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Western Club Contests!

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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
July 9th, 2017 8:59:02pm
3,988 Posts

So, I am back from camping and have entirely too many ideas for contests. And have started quite a few of them on the club page! Here's what I've got! 


  1. A layout raffle! NOT the layout currently on the page, that is a temporary one. I am working with Allix to get a professional one to raffle off! 50k will get you your first ticket into the raffle, every 100k donated after that will be additional entries! 

  2. A Graphic Raffle! I am currently working with Palm Springs to have an AQH premade graphic to raffle off as well! Rules/the graphic will be posted on the club page once the graphic is finished! 

  3. A Game Contest! I'm obsessed with the color game, so I have that up and running! 10k per every entry, and 1 mill will go to the winner with the highest score at the end of the month. *Depending on participation... may up that reward to 10mill or higher* 

  4. Weekly Puzzles! I just love puzzles! So a new one will be posted weekly. 50k for each person to complete it! 


I also have these ideas for contests to keep the club page active and going: 

  • Weekly puzzles of course! 

  • A Meme Contest? Tron did one and I loved it! 

  • Crossword puzzle? 

  • Mascot Contest? 

Let me know your thoughts/suggestions! This is my first time being President of a club and I really want to make it fun for everyone! ^-^ 



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