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best way to make money nowadays

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swirly ; original/main
February 6th, 2025 4:41:11am
223 Posts

sorry for all the oncoming questions, i've forgotten how to play (i have read the guide etc, but just want more up to date answers)

whats the best way to make game money?

what do dog/horse tix sell for?



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Content Moderator ɹ o ʇ ǝ l l ǝ ʞ s
February 7th, 2025 9:44:54pm
4,600 Posts

For me: graphics and ticket sales

Tickets are about to increase in demand due to mascot season, so it may be worth holding on to sell them for a decent price.

If you are good with graphics, selling premades is also a good money maker.

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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
February 7th, 2025 9:49:22pm
2,322 Posts

If you're one of the people with the real life money to spare, selling 6 month upgrades in auctions brings in 250-280mil each.



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trig 💘 be kind, always
February 8th, 2025 9:19:10am
3,630 Posts

Upgrade your account(s) if you can as that's how you'll get the most perks to help boost your bank. Make sure you collect your bank every week and if you can pop some into savings so you can collect interest. It doesn't add up super fast but if you get a large amount in there it really pays off. 

Selling tickets is a great once a month bump to your income. Ticket prices can fluctuate depending on demand, like right now dog tickets are in more demand than horse tickets. I've seen more people asking for them to stay in the 80k-100k per ticket range. With mascot season approaching, this is likely to change.

You can also sell votes in the club, it's also something that the demand fluctuates but you can still throw them out there. Pricing is also hard, so I'll tell you what I do but it is by no means anything official xD I sell mine for 500k per vote if it's exclusively for that one person in a specific club or if just regular voting it's 250k per vote.

If you have the time, you can also offer training for other people. A lot of us are adults and can get busy so it's not uncommon to see people throwing out training offers when short on time. I don't have a good idea of pricing for this but maybe someone else will chime in.

Lastly, you can sell images and/or layouts. Of course to make images would require you to have something like photoshop or gimp and be on the artsy side of life and not everyone is. Coding layouts is also a great source of income but you would to have some experience in HTML and CSS. I love fiddling with this stuff and can spend forever tweaking codes but this would tip some people over staring at layout coding. When it comes to getting starting with this type of stuff, I like to use the auctions and have no expectations for what will sell or not. Anytime I do think I know what people will really like, I'm wrong xD

This got really long but hopefully it's at least a little helpful! And welcome back to HP!

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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
February 8th, 2025 9:45:37am
2,322 Posts

As far as the training services, I charge 100k per animal with enter all and 200k per animal without enter all. This is pretty typical of anyone who offers training services.



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swirly ; original/main
February 10th, 2025 3:49:27am
223 Posts

thanks so much everyone, this is very helpful :) 


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