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Christmas in July Day 13 - Closed!

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Event Coordinator ephemira 🎵 gucci 🪽
July 26th, 2024 5:47:55pm
4,386 Posts

Naught! or Nice!?

Create a naughty or nice list of the HP Staff, and give a reason why they're naught or nice. 
award: 1,000 points
due by: july 28th at 11:59 hp time



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
July 26th, 2024 6:45:24pm
27,648 Posts


Binny: left staff!

BV: obviously she should at least triple the prizes that are given out for HP events :P 

Moorfine: pretty sure you were caught painting candy cane stripes on your unicorn’s horns.

Pants:  overly floofy. Not taking all of HP on cruises. 

Ephe: because of that evil puzzle that got posted lmao!



Blitz: had to continuously deal with the server migration stuff!

Koni: for running HP’s raffles!

Skell:  always being quick to answer when I need help with HP stuff.

Foxi: coming up with fun new activities for HPers to do!


points here please: https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=149227



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Content Moderator ɹ o ʇ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s
July 26th, 2024 8:33:55pm
4,419 Posts


Blitz: Rode her motorbike into the Christmas tree and destroyed it

Skell: For living in an annoying timezone

BV: Set the turkey on fire

Pants: Unwrapped everyone's gifts and replaced them with stones


Foxi: Donated all her Christmas presents to charity

Koni: Cooked up a feast for the service people working Christmas shifts

Moorf: Volunteered her time to help deliver supplies to displaced people

Ephe: Dressed up as Mrs Claus and handed out gifts to hospitalised children


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Binx [1] ‹𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖓› • British Spotted Ponys
July 26th, 2024 8:43:06pm
5,088 Posts

nice list?! Nahhh not this year, all the staff were naughty! 

Blitz: forgot that she had christmas cookies in the oven and they were all burnt.

Skell: rode her pet kangaroo to the beach and it discovered how to use a surf board.

Ephe: Ate all the candy canes at the family gathering. 

Pants: Taught her pet jaguar to sing chistmas carols and then forgot to put the paper back that had all the words to the songs so her jaguar ate them. 

Binny: leaving staff! 

Sam: Burnt our Christmas dinner!

Moorfine: dropped all the Christmas ornaments on the floor, and tried to claim that we were the ones to blame. 

BV: Left out the paint and her cat got into it and made a mess all over the walls and floors. 

Koni: faced the camera the wrong way while all of hp was supposed to be on the card.. but instead she took a selfie of herself and put it on the hp Christmas cards! 

Foxi: Hid around the corner throwing snowballs at all of us, and we everytime one of the snowballs hit one of us she was around the corner giggling. 

points to Beluga (#180126), please! ♥

Remember who stood by your side as you rebuilt yourself. Those are your people.❤️


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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
July 26th, 2024 9:23:11pm
8,750 Posts

Koni, let her dogs peepee on the Christmas tree! D:
Ephe, let her kittens knock off the ornaments and tip the tree over!
Sam, forgot the turkey for HP Christmas dinner!
Foxi, brought her muddy boots into the family room where the presents were!
Moorf, showed up late to the party empty handed!

Me, because I am me! xD
Skell, gave everyone warm fuzzy blankets and hot coca!
Blitz, bringing extra snacky snacks and several holiday movie options!
Pants, donating towards her local kitty rescue and starting up a cat cafe!
Binny, for still hanging around instead of just poofing!

Points to Ale (#402991) please! :D

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↬ JADE 🖤 shake those stars from your hair, pretty moonchild
July 26th, 2024 11:40:02pm
3,848 Posts

Nice list? No way. The staff were all so naughty this year!

Sam - Declared they were on a mission to find the world's largest paperclip and then forced us to watch a four-hour presentation on their findings

Blitz - Changed our ringtone to Baby Shark, then called us nonstop in public while giggling from around the corner

BV - Forced their cat to wear a ridiculous costume every weekend and made us all like every photo shared on Instagram

Koni - Insisted on making us call every dog a banana and horse an iguana

Skelletor - Went through special effort cleaning the floor-length windows and making it spotless in the front of the store just to watch us walk into it all day

Moorfine - Ate the cookies and milk meant for Santa, then made us play detectives to figure out who did it (bonus naughty point: they tried to blame the dog)

Pants - Removed the tag from their mattress and carried on about the conspiracy theories concerning them until we fell asleep only to wake us back up for more

Ephemira - Twerked on the Thanksgiving table to "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot until we collectively threw $500 at them

Foxi - Continues to steal socks from our dryers and won't admit it, why keep denying it?

Tsk, tsk..

Points to dog #150900, please! ♥



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
July 27th, 2024 10:18:40am
29,770 Posts

Don't get me started on my mattress tag conspiracy theories😂😂💀


Koni: Taught her poodle how to cannonball into the pool and displace ALL the water
Ephe: lets her cats leave little surprises all over the beach
Binny: left staff for greener pastures, or so she thinks...
Foxi: put raisins in the cookies and passed them off as chocolate chips
Moorf: currently somewhere in the arctic circle trying to wrangle up narwhals for her new breeding project

Me: because, obviously. xD
BV: shares all the pics of her angry void
Skell: always has the open registries
Blitz: deals with my, and everyone else's, shenanigans
Sam: somehow still agrees to pay me for my shenanigans

Points to https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=394364 please!



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Freia | Vanheim Icicles |
July 27th, 2024 11:22:19am
844 Posts

BV: Decided to prank everyone by filling the feed buckets with confetti instead of oats.
Skelletor: Painted the stable doors with glow-in-the-dark paint, making late-night checks a spooky experience.
Pants: Convinced everyone to participate in an unauthorized midnight ride, resulting in a wild chase by the stable manager.
foxi: Swapped out the jumping poles with rubber ones, leading to some very confused horses and riders.
Binny: Secretly let all the chickens into the tack room, turning it into a chaotic feather-filled zone.


Blitz: Manages to keep the stables running smoothly, even with all the shenanigans going on around them.
Koni: Always brings extra treats for the horses, ensuring they get spoiled during grooming sessions.
Moorf: Organizes the best trail rides and makes sure everyone gets a turn leading the group.
Ephe: Volunteers to muck out the stalls on the hottest days, making life easier for everyone else.
Sam: Keeps the barn’s finances in check and still finds funds for surprise improvements and new equipment.

Points here please:  



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Kuwait | 🦑 🔺⭐🔴☂️ |
July 28th, 2024 12:43:21pm
2,968 Posts

Blitz: Has a literal hippo in her house, and let me feed it with watermelons!

B.V.: Once helped Peter Rabbit in raiding Mr. McGregor's garden!

Koni: Has a chicken that produces eggs with Jell-o inside!

Skelly: Has a kangaroo that taught me kickboxing!

Moof: Once took me fishing, but scared all the fish away!

Pants: Bored me to death by rabbiting on about Carribean cruises. R.I.P., me.  :c

Ephe: That 'Book of Mormon' reference!

Foxi: Stole my books. All 2,500 of them!!

Points to: https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=178747 plz!



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Lynelle! ♔ Holiday Schedule Causing Delays
July 28th, 2024 1:21:15pm
2,045 Posts


Skell: never awake anymore when i'm on...
Foxi: silent, but deadly
BV: always annoyingly on time


Blitz: giving out all the extra points
Koni: always the peaceful one
Moorf: fluffy and cuddly
Pants: always supportive
Ephe: smells bad, but good conversation



eekk - i thought that was weirdddddd

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Event Coordinator ephemira 🎵 gucci 🪽
July 31st, 2024 7:44:05pm
4,386 Posts

all points should've been awarded, lemme know if i missed you!

some of these are absolutely hilarious! 😂 



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