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Project Dex!

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July 25th, 2013 7:15:51pm
85 Posts
Hi everyone, I'm aiming to hit my FIRST 3 miller (and possibly more!). Project Dex is an extremely important project too me.

Last week, Thursday the 18th of July my riding instructor and friend of many years, Katie, passed at just 26 years of age. It's still unclear as to why she passed however she had been ill for sometime prior to this, but not to the extent it would cause death, or as far as we were aware anyways.

Katie was an amazing woman, she always had a smile upon her face and gave confidence to the most nervous of rider, she helped me imporve my confidence as well as riding skills drastically. She was always able to make me smile and laugh, she was a wonderful person to talk too and riding will never be the same again without Katie!

My friend, Katie has a wonderful Welsh Sec D (or Welsh Cob), he's an old boy and she loved him to BITS!! This is the real life Dexter A.K.A Dex...

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And you can see the HP version of Dex here

I know Dex isn't my horse etc. but I wanted something personal to me which was also personal to Katie, something that I could remember her by and something simple I could do for her... it might sound odd to you but it's very important to me :)Any help for my project will be GREATLY appreciated, I couldn't thank you enough.

All my services are open in order to gain HPD to fund Dex's horse tickets and shows.

I'm also hosting a raffle, this raffle is to help fund Project Dex! Prizes include Upgrades, both 1 and 6 months, Custom graphics, coding and layouts by me as well as horse/dog shows or tickets etc. Please do check it out on my page.

Thanks for reading,

- Pasion x


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