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Video Game Day!

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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
September 7th, 2020 11:26:38pm
2,902 Posts


September 12th is Video Games Day!!! You have until 11:59PM on September 13th to earn points for your animals by responding to this thread. 3000 points for each question. 


1. What is your favorite game?

2. What is your favorite gaming system?


[total of 6000 points to be earned]


Respond to this thread to earn your points! 

My favorite game is probably Harvest Moon - but it is quickly followed by Zelda. 

I prefer PC gaming, because I feel like I have more control over the game play and I don't have to upgrade the pc as often as I do the consoles.




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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
September 8th, 2020 4:37:05pm
3,988 Posts

Points on Hestia please - https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=127523

1. I LOVE animal crossing on my switch currently , growing up I was obsessed with Legend of Zelda (gamecube and wii) and animal crossing (gamecube). Before I sold my PS4 , I loved The Last of Us and Before Dawn! 
2. I love my switch! But I also loved my PS4. I miss my gamecube though! Those were the good ole days! 



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mango 🍑 stay your pretty eyes on course
September 8th, 2020 4:54:25pm
2,926 Posts

I FORGOT ABOUT BIOSHOCK HOW DID I FORGET BIOSHOCK, add that to my list of faves please xD



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Content Moderator Moorfine {Empire of Unruly Unicorns} - Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all
September 8th, 2020 5:32:27pm
1,975 Posts

I know this is going to seem like a cop out, but H.P. is my favorite game, and favorite way to get on to play is my IPad as I can sit outside on the deck in the nice weather and play.

But! I used to love PlayStation and Crash Bandicoot! It was my favorite game ever! I have not played a video game on a console in quite some time, but we have an Xbox One and occasionally enjoy Assasins Creed.


Can points please go onto 

UXIO (ID #337161)



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Soppinaro |Wayward Saint Bernards
September 8th, 2020 6:29:16pm
19 Posts

I was obsessed with Dark Cloud and Gallop Racer for my ps2 growing up xD high school it was halo and cod on the original Xbox... anymore I just play COD and RDR2 on my Xbox one. Also Diablo III but I've beaten that enough times that I'm kinda just waiting for diablo 4 this November. 

ohhh I mean except sims and zoo tycoon on PC, and age of empires.... They have zoo tycoon for the Xbox one free for download and it made me SO happy. 

points to dog please :} : https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=129410


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chime » heartbroken
September 8th, 2020 7:58:38pm
2,594 Posts

I really am not a gamer, so my favorite game... I'd have to say HP.. therefore PC.. but I used to love Roller Coaster tycoon (the classic).


Points to dog 129037


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September 8th, 2020 8:51:44pm
1 Posts

I'm a huge gamer nerd! My favorite games would be any MMORPGs, like Elder Scrolls Online or WoW.

my favorite console to play on would definitely be PC, with my Xbox coming in close 2nd. 

poins on horse #340810 please! 


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alyphira ; ill, please contact on discord for best response
September 8th, 2020 9:24:37pm
242 Posts

1. What is your favorite game?

Currently it's Sea of Thieves!

2. What is your favorite gaming system?

PC for daysss.


points to https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=339544


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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
September 8th, 2020 10:40:10pm
2,970 Posts

1. What is your favorite game? I love Kingdom HeartsRatchet & ClankSilent HillZoo Tycoon and Age of Empires

2. What is your favorite gaming system? I've not played on many, but of those I have, it'd be my PS2

Points on https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=340782 please!



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Blitz -- Stellar Exmoor Ponies
September 9th, 2020 3:24:57am
257 Posts

1. Pokémon! My favorite lately is Pokémon Sword

2. Nintedo Switch


Points on https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=128163 Thank you!


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lostcause 🎃💀🍂🍁
September 9th, 2020 7:49:06pm
203 Posts

1. What is your favorite game?

I dabble on a lot of online horse SIMS daily, but my current favorite non-computer game would be Pokemon Sword. I just bought the expansion :')

2. What is your favorite gaming system?

Just like Vow,my favorite system is the N64. The one I have just stopped working however :(


Points for this gal please!



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Eyre ❅ be kind
September 9th, 2020 8:11:08pm
10,135 Posts

I loved watching my brother play the LEGO Batman series when he was younger, and Sly Cooper when he first started out. Recently, it has been fun to watch him play RDR and RDR2, though the latter I seem to recall more the story than the former. As for me, I really enjoy Nancy Drew PC games, but haven't played in awhile since I gave all my old games away to friends. There are days, now, that I wish I still had access to those games. Treasure in a Royal Tower might be my favorite out of the whole series as I used to be a big Marie Antoinette buff in middle school. I, also, loved Age of Empires but the old version I have isn't supported on PCs in the common day and age now, so if I really want to play, it's time to haul out the old Windows XP laptop. Horseland used to be my jam for many, many years, too.

I used to play a Chronicles of Narnia XBox game when we first got an xBox, but I didn't survive many levels because my thumb/finger coordination isn't very good, and I haven't been able to adjust to the new-fangled move one thumb joy-stick around to move and the other to look all about and around you. My brothers used to include me in their Halo matches and mercilessly gang up on me when I got stuck in a corner somewhere and shot my gun straight up in the air. xD Oh, well. I just sit, watch, and do a yarn project whenever my brother plays Fallout or RDR or something not too ridden with zombies and dark corners. 

No points anywhere, please. Just hanging out and participating. :) Thanks!



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a z a l i e - 🌵 2024 APHA World,Reserve and Bronze Champion-blitzy still watching-
September 9th, 2020 11:21:45pm
1,856 Posts

I liked the twisted metal games way back when...

I do not play video games, therefore i know nothing on the gaming systems 🙃


Pts on horse #339285



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Chance -----> The Thoroughbred Factory
September 10th, 2020 10:20:50am
357 Posts

1.) I don't play any games other than HP, but my favorite used to be super smash bros.

2.) I have to pick PC because I don't have anything else! I hated the old nintendos where you had to take out the game and blow on it haha. Maybe I'm dating myself!


Points to horse #340710 please!


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September 12th, 2020 5:59:35pm
1 Posts

1. What is your favorite game?

Monster Rancher 4

2. What is your favorite gaming system?

Either PS2 or PC


Points to Dogs:




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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
September 15th, 2020 9:50:06pm
2,902 Posts

All points rewarded. 


If you were missing the animal number, you've been messaged. Thank you! 



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