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LF 2 Dog Images

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Rin Spiritwolf
July 8th, 2024 11:56:34am
6 Posts

Please excuse me if I am posting this in thw wrong place. I am still fairly new here. 

I am looking to purchase 2 images of a red/black doberman and and a black/tan doberman for 2 dogs in my kennel. If possible I would like the images to have my kennel brand SRSD on it but does not need the dog's names or other info. 

I am unsure what current graphic prices are going for for dogs profile pic but I currently have $$41,607,545. I would like to keep some money for shows, vet/groomers and feed if possible so maybe we could work out a price? 

Please let me know what you think or have any advice. Thank you!


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