,315 Posts

-twitches at the pretty line arts-



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utakata - - {2} - - puro sangue lusitano
March 22nd, 2022 6:10:24pm
44 Posts

Have updated the ponies so that now all embassy horses have their own coloured linearts! The backups also come with linearts of their own, on a base which will be used only for backups/my lines.



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⭒ Dakiti ⭒ Coming Back?
March 27th, 2022 10:35:43am
296 Posts

SSSOOOO tempting. I've been debating on starting a complete NEW line.


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utakata - - {2} - - puro sangue lusitano
March 27th, 2022 1:48:10pm
44 Posts

-casually nudges towards the ponies- any pair for freeee

Think of all the cute graphics possibilities. xD



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𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌 𓆣
March 27th, 2022 2:17:28pm
1,020 Posts

Not that I need another breed lol but I bid on Noturno and Lenora 

also the link to the headshot example isn't working


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utakata - - {2} - - puro sangue lusitano
March 27th, 2022 3:04:42pm
44 Posts

Oooh they're not? Wonder what the issue is as they're fine for me. Hmmm....

And all yours! Let me know if you want their names changed at all. :)





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doe ➼ dreamy paints & spicy lusitanos 💗
March 27th, 2022 3:19:35pm
22 Posts

Oh... I was thinking I might want to add a second breed to my stables... and lusitanos have long been a favorite of mine! 😍

okay, I couldn't help myself. I put a bid on naranja and caesar!


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utakata - - {2} - - puro sangue lusitano
March 27th, 2022 3:22:35pm
44 Posts

Wonderful, all yours!

And welcome to the Lusitano... appreciation society? xD



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doe ➼ dreamy paints & spicy lusitanos 💗
March 27th, 2022 3:24:05pm
22 Posts

bahaha yay!!! n.n thank you!


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𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌 𓆣
March 27th, 2022 3:30:29pm
1,020 Posts

Thank you thank you!

Might be a problem on my end? This is what shows up https://ibb.co/TgSf20z


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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - the stars are better off without us
March 27th, 2022 3:35:35pm
1,563 Posts

Oh how peculiar. They all just link to the ponies' pages for me. Sorry about that! If anyone else has the same issue, let me know and I'll add some standard links in as well (otherwise they're on my Luso account page).

Getting things to behave in the forums is........ hit-and-miss for me. xD



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binx [1] ‹𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖓› ➳ faroese horses 🧡🐾support mufasa!!🧡🐾
March 27th, 2022 3:39:07pm
5,268 Posts

oooooo they are so pretty!! I'd love to be a breeder, but the only way that would happen is if I partnered up with someone to breed this gorgeous babes! :)



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Jaya • Support Astraeus, Eos & Aja!
March 27th, 2022 7:19:18pm
28,315 Posts

-whispers- If anyone else wants to borrow an upgrade to start some pretty lusos, shoot me a message...



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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
March 27th, 2022 7:24:51pm
2,383 Posts

I had been breeding a pair of lusos for multiple generations. But I stopped because I was breeding Andy's too which are quite similar. But this is tempting.

@Oak, if you want to partner here too, I'm game!

@Jaya, if so, we might have to take you up on your offer.



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March 27th, 2022 7:37:55pm
3 Posts

bid placed on Xanthos and Jasmine :)


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𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌 𓆣
March 28th, 2022 12:41:24am
1,020 Posts

Is there a limit for how many new breeders can purchase?


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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - the stars are better off without us
March 28th, 2022 3:26:57am
1,563 Posts

Oak - Ahh, Xanthos was my fav of the boys! Good choice, they're all yours.

Apothie - I'll probably limit it to 1 free pair at the moment? As otherwise I feel like they'd all go to 1 or 2 players pretty quickly and I want to spread the love a little. So 1 free pair of the Embassy Stores, after which it's 5mil per pony as current breeders would have to pay (as much for the linearts as anything).

I'm gonna attempt to churn out 4-5 pairs every sunday for as long as interest keeps up, then maybe drop off to once a fortnight/month or so. We'll see how it goes. ;)


If anyone would be interested, I'm considering doing a breeding between my top pair this saturday, which would produce a foal with around 400k points. This would come with a custom colouring of a lineart on any of the currently available bases OR a custom colouring on this base https://www.deviantart.com/ariesredlo/art/P2U-Reference-Base-3-OPEN-25-849644231. However, needless to say I'd probably want a little more than 5mil for any such foal, so I just want to check whether there'd be any interest before I breed them?



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binx [1] ‹𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖓› ➳ faroese horses 🧡🐾support mufasa!!🧡🐾
March 28th, 2022 10:00:59am
5,268 Posts

Nad and I would totally be intrested in a foal from your top pair! :)



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𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌 𓆣
March 28th, 2022 5:29:49pm
1,020 Posts

I'd be interested in a foal from your tops as well at some point!


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utakata - - {2} - - puro sangue lusitano
March 28th, 2022 6:08:22pm
44 Posts

Good to know! If there's enough interest then I may pop the foal up for bid when the time comes. :)



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