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coding / graphics
LUMOS. ๐ basic spare 1 May 11th, 2018 3:02:05am 915 Posts |
I'm sure this has been asked multiple times but I just wanted a thread here so I could look back on it and not forget. Feel free to just link me to other threads for reference.
With my spare time this summer I am interested in learning coding and graphics. I'm downloading a free trial of PS CC and then will be purchasing it with the monthly subscription thing. Is youtube the best source of tutorials? DA? (I haven't been on there in years... probably need to make a new account) - if I'm serious about learning is it in my best interest to also buy a graphics tablet while I learn from the start, or will it be easier to buy it later in the future? (Skill/learning ease wise)
Also with coding, I will be using W3schools and I see a Solo Learn app on my phone that looks promising.. if right now I'm mostly interested in just making simple layouts for myself for HP should I start with HTML or CSS? (I have a basic understanding of both when I read them, and I can usually figure out by tweaking what each thing does, but I in no way shape or form could make anything from scratch and that is my "someday" goal lol)
Like I said sorry if this is a repeated thread.. I'm getting ready for work and I usually have some down time so wanted some opinions to look at later and tomorrow when I'm off work. XD
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Bayard Brabants May 11th, 2018 4:04:28am 34 Posts
For the coding I'd personally go with just continuing to tweak and test. It's actually a good way to learn, if you're looking to learn for HP especially. Just decide what your end goal is, and build it up step by step, looking things up as you go, rather than copying a skeleton and just adjusting numbers and details. Alternatively, if it's just between HTML and CSS, I'd go with CSS. HTML is mostly either basic makeup, or a "CSS apply here" anchor. Between YT and DA I'd say it's mostly about preference - do you work better with video or image and text.
Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing] May 11th, 2018 5:24:35am 2,902 Posts
I am currently addicted to SoloLearn XD The challenges and projects are so interesting - however, they only scratch the surface of the subject. It's like the top of the iceburg. I am currently on the JavaScript lesson and if you'll shoot me your name on there I'll totally add you as a friend. XD ย I am actually going to recommend the sites I am about to do a blog post about. - W3Schools - as you mention is amazing! It's loaded full of information.
- Lissa Explains - I swear this one was off the net but this is one of the sites that taught me how to code my iFrame layout for my very first website! ( )
- Funky Chicken - Another I swear was down, but it's back up and it is the other site I used to teach myself to code back in the day. ( )
- And I just made an account on Tynker ( ) just to check it out (I have two kids I plan on intruducing to coding early because I sure wish my parents had let me earlier)
ย Those bottom three are aimed at kids, but I still use them cause sometimes I need things simplified ... a lot. DX
LUMOS. ๐ basic spare 1 May 11th, 2018 5:42:50am 915 Posts
Thank you both for responding so quickly! :) Bayard, that's where I struggle. Looking at other people's codes, I can take it apart and figure out what each part does but I don't want to use anyone else's stylesheets, or copy junks and use them so I'm not sure how to go about making something of my own if that makes sense. Coding interests me, but for now I just need it for HP as a hobby so maybe CSS to start will be easier. If I catch on I may try other languages. XD I'll have to try both YT and DA, I am not sure what type of learner I am. Probably a mix of both :P Can you reccomend any good channels specifically for animal manips? Con, I actually just logged in and it is connected to my facebook! Guess I did download it a year or two ago and start using it and then got a new phone lol. I'll shoot you my name in a PM see if you can look me up by that!! And I am going to check out ALL your links lol. Since I'm new the kid friendly ones will probably be good for me, and fun :D
Bayard Ardennes May 11th, 2018 6:05:46am 3 Posts
That's what I meant, don't just copy what other people made, adjust variables and call it quits. Look at other sources, learn from them, and draw on that to make your own. I think Aoi puts it really well: "
LUMOS. ๐ basic spare 1 May 11th, 2018 9:49:22am 915 Posts
Ahh okay I see what you mean! And I love that quote, it makes me feel better about studying some of the coding on here :)
mero;: } bye felicia ๐ May 11th, 2018 1:00:36pm 4,681 Posts
I self-taught myself Photoshop when I was in middle school and didn't get a tablet until maybe three years after I started dabbling? It's definitely not a necessity to get started but opens a lot more doors where technique and refinement are concerned. I've had the same one since then (a whole decade now, holy crap) and it's still serving me well (though I've been considering upgrading). In any case when I started out learning I did so mostly by tutorials on dA/found randomly online. Emblas Tutorials were a mainstay of mine but sadly the site went the way of the dodo last year.
peach || pointers May 11th, 2018 3:12:34pm 149 Posts
Sangre, my boyfriend uses a website that has videos and lessons. I think you have to pay for it though? If you message me and remind me I can ask him about it!
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