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October Photography Contest

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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
October 1st, 2023 8:55:33pm
8,756 Posts

THIS MONTH'S THEMES: Hello Autumn, This Is Halloween
It does not have to fit both themes, just one or the other.
However, there will be a prompt provided for each theme to help you along!

FIRST: Pick a sentence and fill in the blanks.
* This ____ text goes here!
* This ____ text goes here!

You got pretty leaves on those trees? - I wanna see them!
Painted/Carved A Pumpkin? - So much fun!
Do You have a fun Halloween costume? - Show us!
Something looking spooky? - Snap it!
Trick-or-Treat? - Give us something fun to see!

SECOND: Go out and take a picture of whatever you filled in the blank with!
If it's a feeling or something intangible, take a picture that represents it in some way, either by emotion or correlation.
You can also use a picture you have taken from a previous time in your life, just not a re-post from any other months contests!


- The picture must be taken by You!
Not something you found on the internet or belonging to someone else!
- One picture per player.
- The picture must be on theme and follow the prompt.
- The picture must be HP appropriate.


- Entrees are accepted: Now through October 22nd
- Voting will be open: October 23rd-30th
- Winners announced: October 31st


First Place: 10,000 points on an animal, an achievement, and your photo featured in theΒ HP Gallery!
Second Place:7,500 points on an animal
Third Place: 5,000 points on an animal

Please respond to this thread with your entries.
Just make sure that your image links work and can easily be copied/pasted to add to our voting form!
Thank You!
*** Also include the animal's ID# you'd like your points to be awarded to! ***


pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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↬ JADE πŸ–€ shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
November 1st, 2023 4:48:23pm
3,849 Posts

Congrats! β™₯



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