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Am I getting too old for this...?

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Taylinn; We deserve a soft epilogue, my love
May 16th, 2018 11:58:42am
56 Posts

That's what I asked myself before logging into my account that had sat inactive for about 6 months, of course, the answer was a resoundsing NO! You're never too old for HP! So, here I am! My name is Serena, but I play under the name of Taylinn (aka Tay). I've been around HP since 2009 and have never once bred or trained a second generation animal that i started off from the store (is there an achievement for being the worst breeder?) Can't seem to get over that 1st gen hump, but we are going all out this time, ya'll. Anyway, I sometimes make graphics, do upgrade, account training, etc and I can usually be found lurking around the chat. 


I'm currently in Madagascar, so my time zone is a little wonky when compared to most HPers, just as something to note. 


In my real life i grew up showing Welsh Ponies, in college I worked at a summer camp with horses and drove their team of fjords and led trail rides, and post college I work as part of a nursing staff. While I don't currently have any horses I do hope to get one upon arriving back stateside. I have one very overweight shelter tabby named Benny, , and a collection of reptiles/herps: 
5 Purple Pincher Hermit Crabs
1.3 Crested Geckos
2.5 Leopard Geckos
0.1 Leaf-tailed Gecko
2.2 Electric Blue Gecko
1.0 GTP
0.1 Blue Tongue Skink
1.0 Tri- colored hognose 
I also keep fish including my male mustard gas betta, an african cichlid 55 gallon, a pea puffer 40 gallon, a 40 gallon tropical community, and two 10 gallon shrimp tanks. 


I can't wait to jump back into things and get to re-know everybody and meet knew players! 


Good vibes, 


Tay the Tot


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Master Administrator Samantha - see page to know who to contact directly!
May 16th, 2018 9:18:00pm
4,333 Posts

Welcome back! :). Definitely post some pictures of your pets! And let us know if you have any questions since a few things have probably changed since you last played.


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mango 🍑 i will be watching for your enemies
May 16th, 2018 11:14:03pm
2,926 Posts

*feels the intense desire to steal all your herps* Welcome back, Tay! 



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Audacious [rip daddy♥] [blitz watching!]
May 17th, 2018 1:34:37am
2,126 Posts

Welcome backkkk :D

Paints since 6-8-14


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swirly ; original/main
January 16th, 2019 8:14:50pm
265 Posts

welcome back!


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Gothika - SEA's
January 18th, 2019 3:41:07pm
1,228 Posts

Welcome back!

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