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Christmas in July Day 13

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Administrator blitz ✊🏻 a dream is a wish your heart makes 🌻🍉
July 21st, 2023 12:06:50pm
6,573 Posts

We're in the home stretch, and I have one question for you:

Have you been a good little HP player this year so far, or are you deserving of coal in your stocking??

For today's task, write a letter to Santa. Tell him if you've been good or bad, and some things you would like to receive in the second half of this year...on HP or in life. 

Requirements: must be written like a letter, have at least 5 things on your list.


Prize: 5k points on an animal of your choice OR 2 mill HPD


You have until 12pm tomorrow (Saturday) to post your letter here!


**if you want points, you MUST also include in your response where you'd like them, or I will automatically give you the money instead. I'm not chasing people for where they want stuff!!**



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Administrator blitz ✊🏻 a dream is a wish your heart makes 🌻🍉
July 21st, 2023 12:07:28pm
6,573 Posts




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July 21st, 2023 12:08:01pm
5,139 Posts

Hpd please! 

Dear Santa,

This year I have been somewhat of a good little HP player. Well aside from adding "more animals" onto my list to train every week. I did tell myself that I wouldn't start anymore animals but that lasted about a day and a half. xD But aside from that, I've been a good HP player. 

For Christmas this year, I would like..

1. To become the breed ambassador for Flamentas.

2. I would like Cyrus to reach 6 mil before he retires.

3. I also want the weather to be cooler and not be so hot, because I get grumpy.

4. I want to try saving money on my main account so that I'm not always broke. *mumbles under breath*, I've already started stashing away funds. 

5. I want to try and run for club president on some of my other upgraded accounts.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and I wish you a very merry christmas and a happy new year! :)

With love, Oak ♥



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Jaya • Support Astraeus, Eos & Aja!
July 21st, 2023 1:08:01pm
28,154 Posts

points to horse #398405 please


Dear Santa,

How's it going? Life in the North Pole treating you okay? Life here's been pretty good. I'm really enjoying my summer with my boys. Just got back from spending the morning at a nearby park. We had a blast! Do you have parks at the North Pole? Anyway. So. Um. I've been pretty bad on HP this year. Have you seen how many animals I'm up to now? It's a serious problem. It's just hard not to! Especially when so many of my breeds are from the cash shop, so I have to stock up when they go into the regular store! I have no choice, right? 

So I know I deserve coal, but hear me out. I've got a plan for all of them! So if you're willing, here are my thoughts for Christmas:

1. Full pedigree animals are so pretty. I want to have and maintain full pedigree animals for all of my lines.

2. A default picture done for all of my breeds!

3. To fall in love with my warlanders. They're my only breed right now that I'm not in love with, and I really want to.

4. To get the activity achievement on all of my accounts!

5. To get into chat a little bit more every day! 

I know I'm asking for a lot, but I'm having fun and isn't that what's important? 

I knew you'd understand. Thanks,man. 

Love always,




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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
July 21st, 2023 2:55:42pm
2,353 Posts

hpd please!

Dear santa,

I feel like I've been a good little HP player this year. Of course, I probably spend too much time on HP because I probably have "too many animals." But is that really a thing? And besides, who on here doesn't?! It's too addicting and hard to resist so many breeds! And I have so many animals, I'm always busy spending all my HP time training so no HP social life for me. I'm not really a social person in general anyways unless someone reaches out to me. I'm not trying to ignore anybody, I promise!

Here are some things I'd love to improve my gameplay:

1. more hpd to fund all my animals' training every week without depleting my bank account (or at least a good steady weekly income to fund all my training and have a little extra to put into my bank account every week). Being able to sell my training tickets at my set price would be nice. Need to be able to fund my upgrade auction purchases too.

2. I'd love to be able to have all my breeds on my own personal upgrades instead of rentals. I know this is probably out of the question since I'd need even more hpd to maintain that many. But that's what dreams are for, right?

3. I'd love to have an animal on the Top 25 Horses of all time rankings, but again, this would take a lot more hpd to purchase enough tix and afford 100 private shows every week. It's not worth depleting my bank account and then not being able to have any upgrades.

4. a Utakata default graphic for all my breeds (which is like 40! .... oops).

5. a nice fancy coded layout for all my accounts besides the ones I do myself.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. I know my letter was like reading a novel.

❤️ Love, Nadhima



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Saturniaᛉ mini hiatus.
July 21st, 2023 4:03:22pm
3,988 Posts

Dearest Mister Claus, 
I believe that I have been a good girl this year.. sorta (; Gotta have some fun right? I'm starting my new job next month .. so let's pray that that goes well and I have a successful career! I also have a son on the way, so let's hope that I'm a good mom! 
Here are some things on my wish list: 
1. the fourth wing book everyone is talking about 
2. some more tattoos 
3. all the baby boy things 
4. an unlimited B&N giftcard 
5. more clothes 

Any points to Lavendar - https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=399540 



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Kiyoko - Autumnoak Farm 🍁 [Main/BFH] Back from Hiatus!
July 21st, 2023 4:03:55pm
84 Posts

Points to horse #400375, please!

Dear Santa,

Hope you're having fun chilling up North while the rest of us are sweltering. I haven't been playing HP for long, but I think I've been a good girl for the amount of time I've been here! Unless you count the addiction of adding more breeds to my training roster. But that seems to be a common occurrence around here.

Here is my Christmas list for what I'd like you to give me on HP this year!

1. An actual graphical layout for all of my accounts, the basic generator does a good job of making my stable information visible and handy, but it still looks real bleh.

2. I would like for my first ever project horse, Something Wicked to earn at least 2 million points. I don't think that is a hard enough request for a first time project.

3. Images for all my breeds, whether they're a default across all individuals or bases that I can color for each different horse.

4. To become Breed Ambassador for the Kerry Bog Pony! I was deciding whether to do the Kerries or Black Forests, because I love them both so much, but I've finally settled on the Kerries as I did help bring them back to the game.

5. Please give me the willpower to stop adding more breeds to my training roster.

Thank you for reading this letter Santa, and please give all your reindeer an extra carrot for me!




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Gothika - SEA's
July 21st, 2023 4:34:38pm
1,226 Posts

Dear Santa

This year was a really good year and everything went past so fast!
 I’ve been doing a lot of healthy improvements and I have been volunteering for a full year now.
On HP I’ve been doing Okay, I’ve been trying to spread my positivity and I trained my animals nearly every week. I also gave food to all horses and dogs for free to players in my stable! I also gave everyone lots of fun things to do in clubs als president. I totally had a BLAST! I spent nearly all my HPD on that, and then I sold a bunch of upgrades to gain some money back again while still helping others.
I never really ask for much, but right now I would really like (1) a new bike and (2) some new clothing. I also really need (3) new shoes because I worn my out pretty bad with all the walking and HIIT training I did.
I would love to get (4) a new year upgrade for 1 of my horsephenomena accounts because it nearly runs out, and I would like the (5) Foal from Paradox and Regularity reach 2 million by the age of 20. I wish all  (6) health, love and prosperity on the players of HP, aswell as my loved ones.

I hope it isn’t too much to ask, If I would only get 1 thing off this list I would be happy!
Love, Gothika

Points to Paradox please! https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=391383

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sunday •• collies
July 21st, 2023 5:58:49pm
253 Posts

points to dog 140747 thank you!

dear santa,

I think I've been pretty good this year! Keeping busy, can't believe we are already in July already.

1. my biggest want this year outside of hp is a puppy, I'm waiting patiently on one related to my old dogs, so hoping that comes soon.

2. on hp, I think the biggest thing is just these activities where we get to add points to an animal, it's the only way to add points to my retired dogs I'm trying to keep up, so I love these or the prizes or grab bag stuff where you can get points!

3. outside hp, another want -- i want one of those desk treadmills so i can try to be more healthy and active

4. maybe some pics of a couple dogs i'd like to not just have the default image?

5. another outside of hp, a bunch of scratch off tickets so i can win a bunch of money and solve a bunch of problems!

love, sunday

MHnOes1.png zKCTwIZ.jpg


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Lynelle! ♔ Bring On Spring
July 21st, 2023 6:27:32pm
2,094 Posts

Dear Santa,

This year I have been on my best behavior on HP and in RL I have really been trying to start my own business. However, everything seems to be hitting all at once - vet bills, unexpected injuries, clients leaving town, board rates doubling within 60 days AFTER I increased my herd to 3 horses... so it just seems that everything is getting tight.

For Christmas this year, I would like..

1. To continue to hold my clubs - def the pony club, and getting a few others.

2. I  am very excited to be breeding the next gen of my paints, and I really hope to get into the rankings.

3. I am really hoping for my own RL property to start my own LLC -- I have already gotten my pro card, but  now I want a place to call my own.

4. Maintain 10 upgrades on HP

5. Make sure I keep my HP friends that seem to be  drifting offline... I have made so many memories on here and so  many relationships that I would love to keep.

 If you've made it this far, thank you for reading my letter and I hope the year turns around for a more positive turn.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 




(points to horse #390964)


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Kuwait | I Want My GSD! |
July 21st, 2023 9:26:43pm
2,993 Posts

Dear Satan

I have been good this year so far though was in hospital a couple of times. Still training too many animals on HP.

My wishlist:

1. A pay rise for the staff at my primary work site. They're only asking for £1 more.

2. The NHS to be sorted out and functioning as it should.

3. Good weather for Belfast Pride's parade next Saturday.

4. A trillion HPD



Kuwait, who would like Blitz to put points on https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=159724 if she would.



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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~☘️
July 21st, 2023 9:40:57pm
8,842 Posts

Dearest Santa Paws,

I hope this letter reaches you in good time! This year is flying by pretty fast. How is it already almost August?
I've been trying my best to be good with each passing day. Hopefully this will help put a gold star next to my name on your list!

For HP Christmas this year I would Love...
1. My project horse reaching the Top 25 rankings
2. As many horse tickets as I can get for my project horse
3. A new general breed pic for my lines
4. Maybe a new layout
5. More players to join HP and stick around for the fun!

Thank you for taking a moment to read my wishes!
I also hope you get to enjoy some time and relax!


Can I have the points be saved for Project Orangey One? :D

pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
July 22nd, 2023 5:22:13am
3,850 Posts

Dear Santa,

You know.. I've been trying to be good, but it's oh so difficult! This year is flying by faster than I expected. I thought I would have more time to earn some brownie points toward being on your good list, but now I wonder if I will. Oh well. Here's my list, in case I squeak by in the end!


1. Plane tickets to visit my grandma

2. Reach generation 10 with my foxes

3. Trillions of HPD to fund my next project animal

4. Some purple and gray paint for my bedroom walls

5. Lots and lots of toys for my dog and cat

I'll try harder to be good for the rest of the year. Pinkie promise!

Signed sincerely, mischief maker Jade

Points to dog #
150900, please!



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utakata -✨-{main; dwbs}- - the stars are better off without us
July 22nd, 2023 10:47:54am
1,558 Posts

Dear Santa,

If nothing else, this year I have tried - and have certainly worked my poor little fingers to the bone (alongside City Nekkers) attempting to create enough art to feed the ravenous beast that is Ringwraith, and whilst she is undoubtedly our HP pride and joy, I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we are looking forward to having our souls returned to us from her clutching hooves. I hope that effort and at least the desire to be good are adequate to avoid a spot on your shit list. In case you should be so inclined as to grant my wishes, here is my list:

1. The immune system that somebody neglected to build into me

2. The willpower to avoid picking up more breeds on HP and stick with downsizing to a comfortable level.

3. Maybe a 15mill pointed Luso in the next 12 months... if my bank account ever recovers from the Ringwraith-sized hole currently punched through it.

4. If the UK could send some of its rain to the (currently hot AF) mainland europe, and said hot AF mainland europe could send the UK a little of their sunshine and warmth, I feel like that would be a trade that would benefit everyone, please and thank you.

5. Finish my book before I am old and grey - and preferably by this autumn (which I very much hope precedes my becoming old and grey...)

Many thanks and extra pats cookies for the reindeer,




Any points the aforementioned fund-guzzling beast here, please https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=388835





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Kayla Gayle ~~ One Piece Greyhounds ~~ Working a new job
July 22nd, 2023 11:28:13am
370 Posts

Dear Santa

Howdy from South Texas. Hope you are doing well up there in the rather colder North Pole. This year has been a strange one. Everytime I think everything is OK, another curve has been thrown. I don't know if I've been good this year, but I have built up some karma points, so that should suffice for this list. 

1. First, enough rl money to keep the upgrades. They all basically expire in September, so hopefully life will quit with its mess until next year at least. 

2. For either Onion or Queen to top Alvida. 

3. To get a new layout code by someone for the Breed Revival and pick another breed to work on. I have a few in mind, but am too OCD to do it because of the current layout. 

4. For Leon to have a good life and maybe get a job, or pick a career. I know this is most likely out of your purview, but a girl can hope. 

5. For the new job to go well. After all, it's been about 14 years since I stepped into an actual office. Send some of that elf magic down, I could use it. 

In all, have a good summer and autumn. Hope I get these off-season wishes, but if I don't, winter Christmas is just around the corner, which boggles the mind, in a sentence Faulkner would be proud of. 

As an aside, if you happen to visit the Rainbow Bridge in your travels, say hello to both Sable and, especially, Sherbert, and tell them we still miss them. 


Kayla Gayle

PS: Spinkle points into Onion 163100



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Freia | Vanheim Icicles |
July 22nd, 2023 11:36:13am
873 Posts

Points to #396678 please. :) 

Dear Santa,

This year I've been a nice HP player - coming back and starting up my pretty icicles. I've actually kept up with the training, and hit 1 mil on the first pony! For this year, I'd like:

1. To keep the motivation to keep training the pony-oos after gen 2 has been born

2. An balanced result of fillies/colts when they're born would be nice please

3. A new job so that I can enjoy work again

4. To be able to buy a puppy... Major puppycravings

5. A more balanced work/horse balance 

All the love to you, the missus, the elves and the reindeers! ♥




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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. Strive for perfection, settle for excellence.
July 22nd, 2023 11:51:05am
30,152 Posts

Points to Rhythm 394364!

Dear Santa,

I hope this letter finds you well and you are enjoying summer at the north pole!

I have been very good so far this year and so with that in mind, I present you my wish list:

1. All the points for my horse, Rhythm to help her reach a good standing in the all-time rankings

2. more hpd to help out my nearly drained bank account

3. outside of hp I'd like to get a new house in the country with room for all the critters

4. a new vehicle to help me get to work in the winter once I have to battle the snowy roads from said country home

5. A few more floofer friends to help keep Kaya company!

Most Sincerely, 




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