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HPB Trade-In Sale!

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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈
June 26th, 2024 10:00:59pm
6,442 Posts

HPB Trade-In Sale!

From now until Friday, June 28th at 12pm HP time, you can trade in your HP Bucks (HPB) for HPD! 


A few weeks ago, I asked for input on how you would like to see this offer play out this year. Out of 39 replies to the poll, a whopping 35 players voted for one option out of the three...




For every 1 HPB you send to Account #1, you will be sent back $25 mill HPD! The maximum amount of HPB that can be traded in is 300 per player!


However! Any players found to be sending HPB to other players to circumvent the cap and have them trade in HPB for them, or any other way to circumvent the maximum cap of 300 HPB per player will result in both players forfeiting their HPB and HPD involved in the transaction. Meaning all HPB involved will not be refunded, nor will either player be sent their HPD in return.


And yes, I will be checking.


Other things to note with this sale:


- Please send all of your HPB you wish to trade in in one go...DO NOT send in 5 HPB from one of your accounts, 2 from a spare, etc. It will cut down on the millions of messages I have to process. Please consolidate all of your HPB you wish to trade onto one account and THEN send it in through a single transaction.


- Please note that it could take a little while for me to send your HPD because this is all done manually by me, Blitz. This week is the last week of work for me before the summer vacation starts, so as you can imagine I'm exhausted and also super busy trying to get the last things done at work. As such, I will likely not start sending out HPD until after this sale period is complete.


Happy trading!





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Administrator blitz✊🏻PROJECT🌈
June 26th, 2024 10:02:43pm
6,442 Posts

For transparency...



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