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World Kindness Day

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Concourse [but as she was leaving, it felt like breathing]
November 10th, 2020 11:29:48pm
2,902 Posts


World Kindness Day


The official day is: Friday - November 13th, 2020.








Usually I would not use so many images from another site, but the Random Acts of Kindness killed it with these graphics. All images are from: here. You can also read more about World Kindness Day here: Link.




The image above is the perfect way to celebrate in your day to day life. On Horse Phenomena though, we are going to have to celebrate a little differently, as we cannot see each other personally - we are all over the place! Which is amazing as in itself. So here is what we are going to do.


1. For 5,000 points - compliment someone on the site in response to this thread. They don't have to comment on this post, you can just randomly pick someone.

2. For 2,000 points - do a random act of kindness for another player (help them out, give them a discount, give them something they need, ect...). You can tell about it here if you want - or just comment ROAK complete. I will be using the honor system here and trusting you not to lie if you didn't complete it. Please don't abuse this. Only 2,000 points will be rewarded - even if you do more than one.

3. For 4,000 points - complete this jigsaw puzzle and submit a screenshot of it. Post screenshot here. Fastest time will get an additional 1,500 points.

4. For 4,000 points - color this page any way you wish to color it (printing it, digitally, ect). Post screenshot here.

5. For 3,000 points - compete this this word search.

Entries accepted until  Monday 11:59PM EST / HP time on 11/16/2020.




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November 11th, 2020 12:49:38am
26 Posts

Puzzle entry:: https://i.imgur.com/CDWgbjB.png
Word search entry:: https://i.imgur.com/b0pwHs6.png 

Points to:: Whoever wants to claim mine. I just like participating, and since I'm new I'm still gaining points like crazy.



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November 11th, 2020 8:08:26am
75 Posts

1. For my compliment I have two. One because my husband (Time) is considerate when it comes to getting me things for this game. Second one would be Vintage because she's always so helpful especially giving me tips on photography!

Word Search: https://i.imgur.com/E8MozId.png

Puzzle: https://i.imgur.com/PhFrqNI.png

Horse: https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=342485


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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
November 11th, 2020 12:30:18pm
1,706 Posts

             NOVEMBER RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS DAY     points to saddlebred 340395

1. For 5,000 points - Lady S for taking the time to look up things that make people smile and putting them in the Hollywood chat room to make our days better, 

Theres so many more, Sat who makes time to listen if we need her too, Con who makes events to keep us busy, and all the HP staff who make HP such a great game to play. 

2. For 2,000 points - RAOK complete

3. For 4,000 points - complete jigsaw puzzle.    https://i.imgur.com/89Y6pHg.jpg

4. For 4,000 points - color this any way you wish.  https://i.imgur.com/E4UhKRO.jpg

5. For 3,000 points - compete this word search.   https://i.imgur.com/Ix8WoGW.jpg


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Inamorato | Dalmatians
November 11th, 2020 12:42:59pm
16 Posts

Will get these done before Monday! :) 

1. I'd like to compliment Lafitte. I am a lurker in chat and she always seems so nice and engaged with everyone that comes on. Definitely makes people feel "welcomed"; whether its new players or oldies like myself who took a hiatus for many many years.

2. RAOK - In the advertisement chat, Moorf was looking for 12, 1 month upgrades. I am gifting her a 1 month upgrade for free :)

3. https://imgur.com/uN7RKuq.jpg


5. https://imgur.com/iJorMCE.jpg

points to: https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=130531 please


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Tifi - Cocker
November 11th, 2020 12:49:48pm
996 Posts

1. The compliment is super hard as there are sooo many awesome players but today I will focus on Con:  Con makes time to put together so many fabulous min-activities like these and she is super sweet and kind to everyone.

2. ROAK Complete.

3. https://i.imgur.com/q08gVKd.png

4. For 4,000 points - color this page any way you wish to color it (printing it, digitally, ect).

5. https://i.imgur.com/jfJ8PoZ.png


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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
November 11th, 2020 1:05:51pm
2,272 Posts

1. I'm obsessed with Leshen Lake's graphics! I've ordered soooo many from her! Best on HP if you ask me! And she doesn't charge an arm and a leg for each one!

2. ROAK complete

3. https://i.imgur.com/VnEsvDR.png


5. https://i.imgur.com/rOBksGz.png

Points to horse #340752



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Kyuubi || Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
November 11th, 2020 1:31:05pm
275 Posts
- Dog #129924

1. Lafitte and Saturnia - early this year we did the mascot contest together and both of them were such awesome partners and understanding when my life or mental health got in the way. Also a shout out to all my show providers, you guys are the best! Lemo for helping me out with my project dog and fun to chat with.

2. For 2,000 points - do a random act of kindness for another player (help them out, give them a discount, give them something they need, ect...). You can tell about it here if you want - or just comment ROAK complete. I will be using the honor system here and trusting you not to lie if you didn't complete it. Please don't abuse this. Only 2,000 points will be rewarded - even if you do more than one.

3. For 4,000 points - complete this jigsaw puzzle and submit a screenshot of it. Post screenshot here. Fastest time will get an additional 1,500 points.

4. For 4,000 points - color this page any way you wish to color it (printing it, digitally, ect). Post screenshot here.

5. https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/e252/Izenhawk/wkdws.png



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Kayla Gayle ~~ One Piece Greyhounds ~~ Working a new job
November 11th, 2020 2:07:51pm
370 Posts

1: Glad to have this opportunity. The person I want to compliment is MANGO. She, for no charge, updated all the coding on my retirement page. As this layout is very special to me, I thank her sincerely. Also SATURNIA who did my main layout.

2: ROAK complete.

Free shows

3:  Jigsaw:


4: n/a

5: Word Search





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Lynelle! ♔ Holiday Schedule Causing Delays
November 11th, 2020 4:10:55pm
2,046 Posts

1. Vida - my secret weapon to all my successes and Jaya - who keeps all my shit together,  without you two my lines wouldn't be anywhere close to where they are. endless love for you two - AND amberielle! the graphics she makes and the great conversations I have with her -  she's an amazing support to me. and then there's my mamey and ephee who always have the bestest things to say

2. Donated back a store pair to Vida - with 100k on them XD, she's always suprising me with gifts and expects nothing in return. So I was excited to be able to finally gift something back to her.

3. https://prnt.sc/vhk41w

4. https://prnt.sc/vhmea8

5. https://prnt.sc/vhjt50


points to horse #339626


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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
November 11th, 2020 6:49:40pm
3,988 Posts

saving a spot. 
1. I have soo many people : 
Lady R for always being so nice and taking part in my club activities , Mango for her stunning coding , Koni for being a lovely friend, Con and BV for all the events they put on , Blitz for being my favorite Canadian , Binny for being my ESC (emotional support Canadian), JAX for being just WOW with graphics and I just think they are really cool , Malorie for my phenomenal layout!!! The list goes on - I love SO many people on HP! 

2. ROAK up for grabs - I will code a free layout for someone in need (: Just send me a message! I would send someone HPD but ya girl is broke from this new layout LOL 

3. Jigsaw - https://i.imgur.com/TICBcik.png
4. Coloring 
5. Word Search - https://i.imgur.com/55G1p9I.png

Points on Skade my BFNM on my page please! 



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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
November 11th, 2020 9:06:37pm
6,522 Posts

1 I would like to compliment monnie (mango) for always coming up with truly unique things to add to the HP community.

2 ROAK done

3 http://prntscr.com/vhpjjo

5 http://prntscr.com/vhpfoz



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Chance -----> The Thoroughbred Factory
November 12th, 2020 8:39:46pm
357 Posts

1.) I’d like to compliment Sam, because without her this game wouldn’t be here! After horseland’s changes I was crushed, but then I discovered this and it’s even better than horseland ever was. So good job Sam!

2.) ROAK

3.) https://imgur.com/u42sCfC

4.) https://imgur.com/bjIeSwL

5.) https://imgur.com/TvztBb6



Points to horse #340710


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pinkchampagne »
November 15th, 2020 1:36:18pm
415 Posts

1. For 5,000 points - compliment someone on the site in response to this thread. They don't have to comment on this post, you can just randomly pick someone. "I still don't know many people on this site, but Jaya has always been super nice and talkative when we play Bingo and other games!"

2. For 2,000 points - do a random act of kindness for another player (help them out, give them a discount, give them something they need, ect...). You can tell about it here if you want - or just comment ROAK complete. I will be using the honor system here and trusting you not to lie if you didn't complete it. Please don't abuse this. Only 2,000 points will be rewarded - even if you do more than one.

3. Jigsaw Puzzle: https://imgur.com/a/TsoMU4y

4. For 4,000 points - color this page any way you wish to color it (printing it, digitally, ect). Post screenshot here.

5. Word Search: https://imgur.com/a/Jorb4D5


Points to horse #342959!



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November 15th, 2020 1:46:34pm
196 Posts

1.) Loona has always been really kind to me, shes an amazingly talented coder and I'm just really appreciative for everything shes done for me! Amberellie is also sweet as can be with heck of an artistic hand, Speedy gifted me an awesome Dutch Warmblood to my lines which I'm very appreciative of! Also appreciative to Alyphira, Lady Rancher, & Blitz who are all very nice whenever I talk to them! Gotta give my love to the fantastic staff as well (:

2. (Working on it)

3. https://i.imgur.com/dmBVPmE.png

4. https://i.imgur.com/hkFM8KX.png

5. https://i.imgur.com/jLrJ8Hh.png

points to https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=130975 please!

JjsLXlr.png aJG3hc0.png


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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
November 15th, 2020 5:12:02pm
2,970 Posts

1: Another compliment for Sam for creating and building this amazing place, and to the admins and staff past and present who helped it's growth and development and who continue to do so. 


3: Puzz https://i.imgur.com/QcqpMTn.png

5: https://i.imgur.com/dRYbpS5.png



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 15th, 2020 9:54:46pm
27,686 Posts

1. One of the nicest people I have ever met on HP is Peach. She is super nice, and have you seen her lines, and the care she puts into making her animals awesome? omg.

2. ROAK complete

3. https://prnt.sc/vjrln7


5. https://prnt.sc/vjrto8

points to dog #130023



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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
November 16th, 2020 3:40:13pm
8,756 Posts

1. It's soo hard to choose just one person! D:
I'm going to shout out to Amberellie (#10) because she is really kind and always willing to help another HPer out!
Her artwork is also top notch and unique!

2. ROAK complete!

3. Puzzle

Points on Horse: (#341320)

pjd1sOi.png uoRNx1M.png BGYKLiO.png


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