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Thanksgiving Word Search!!

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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
November 18th, 2020 9:06:32pm
29,792 Posts

Hello friends!! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday cuz, FOOOOOOOD!!! ;P I can't believe it's only a week and a day away now!

To celebrate the countdown, and earn some points for your pon/doggo, finish THIS wordsearch and MESSAGE me a screenshot of your finished game! DO NOT POST IT HERE!!

Your finished game will earn you 5k points on an animal! The fastest time will earn another 5k points!!

For another 5k points, tell us what your thanksgiving meals usually consist of! Do you have any differing food traditions?

Be sure to post here in the forum where you would like your points to go!!!

I'll start!!

- I used all the words in the word search from what my family's meal usually consists of, lol! - Turkey, sometimes ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, green bean casserole, stuffing, rolls, various salads, sometimes squash, pumpkin pie, and usually pecan pie as well. 

- As for other food traditions, Pants' family background is very Scandinavian (mostly Norwegian, some Swedish), so in lieu of the traditional cranberry sauce, we usually have "giftas" (pronounced YIFTAS). I had to search google long and hard to actually find a recipe, because the search engine didn't know what I was talking about. xD CLICKY if you are interested. Basically it's a trifle of cranberries, crushed saltine crackers, and whipped cream. However, if you are truly Scandinavian, you would use lingonberries! The other scandinavian side dish we have many times is lefse! A true Scandinavian staple to any meal. xD CLICKY again, if you are interested. Lefse is the Scandinavian version of a tortilla. Made mostly with potatoes and flour, rolled with a special rolling pin, and fried on a griddle. I especially like it with butter and brown sugar but many of the older generation eats it with just butter. OR, you can make yourself a nice wrap with all your Thanksgiving leftovers the next day. xD

You have until Wednesday, November 25th, 11:59pm HP time to finish this activity!



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
November 18th, 2020 9:18:36pm
29,792 Posts




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SaturniaᛉContest winners announced!!
November 18th, 2020 9:25:23pm
3,988 Posts

So my family tradition is to go to Cracker Barrel on thanksgiving! 
But when I got married - my wife's family was more traditional so it was smoked turkeys, mashed potatoes, rolls... the works. 
Now that it's just My wife and dogs in our home out West.. we are going to Cracker Barrel ? because we both aren't big on Thanksgiving meals. 

points on Skade my BFNM on this page please. And I'll be sending the word search shortly! 



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November 18th, 2020 9:49:13pm
75 Posts

We usually have turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, crab dip, broccoli cheese rice stuff, 7 layer salad... and I forget what else.

We don't have much for traditions other than getting together with family sometimes.

Horse: https://horsephenomena.com/horses.php?id=342485


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Administrator BLiTZ 🎆 hello, 2025
November 18th, 2020 9:52:06pm
6,522 Posts



My thanksgiving was in October ;) but it usually involves seeing family and having a turkey dinner!



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
November 18th, 2020 9:56:50pm
29,792 Posts

I like that you Canadians still indulge in turkey hahaha xD



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Administrator 🐈~Broken Vow~❄️
November 18th, 2020 11:55:59pm
8,756 Posts

Word Search Sent! :D

Turkey, sometimes honey glazed ham, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans or green bean casserole, stuffing, apple pie, pumpkin pie, and some sort of funny cool whip and fruit/jello salad thing. Not really a fan of that. xD
Usually watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade then the National Dog Show afterwards.
This year it's just my hubby and my in-laws that will be getting together in person. So it'll be small and hello leftovers! :D

Points on Dog: (#129558)

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Sassafras Tango
November 19th, 2020 12:59:53am
1,233 Posts

My family usually does (what I assume is) the traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries, rolls, green beans (or green bean casserole), stuffing, pecan and pumpkin pie. There might be more but I forget what they are. Sometimes, we get crazy and do a surf n turf Thanksgiving (lobster & steak with some traditional sides) or one time we had massive pork chops.

Animal coming soon...



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November 19th, 2020 1:56:46am
196 Posts

Thanksgiving is a huge deal in my family, I love it more than christmas and so do a lot of my family members. My mom (an AMAZING chef/baker) has always hosted thanksgiving at her house, since before I was even born. My mom starts cooking about 2 or 3 days before thanksgiving even starts; and is usually up all night the day before thanksgiving to finish and set up. Surprisingly shes never tired, that's how excited she gets. I guess our family "tradition" is to make an insane excess of food so that every person attending (both my moms and dads side, spouses of my 3 brothers, aunts uncles grandparents, the whole shabam) can go home with an enormous left-over plate(s). If theres too much my mom gives plates to local homeless shelters, who are always thankful. My leftovers last year lasted a little over a week, feeding me my boyfriend and our daughter :D After sitting together and eating we all just catch up and laugh together since some family come from out of state to be there. It's always such an amazing a memorable time each year! A few things that are always there are Turkey, ham, chicken, yams, stuffing, potato salad, deviled eggs, mac n cheese, dumplings, cheesecake, pumpkin pie, & so much more- every bit is homemade. I looooove thanksgiving ?

Points to Maddison https://horsephenomena.com/dogs.php?id=130975 please (:

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Naima {نعيمة} ✝️🎨 and her Phenomenal Paints
November 19th, 2020 7:36:15am
2,272 Posts

Word search sent!

I've always had the traditional Thanksgiving. Eating dinner with as much family as you can gather. Turkey, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, squash, stuffing, cranberry sauce (canned and homemade), green bean casserole, mashed turnip, green salad (jello mold salad), boiled onions, steamed carrots, homemade rolls, pickles (sweet and dill), olives (green and black) and about 10 different types of pie! And celery, cream cheese and green olives as an orderve.

Points to horse #340752 please



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 19th, 2020 8:50:48am
27,686 Posts

Um, let's see. Turkey, mashed potatoes,  gravy, corn, green bean casserole, rolls, pumpkin pie with a ton of cool whip. Family usually makes stuffing and cranberry stuff, but I find those disgusting, so I wipe them from my memory. :P

points to dog #130023



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Inamorato | Dalmatians
November 19th, 2020 9:48:39am
16 Posts

*coming back to do this*


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Lady Rancher 1, Wild n Wicked Wolves,
November 19th, 2020 11:42:13am
1,706 Posts

word search   mesg sent

thanksgiving dinner  we usually have turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, cranberry sauce, green bean salad, rolls n butter, for desert its pumpkin pie with whipped cream

pts to wolf 129323

PS: hope all of HP has the best possible Thanksgiving Day they can this year


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Lynelle! ♔ Holiday Schedule Causing Delays
November 19th, 2020 1:00:28pm
2,046 Posts

So the biggest thing is the secret behind our deviled eggs - my mom and her sisters are the only ones with the OG recipe and every year me and my siblings try to re-create it. It's like a little sibling war on who can get the closest.

This year, since we have to keep thanksgiving small, instead of turkey we are doing CRAB LEGS! My family lovesss seafood and we (being landlocked and in the midwest) have had ZERO seafood this year. So my mom said, what the hell - and went for it.


And messaged you the word search - I'm dying to know who was fastest! I practiced a few times lol

Points to horse #339626


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Kuwait | Not Reserving Tix |
November 19th, 2020 2:30:34pm
2,970 Posts

What about non-Americans/Canadians? :P



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 19th, 2020 3:45:08pm
27,686 Posts

If you came to the US for Thanksgiving, what would you like to have, Kuwait? :P



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Arden › They say that the best blaze burns brightest when circumstances are at their worst 🔥
November 19th, 2020 6:28:30pm
798 Posts

points on this pup please!

i looooove these word searches!

for thanksgiving we used to go down and visit extended family but with the whole "no more than 10 people" thing California is doing we've decided to stay home and cook dinner for just me, my husband, my parents, and my two sons. Pretty low key!



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Event Coordinator Panthera Onca .:. The Night Floof 🐆
November 19th, 2020 8:00:04pm
29,792 Posts

^ I like it, Jaya. ;P For you non-americans/canadians, what's on a typical spread for a giant family/friend meal? :P



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Chance -----> The Thoroughbred Factory
November 20th, 2020 8:37:18am
357 Posts

Word search is messaged.

Thanksgiving usually consists of turkey, ham, gravy, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, cranberry sauce, cornbread, rolls, sweet potato casserole, and tons of desserts! Dessert is usually a few different types of pies; apple, pumpkin, cherry, and cookies, and ice cream to go along with the pie. 

We usually all gather and talk/have some adult beverages and then eat dinner and stay at the table talking for the rest of the night. 

I hope you all enjoy your thanksgiving!


Points to horse #340710 please! 


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Kayla Gayle ~~ One Piece Greyhounds ~~ Working a new job
November 20th, 2020 10:57:58am
370 Posts

I sent you the word search link.

My family has always been very traditional. Since it is so large, we now do a pot luck. For those who are not familiar with the term, it's a mostly Southern USA thing where everyone is assigned a dish to bring. My brother in law makes the turkey, gravy, stuffing and usually his pinto beans, which are the best.

My other sister makes the ham, with cherries and pineapples and deviled eggs. Others bring sides.

I was just texted yesterday to bring soda, rolls and cranberry sauce--the smooth kind in the can.

We either go to one or the other sisters house. This year its to my youngest sisters home.


All points btw to dog #130706



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Jaya • If you wanna survive, burn bright
November 20th, 2020 2:37:59pm
27,686 Posts

I'm now craving deviled eggs. Thanks, Kayla :P



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