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Very special, personal Layout Contest

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Roosery -- Ravenclaw & Proud! -- Home of Velvet (need a new layout)
January 14th, 2014 8:34:57pm
21 Posts

Hiya, I'm running a special layout contest. The prize will be minimum of 150 mill (will go up when I've sold a couple of upgrades after payday).




It's a "special" layout contest, as it is in memory of one of the most beautiful and sweet horses I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Velvet was my best friend's loan horse who belonged to one of her friends. Velvet was sadly put down at the age of 25 on the 7th of December 2013. I miss her ever day.








The layout MUST have one of these pictures on it: http://mrsroosery.deviantart.com/gallery/47655583  (I know some aren't great pictures, but I also know that some people are really good at cleaning up photos)


Please no bright pinks or full black layouts. 


Coding can be done anyway you like. I would however like at least 2 sections to write in and an update area.

Also, if you can't code, but can make great layouts, PLEASE enter. I have people who can code for me if the winner doesn't do it. :)






Contest will last for one month minimum. The prize may rise to around 250mill, so it MUST be a professional layout.



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