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Why people put points towards an older animal?

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Binx [8] • Siberian Huskies ❤️{PROJECT DENALI!!}❤️
December 7th, 2024 9:00:58pm
106 Posts

**I want to clarify that this post wasn't intended to discourage or cause an issue, I am just genuinely curious and would love to learn/hear why players do it!**

Hi Ya'll! This maybe a silly question to ask, but.. I've always wondered, as I've seen many players on here that will do an activity and then for the points they have them go to an animal that's really old and can't be bred or anything like that.

Is there something that you're trying to achieve? Wouldn't it make sense to put the points towards an animal that you can still train and breed? 

So.. I'm curious to know why players tend to do that sort of thing, I think it's a very neat idea and I'm very curious to learn why some players do that! 

Thanks for reading and sharing! ♥


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Binx [8] • Siberian Huskies ❤️{PROJECT DENALI!!}❤️
December 7th, 2024 9:01:13pm
106 Posts

-bumping for hp peeps to seee!-


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December 7th, 2024 9:34:00pm
689 Posts

Sometimes I put easy points towards one of my old projects because he was so close to the next million :)

“Life is short but also like terribly and insufferably long at the same time.” - Jenna Marbles


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Kuwait | 🦑 🔺⭐🔴☂️ |
December 7th, 2024 9:50:03pm
2,966 Posts

I do it with older animals that are under my target for them. For example, my main line on here needed points added to the very first dogs because they were under 1m points. My boy, Genado, was under 2m, which I wasn't happy about, so I resurrected, de-aged and privately showed him to get him there. I also added a few points to him.



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Binx [8] • Siberian Huskies ❤️{PROJECT DENALI!!}❤️
December 7th, 2024 10:15:10pm
106 Posts

Wow that's awesome!! Thank you both for sharing! ♥️


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Content Moderator ɹ o ʇ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s
December 8th, 2024 9:39:59pm
4,413 Posts

I do it because I have nothing else to put points towards. Calamity was on the Top 25 All-Time and got bumped off a few months ago, so I just put them towards her to see if she can make it back up there. All my lines are in maintenence mode while University is kicking into overdrive, so the points are wasted on my current animals.

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Insomnia ⸸you'll always be apart of me
December 8th, 2024 9:49:05pm
2,736 Posts

I usually put them on current animals, but sometimes when life gets in the way(like mine has been currently lol) and an animal doesn't quite hit 1mil(usually it's 2mil for me) and I don't want to toss the line, I'll use the extra points to get them to 1mil



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Freia | Vanheim Icicles |
December 10th, 2024 7:16:49am
836 Posts

That's what I do - I have two icelandics that haven't reached my 2 mil goal. So I'm boosting them to ensure they do, to keep the lines with all 2 millers. :) 



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December 10th, 2024 7:39:44am
1,809 Posts

I always send my points to Radar who is wayyy past retirement. But I do not have any other animal I care to send the points to. He was my favorite and my greatest project and over the course of time I have added 100k+ in points to him by diligently doing activities and the points going that way. So maybe it doesn't really "help" with anything but I don't have another project animal going and over time the points do add up! I plan on doing a retirement breeding in future so all points matter.


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