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Mascot Contest Update

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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
March 14th, 2016 3:54:26am
4,333 Posts


The contest officially ends at 11:59 on the 19th, which is this Saturday! So, as of Sunday morning (to let Saturday's shows run) final points will be calculated :).


As you know, backstories were due yesterday, and pictures were due last week! So for those of you who did not get those in, unfortunately you have been disqualified :(. I will message those teams, and the below listing has been updated to reflect that!


A Week of Challenges

To gain some last minute points in the last week of the contest, we will be doing a week of mini challenges! Look for the first mini-challenge in the forums tomorrow morning :).


Mascot Points Update

Horse (tickets)

Azalie, S.pace B.ound, and Siib with Limitless - Points: 6136100

Nyt with Major Payne - Points: 3415260

Sassafras Tango with Andromedae - Points: 1557895


Dog (tickets)

Tronic with Bristol - Points: 4844358

Khaleesi with O Death - Points: 2755880


Horse (no tickets)

Skip with Victorious - Points: 780501

Broken Vow with Incandescence - Points: 718786

Robyn & ROUX with Pixel Perfect - Points: 676020

Chance with Dream Seeker - Points: 665520

Blitz with Snowman - Points: 573970

Overture with The Orchard Keeper - Points: 509820

Azalie, S.pace B.ound, and Siib with Osprey - Points: 447220

Aoi Haru Designs with Willem - Points: 441200

Etoile with Acheron - Points: 429160


Dog (no tickets)

Chance with Sock Thief - Points: 741580

Tronic with Tyonek - Points: 686184

Blitz with Winterlude - Points: 631380

Zadkiel with Daykeyne King Caesar - Points: 623900

Aud and Sassafras Tango with Bree - Points: 588340

Aoi Haru Designs with Yukiya - Points: 583580


All points include "born with" points. These will be subtracted from the final total, at the end of the contest.


Also, a reminder for mascots: It is now March, so you've got a lot of deadlines coming up! Make sure to pay attention to them, or you could risk disqualification!


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