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October 14th, 2020 7:54:18pm
75 Posts

So... I know they used to be on the game. I was wondering if they could come back? Thestrals. I could be blind and they're there lol. 

I just read you aren't doing mythical breeds right now. Sorry :(


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Eyre ‣ long live the pioneers
October 14th, 2020 9:58:52pm
10,111 Posts

I believe they are still available and on the game. They are just a Cash Shop only/Limited Edition breed now, if I am remembering correctly. Most of the mythicals went there recently with the exception of Unicorns and Pegasi. 

EDIT: Yes, here is the post about mythical breeds:



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October 15th, 2020 11:26:49am
75 Posts

Thanks! I found them


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