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October 3rd, 2015 6:24:14pm
2 Posts


I'm Aries & it's great to meet you. I found out about HP about half an hour ago when I decided to go see if KittenTracks was back...unfortunately it was not. But this exists, so my sudden thirst to play SIM games has been quenched. B) Hopefully I can stick around for a while. [If for some reason any of you played KT back in maybe...2011 or so (goodness how time flies), I was Velinde and my ID # was like, 1776 or something like that, haha.] I've also been on Howrse, Horseland, and a multitude of other sims that I can't really remember the names of. I've been on at least eight or 9. 

Anyway, I've grown up a bit since then so that's fun. I'm in highschool right now, & I'm hoping to graduate/go to college and (currently, it changes) become either a mortician or a librarian. Or maybe I'll start my own buisiness with a bakery. Who knows?? Some things I'm really into include baking, taking walks, making art (even though I'm not good at it), B-rated horror/cult movies, and researching supernatural/occult stuff (it's super cool). I also enjoy writing & RP'ing. My favorite band is Tegan and Sara, though I'm into all types of different bands & genres. Musicals are fab, and last year I was in a small group of people interpreting (in ASL) for my schools production of Aladdin. I'm doing it again this year for Mulan. 

I have 3 cats and a dog who I love very much, but my favorite animals are probably turtles or bees, and when I get my own place I'd love to start beekeeping. If I'm not allergic to bees anyway. I'm not sure if I am or not. I'm not sure if I'm going to focus more on horses or dogs on this game, but I'm blown away by the amount of options between breeds, so I guess we'll see what happens!

Anyway I feel like I wrote enough about me for now, so!! Peace out. (^:


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Khaleesi// OG 18091
October 4th, 2015 6:28:08am
712 Posts

First off, welcome to HP! It's always great to see new faces around here! Feel free to stop by chat, we'd love to talk to you!

Secondly nothing wrong with going to college or not going to college, as long as you're happy doing what you want! Also I think it's awesome that you helped interpret your schools play and are doing it again!


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adeina ❧ border collies ❦
October 4th, 2015 8:57:32am
1,797 Posts

Welcome to HP!

We're a very friendly community. As Khaleesi said, please feel free to stop by basic chat and get to know us! c: (also yay for turtles!)



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`adria || coding semi open, negotiable.
October 4th, 2015 6:24:48pm
159 Posts

Welcome to HP! :D 


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October 4th, 2015 6:25:24pm
1 Posts

Welcome to HP! I'm excited that you're a fellow bee lover. I've been a beekeeper for 4 years. c:


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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
October 6th, 2015 2:29:36am
2,126 Posts

Welcome to HP :D

Paints since 6-8-14


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