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Stabyhouns!! Gen 3!!!

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Envious //
April 2nd, 2016 2:19:36am
59 Posts

I know making it to Gen 3 on a breed really isnt a huge thing but

Between illness and injuries and family issues throughtout the years

A hiatus has happened more times then I can count

I am so proud though because I am currently the only active breeder of Stabyhouns

To make it to Gen 3 on them is such an accomplishment for me!!

The 1st set of Gen 3 pups arent very high pointed due to another hiatus 

but they are here....I am so proud... Finally an established Stabyhoun breeder!!! 



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
April 2nd, 2016 2:28:36am
29,981 Posts

Yay!! They are a beautiful breed! :)



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Envious //
April 2nd, 2016 2:31:27am
59 Posts

Thank you!!! I adore them!!

When me and Ryan get a house we are actually going to fill out an application to see if we can own one in RL


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LUMOS. 🌙 spare upgrade
April 2nd, 2016 2:46:28am
915 Posts

Congrats! I know how life can be. I'm glad you are still on gen 3 and going strong. :) Other than my retirement breedings I'm back on gen 1 after a very long break so I can relate to the feeling! ♥


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Envious //
April 2nd, 2016 3:07:31am
59 Posts

Thanks! Yah my one set of dogs suffered from not being trained for a couple weeks but they still made it past 1mill so I cant complain but the group I started when I returned is 9years right now and are pointed from 780k-860k so I am extremely happy with them. Really makes up for the other group. I had to drop or restart my other lines so the fact that I got all 4 to 1mill is great! I cant wait to see how far I take them :)


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