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Making Graphics-Help Please!

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R.oxxy Designs- READ PAGE ♔ Heavy is the head that wears the crown ♔
March 5th, 2016 7:35:58pm
428 Posts

I really want to get into making graphics again!

So my question is which is more important the editing software or the tablet ?

I currently have Pse 8 and a Wacom Bamboo Capture tablet.

So is it in my best intrest to get a better program and keep my current tablet or get a new better tablet?

I haven't made a graphic in so long so i need like something for a beginner again!

Any help would be appreciated!


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Farewell ☆ main ☆
March 5th, 2016 9:11:10pm
846 Posts

There is a way to get photoshop cs2 for free. I use that and a capture. 


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March 5th, 2016 9:12:08pm
1 Posts

I bought a super expensive tablet to upgrade from my old one. I don't find it to be any better than my old tablet aside from it being, like, twice the size. I think the program is probably more important but if you're more practiced in one program then you're going to make better images with that program. For example, I use Photoshop CC, and I tried to switch to photoshop elements, but I had absolutely no idea what I was doing or where some of the tools I used on the other program were located, so my image quality suffered. I don't know if that made sense, but I tried. haha


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Overture - Paints (Again, shocking)
March 5th, 2016 10:10:26pm
36 Posts

Your tablet will be just fine! The most important part ofthe tablet, I think, is that it has good pen sensitivity, which most Wacom Bamboo products do.

Try photoshop out! You can get a trial on (I might try googling, photoshop trialas the website can be a bit difficult to navigate)

Not saying you should do this (but you can totally do this) and get it free for a few months while you save up by using different emails to get the trial. Don't get adobe creative cloud, as it is a monlthy fee instead of a one time fee.I would try to google some older versions, like photoshop CS2 through CS5. And see if best buy or something (idk what country you're in, best buy for americans haha) and try them.
Here is CS5 on amazon for over $1k....which is dumb. 0.o

Here is CS2 for around $600.still stuper high. :/

Im sure if you shop around, you can find a cheaper price!



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LLUVIA - it's corona time
March 5th, 2016 11:11:42pm
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-former manipper here (I should get back into it ; _ ;) - 

Both are pretty important, but it's easy to get programs for free (Photoshop CS6 is floating around a ton of places!). But as long as your program is of the Adobe family (version honestly doesn't matter that much, but i've literally used 3/4 of all versions ranging from Photoshop Elements 2.0 to Photoshop CS6), and your tablet has a decent amount of pressure sensitivity, you should be good. 

What THE most important thing is, in my opinion, is practice. Anyone can get good at anything if they practice enough. Take your time browsing through tutorials on dA (here's my collection:, follow artists on dA and watch their join.mes to see how they work in real time ask them questions, and most of all, just keeep trying, and experimenting. 

Good  luck!

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trig ⨳ 🍒 bomb
March 6th, 2016 5:43:42am
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I'd have to second what lluvia said. I used to use Photoshop Elements 5.0 and now use a free version of CS5. I don't really use the tablet I have. I asked for it for Christmas one year about 5 years ago and have rarely used it. I was dumb enough at the time to think it would automatically make my art better and just couldn't get the hang out it. I feel bad that I haven't utilized it since it was an expensive gift but I'm just not comfortable with it. If you have one and like using, by all means, keep using it. I just don't think upgrading either your tablet or program are essential for you to get back into making art.

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March 6th, 2016 7:05:50pm
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Thank you everyone for answering ill definatly check out all your ideas!

I appreciate all of the feedback!


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amberellie - idk what day it is
March 7th, 2016 1:52:12am
703 Posts

I have Photoshop Elements 8, 9 and I think 10.. I also have Photoshop CS2.  I use primarely Photoshop Elements 8, it's the program I know the best;I was so confused with Photoshop CS2 that I rarely use it.  :)


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Vintage -----{Egyptians}
March 11th, 2016 4:21:02am
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I have to agree with everyone here. Choosing a program that works for you is the main thing. I am an adobe junkie, but there are plenty of free and legal programs out there. I've seen some pretty phenomenal work done in gimp. 

I also think that tablets are a useful tool if you get the hang of them, but not critical. :) I hope this helped and good luck!


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