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LTB: iframe LAYOUT

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† M.arixel †
January 4th, 2014 12:11:14am
440 Posts







I'm looking for a new layout. I've seen these awesomely coded layouts and so totally want one! I would like to do my own image for it but show me what you have!


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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
January 4th, 2014 1:10:42am
1,854 Posts

It'd kinda help to know what you meant by awesome layouts lately. XD

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† M.arixel †
January 4th, 2014 6:17:21am
440 Posts

lol the current one you have in auctions! plus your own ;)


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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
January 4th, 2014 6:27:23pm
1,854 Posts

okay, so the words you're looking for are accordian and iframe. XD I bought mine off Percey for suuuuper cheap! She'll code if you give her the layout. That's what I did.

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Riddle ;; isn't it beautiful the way we fall apart.
January 4th, 2014 7:03:00pm
85 Posts

I can do coding.  Very clean, my own work.  The only thing I avoid are horizontal accordions, but verticals (like Chaotic's) are fine.

Examples are my own layout, and accounts 500, 33595, 15398, 20278, and 991.  I also have website references, but won't post them here unless needed (don't want to "advertise" other sites).


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† M.arixel †
January 4th, 2014 8:44:03pm
440 Posts

Yes, thank you! I'll contact you about it. I'm still waiting on percy to reply back to me ^_^


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𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔬𝔴 💀 The Artist Formerly Known as xxCHAOTIC
January 5th, 2014 7:01:35pm
1,854 Posts

I can try to figure out a way to set up my iframe code for someone else to view it and make sense. Like... color code it in a word doc or something.

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† M.arixel †
January 5th, 2014 10:01:36pm
440 Posts

That would be amazing. I've basically given up on coding with real life chaos O_O  Only time I find peace is playing with Maleah (my lab mix pup) and getting on here to create art.


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