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I'm Baaack!

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Mobius // is admiring her new layout with her TBs
July 27th, 2015 8:37:32pm
316 Posts

Not that I expect any of you to remember me,haha!I left the game for I don't even remember why (I think I just wanted something new...not really sure,guess that doesn't matter!) a couple of years ago...I'm thinking two,but it feels like a lot longer!I missed this style of game;the layouts,the points,the graphics,the people,the everything!There's just something about this game that I just couldn't find in any other game and I felt like it was time for me to come back.


Since I left,I've started riding again (yay!!)!I lease a 6 year old black Percheron mare named Zoe (Her show name is Queen Latifah,haha!) and we do Dressage.However,I've recently been having some issues at my barn (I really hate when a young girl who takes a lesson once a week on my horse feels like it's okay to keep her away from me at a fun show at my barn...argh!!!*vent over*) so I'm not really sure where it's all going...hopefully somewhere good because I've had my eye out to bring an OTTB home and turn him into a fabulous dressage poneh.


Aside from my riding horse life,I am a partner in racehorses.I've had five total,but am down to one now (Her name is Aly's Moonlight and she is perfect!).I like to say that the one I'm considering bringing home is mine,too,because I go see him race whenever I can.They are all Thoroughbreds since TBs rule!One of my former racehorses,Soul of Verve,is a half sister to Preakness 2015 placed Tale of Verve and,when we sold her at Fasig Tipton,she came with a free breeding to Tale of Ekati,which means her baby will be 3/4s to Tale of Verve!Just thought that was too cool not to share :P.


Music is my life and what I've found to be a true passion of mine.I plan on pursuing a career in it,hopefully becoming a professional touring drummer.I just feel like it's my calling in life and the way things have been playing out in my life in the past few years...it just seems like music is the way to go.I play the drums and own six drum kits (One is technically my dad's,but he says it's mine,haha!),two of which are the band Disciple's former touring kits.My favorite kind of music is Christian Rock,especially the hard stuff.I even love screamo!My favorite band is definitely Skillet;their drummer was one of the reasons I started drumming.Second would be Disciple.My favorite drummers are Jen Ledger of Skillet,Joey West of Disciple,Trent Reiff (formerly of Disciple),and Patrick don't know his last name of Random Hero.


Other things I like...um...I LOVE Sonic the Hedgehog and anything to do with the series.Especially the new Sonic Boom franchise!Sticks rules!I also love The Hunger Games,The Maze Runner (I have to read the last two books),The Swipe Series,My Little Pony,playing video games,reading (fiction mostly),digital art (my tablet broke and I haven't replaced it so I haven't done a manip since I left here I think xD),traditional art (I love drawing Sonic characters lol),spending time with my family,playing with my dog,hanging with my best friend...all of that good stuff :).


I am so excited to get back to the game and I do hope that maybe some of you might remember me...I never had any great accomplishments on here,but I know I interacted with some of you,haha!As far as what I plan on doing here once I get reacquainted with the way things are here...I'm thinking Thoroughbreds since they rule.Maybe a warmblood breed since I love Dressage and who does Dressage better than a warmblood?Not that Dressage is on here...but who doesn't love Dressage graphics?!


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𝔫𝔶𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔢 🪶 now let go.
July 28th, 2015 12:49:27am
1,056 Posts

Welcome back! 

giphy.gif giphy.gif

"That's Jaime fookin Lannister"


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Maeriy • This Is The Way •
July 28th, 2015 1:15:12am
814 Posts

Welcome back!!! (:


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V.ersace -l TBs l-
July 28th, 2015 1:39:11am
62 Posts

WElcome back!!!


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Mobius // is admiring her new layout with her TBs
July 28th, 2015 2:33:30am
316 Posts

Thanks,guys!I just upgraded my account...now to just decide what to do!:P


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
July 28th, 2015 2:58:47am
4,333 Posts

Hey, welcome back! :). I remember you from before!


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Khaleesi// OG 18091
July 28th, 2015 3:01:35am
712 Posts

Glad to have you back, welcome!


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Mobius // is admiring her new layout with her TBs
July 28th, 2015 3:03:29am
316 Posts

Yay,I am rembered,haha!I'm feeling the love,thanks for all of the warm welcomes!:D


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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
July 28th, 2015 10:30:20pm
2,126 Posts

-sings- Welcome backkk, welcome backkk :D 

Paints since 6-8-14


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