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Default animal image size

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utakata - 🌟 -{main; dwbs}- -stars are better off without us
April 13th, 2023 7:59:47am
1,484 Posts

Hey hey!

So, I don't know whether this is possible to implement, but - having discussed the woes of seeing intricate details lost upon downsizing images to 800x600 with a fellow graphics artist - I wondered whether it might be possible to bump up the maximum dimensions possible for animal images at all, say to in the region of 1200x900px? This would just be a 'maximum' rather than mandatory (as with the current limit), so 800x600 images would still work and look great without being forced to stretch to meet the new dimensions.

I realise it is possible to do this with specific CSS on stylesheets, however to do so requires that users a) be upgrades and have access to the stylesheet function, and b) pay (if they are not a coder themselves - as many players are not) in order to achieve a larger image size.

Possibly a rather niche desire, I'll admit - just a thought from an utter perfectionist xD



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Dakiti ✡
April 13th, 2023 1:59:52pm
295 Posts

I like this idea. :3Β 


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`NEKE-A-SAURUS β†’ up in smoke
April 13th, 2023 8:18:37pm
12,807 Posts

..... :)



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Jaya β€’ Those who don't try never look foolish
April 13th, 2023 10:45:27pm
24,618 Posts

What Neke said.



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lunarie ∴ the hands of the many must join as one
April 14th, 2023 10:53:26am
1,445 Posts

As the aforementioned fellow graphic artist (xD), yeah, wondering if this is doable.Β 



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amberellie - idk what day it is
April 14th, 2023 3:00:07pm
703 Posts

That would be fantastic!


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Administrator blitz πŸͺ¦ truly devious [every day i'm shufflin']
April 14th, 2023 10:10:20pm
6,142 Posts

I mean, as far as my ability to change it, I think it's probably possible?

This is what I wonder though, if I made this change:

- how would it affect access to the game on mobile?

- would loading the larger image take longer?

- how would it affect viewing animal pages for those on smaller screened devices?



I will ask Sam though what the reasoning was behind the original 800x600 restrictions. She might have had a reason back then that doesn't apply now. Or does.



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utakata - 🌟 -{main; dwbs}- -stars are better off without us
April 15th, 2023 4:15:05am
1,484 Posts

All very reasonable questions - thank you for looking into it!

I don't think slightly larger images should take much longer to load - for example, I don't find that animals with CSS that allows their images to be completely full-sized take more than a second or so longer to load than normal pages even with my horrendous wifi -  the only significant difference in load times that I've noticed is with animated images, which def take a bit longer. But I recognise it might be more complicated than that! 😊



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Administrator blitz πŸͺ¦ truly devious [every day i'm shufflin']
April 15th, 2023 8:24:57pm
6,142 Posts

Ok. So after talking with Sam I have no problem with making image size allowances bigger as a concept.

I even figured out how to do's actually super easy!

Bad news, though, is that by making the image bigger, it also apparently means the HP layout has to be widened so that the image doesn't stick out weird on one side. Why is this bad news? Because I just spent over an hour playing with the stylesheets trying to change it and it's not working. HP uses a few stylesheets depending on the area of the site (then each one has versions for each season's layout colorus). I literally tried drastically changing one specific number one stylesheet at a time when I had a moment of doubt that the reason it wasn't working was because I was in the wrong stylesheet. Literally none of them changed anything when I tried each one.

So. For now I've put it back to 800x600, but I'm not giving up on this as a concept. I need to logic out how to change it further and/or get some input from Sam as to what (probably obvious) thing I'm doing wrong.

In the meantime, you can see what I mean about it being too big HERE. Notice how it sticks out too far for the table on the right side.



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utakata - 🌟 -{main; dwbs}- -stars are better off without us
April 21st, 2023 3:58:00am
1,484 Posts

Somehow I missed that you'd responded, but thank you so much for putting the effort in to try and make this work. Would be amazing if it can be figured out and implemented in the future but definitely not the end of the world if it's not doable. BUT I very much appreciate that it's being considered and worked on. :)



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Administrator blitz πŸͺ¦ truly devious [every day i'm shufflin']
April 21st, 2023 10:05:55am
6,142 Posts

Depending on how long my income tax takes to attempt to file for the 3rd time (don't even get me started on THAT!), I might tackle this again tonight.



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utakata - 🌟 -{main; dwbs}- -stars are better off without us
April 21st, 2023 10:09:15am
1,484 Posts

Lmao, sending throughts/prayers/vibes your way (for both undertakings)! xD



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